ID: Location: Subject: ENCRYPTION:
I think I may shed some light on what you've seen there.
I have come across it before while dealing with the Lane Hackers together with my fiance. Rather talkative dude, that was, too. During the initial communication in which I asked for a software to shut down a battleship mainframe, I was told to wait in the Kuryo Cloud with him, and a man who I assumed to be Yoshida uncloaked in a Cutlass before us. I don't have the logs anymore, as I tend to forget these things. Point and case, the base is probably some sort of turning point for the Lane Hacker.
ID: Location: Subject: ENCRYPTION:
In conjuction with the Iseijin, I brought the RNC-Schiller into the Sigma systems to take advantage of the current unrest. Assuming the guise of a radical branch of the Gas Miners Guild, we posed for a series of pictures and returned to a hiding position in the Crow Nebula. The Iseijin were quick to work and soon released a statement to hopefully disperse the doubts that people have had over the first one.
[13.02.2018 19:59:05] Wilde.Zweifel:: Guten Tag...
[13.02.2018 19:59:12] Habu.Funakoshi: Ebenfalls
[13.02.2018 19:59:16] Habu.Funakoshi: Kann ich ihnen helfen?
[13.02.2018 19:59:19] Wilde.Zweifel:: Tell me...
[13.02.2018 19:59:33] Wilde.Zweifel:: what is a lonely transport doing in the middle of a lane..
[13.02.2018 19:59:36] Wilde.Kreuzritter: also, what do we have here then
[13.02.2018 19:59:42] Wilde.Zweifel:: you arent a pirate, are you mein herr?
[13.02.2018 19:59:56] Habu.Funakoshi: i am a bit lost bringing these poor people to their work
[13.02.2018 20:00:09] Wilde.Zweifel:: Are you?...
[13.02.2018 20:00:17] Habu.Funakoshi: Yes sir
[13.02.2018 20:00:23] Wilde.Zweifel:: Do you even have the permission with you?
[13.02.2018 20:00:32] Habu.Funakoshi: I would like to reach stuttgart
[13.02.2018 20:00:39] Wilde.Zweifel:: Because from the looks of it....you may be aswell be a slaver...
[13.02.2018 20:00:55] Habu.Funakoshi: On no Sir , never would do such thing
[13.02.2018 20:01:05] Wilde.Kreuzritter: you still look like one mein freund
[13.02.2018 20:01:05] Wilde.Zweifel:: or maybe you are transporting the poor souls the red hessians...
[13.02.2018 20:01:16] Habu.Funakoshi: I heared there are some around but did not encounter one
[13.02.2018 20:01:23] Wilde.Kreuzritter: more likely... we all know what they do to civilians
[13.02.2018 20:01:26] Habu.Funakoshi: They are diplomats Sir
[13.02.2018 20:01:31] Wilde.Zweifel:: and supporting their attacks towards the bundesrepublik..
[13.02.2018 20:01:37] Wilde.Zweifel:: first you said
[13.02.2018 20:01:41] Wilde.Zweifel:: they are workers
[13.02.2018 20:01:47] Wilde.Zweifel:: and now they are supposed to be diplomats.
[13.02.2018 20:01:49] Wilde.Zweifel:: well well...
[13.02.2018 20:01:52] Habu.Funakoshi: ofcours they are, working for better relations
[13.02.2018 20:02:02] Wilde.Kreuzritter: now what are they mein herr? und be honest with us
[13.02.2018 20:02:17] Wilde.Zweifel:: leutnant, what do you think about him * points at the transport*
[13.02.2018 20:02:19] Habu.Funakoshi: Diplomats meine Herren, just as i said
[13.02.2018 20:02:23] Wilde.Zweifel:: im asking you
[13.02.2018 20:02:35] Wilde.Zweifel:: Where are the papers?
[13.02.2018 20:02:49] Wilde.Zweifel:: For so many people you have to have the permission
[13.02.2018 20:02:51] Habu.Funakoshi: Look here, thats all i got *sends loading dat?*
[13.02.2018 20:02:52] Wilde.Kreuzritter: I'm thinking we perhaps liberate some of those so called diplomats
[13.02.2018 20:03:02] Wilde.Zweifel:: *receives the data*
[13.02.2018 20:03:12] Wilde.Zweifel:: *shakes his head* nein nein nein
[13.02.2018 20:03:15] Wilde.Kreuzritter: looking at that list commandant
[13.02.2018 20:03:17] Habu.Funakoshi: I just do my work Gentlemen
[13.02.2018 20:03:17] Wilde.Zweifel:: that is not enough!
[13.02.2018 20:03:25] Wilde.Kreuzritter: arent those 50 fugetives?
[13.02.2018 20:03:40] Wilde.Zweifel:: We need to do an inspection.
[13.02.2018 20:03:43] Wilde.Zweifel:: right the way.
[13.02.2018 20:03:44] Oxide: Wolf: I want no part of this.
