There is one thing currently on the minds of everyone — Fulda. The Core under the current Guildmistress has promised help to the ailed people of Rheinland. However, there is something that we can't do ourselves in this and the Guildmistress is wondering whether you could help. The Core requires an up-to-date star map of the system of Sigma 59. If you would be willing to lend a hand, the Core would be willing to pay 170 million credits to the Bounty Hunters Guild.
What do you say?
-C. Lyell
Guildkeeper, The Core Attachments: <None>
Origin: Bounty Hunters Guild Offices, Planet Houston, Texas | RESOLVING... | VERIFIED | Sender: Guildmaster John "Mephistoles" Marshall | RESOLVING... | VERIFIED | Data Input: Text Only Recipient: The Core Subject: "-"
Obviously you people have time for grand, dead end adventures, but us real fighter pilots have actual scum to clean up and no time for flowery sightseeing trips.
Go take your own hike in the park, buddy. I'm busy being a hunter.
Then go and kill miners, you will have 10 million per kill. I hope you won't waste my time with clownery and low-tier excuses if you decide to pussy out.
Oh, alright mister I'm-self-important-because-I-can-kill-a-Unioner. But do you really have a thing for miners? Maybe those rumors about you having intimate relationships with guildmaster Namura were right. Oh my.