[13.02.2018 20:03:45] Habu.Funakoshi: I am sorry thats what i got picking them up... i am really sorry, i dont know whats missing
[13.02.2018 20:03:51] Wilde.Zweifel:: Those people have to be identified.
[13.02.2018 20:04:07] Wilde.Zweifel:: Prepare to be boarded.
[13.02.2018 20:04:09] Oxide: Wolf: Y'all have fun
[13.02.2018 20:04:23] Wilde.Zweifel:: open your docking bay.
[13.02.2018 20:04:28] Habu.Funakoshi: sure Gentlemen *unlocks docks*
[13.02.2018 20:04:33] Wilde.Kreuzritter: I'll provide overwatch commandant
[13.02.2018 20:04:53] Wilde.Zweifel:: *The RM officer enters the transport ship*
[13.02.2018 20:05:11] Wilde.Zweifel:: *he leaves his ship going towards the passanger decks*
[13.02.2018 20:05:20] Wilde.Zweifel:: *ignoring the transport crew*
[13.02.2018 20:05:29] Wilde.Zweifel:: Open the doors.
[13.02.2018 20:05:40] Wilde.Zweifel:: *he said to a crew member*
[13.02.2018 20:05:43] Habu.Funakoshi: *looking a bit nervious*
[13.02.2018 20:05:45] Wilde.Zweifel:: right now.
[13.02.2018 20:06:03] Habu.Funakoshi: crew member opens doors looking horrified
[13.02.2018 20:06:15] Wilde.Zweifel:: *the doors opens*
[13.02.2018 20:06:37] Wilde.Zweifel:: *he looks at the crew member*
[13.02.2018 20:06:38] Wilde.Zweifel:: What is it?
[13.02.2018 20:06:45] Habu.Funakoshi: *captain speaking* I assure you Gentlemen, everything is in order, absolutely
[13.02.2018 20:06:57] Habu.Funakoshi: What do you mean Sir?
[13.02.2018 20:07:03] Wilde.Zweifel:: Give me the list of the passangers?
[13.02.2018 20:07:16] Habu.Funakoshi: *hands over List while swetting a bit*
[13.02.2018 20:07:39] Wilde.Zweifel:: Take me to this room * points a name on the list*
[13.02.2018 20:08:05] Habu.Funakoshi: sure, follow me
[13.02.2018 20:08:14] Wilde.Zweifel:: *The name sounded familiar, its a member of the bretonian ambassy in rheinland*
[13.02.2018 20:08:19] Habu.Funakoshi: *walks down a bit
[13.02.2018 20:08:23] Wilde.Zweifel:: *they arrived*
[13.02.2018 20:08:27] Habu.Funakoshi: *turns left
[13.02.2018 20:08:27] Wilde.Kreuzritter: GB on site
[13.02.2018 20:08:28] Wilde.Zweifel:: open
[13.02.2018 20:08:35] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: Guten tag men, we have reports of suspicious activity
[13.02.2018 20:08:44] Wilde.Zweifel:: I said open the damn door
[13.02.2018 20:08:50] Habu.Funakoshi: *opens door
[13.02.2018 20:08:57] Wilde.Kreuzritter: gutentag collegen, wir inspect thiss transport und his passangers, ein moment bitte
[13.02.2018 20:09:01] Habu.Funakoshi: sorry sir the keys stuck
[13.02.2018 20:09:13] Wilde.Zweifel:: Do it now
[13.02.2018 20:09:15] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: may I ask why you are inspecting him?
[13.02.2018 20:09:21] Habu.Funakoshi: Sir please no need for violence here
[13.02.2018 20:09:22] Wilde.Zweifel:: you talk to the others
[13.02.2018 20:09:27] Wilde.Zweifel:: Open it
[13.02.2018 20:09:33] Wilde.Kreuzritter: we suspect he's got fugetives wanted for treason on board
[13.02.2018 20:09:37] Habu.Funakoshi: Those poor men are Diplomats on peace mission
[13.02.2018 20:09:39] Wilde.Zweifel:: *now points the gun towards the crew member*
[13.02.2018 20:09:47] Wilde.Zweifel:: Bitte?
[13.02.2018 20:09:49] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: I havepersonally inspected this ship ealier, there is no need for it
[13.02.2018 20:09:53] Habu.Funakoshi: *crew member swetting even more
[13.02.2018 20:10:00] Wilde.Zweifel:: Open
[13.02.2018 20:10:08] Habu.Funakoshi: ^*opens door
[13.02.2018 20:10:10] Wilde.Kreuzritter: we're under orders collegen, you know what its like
[13.02.2018 20:10:17] Wilde.Zweifel:: This one comes with me
[13.02.2018 20:10:21] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: Yes, but I am also ranking officer here
[13.02.2018 20:10:22] Wilde.Zweifel:: No questions asked.
[13.02.2018 20:10:25] Wilde.Zweifel:: Am I clear?
[13.02.2018 20:10:32] Wilde.Kreuzritter: we dont follow under your command mein herr
[13.02.2018 20:10:35] Wilde.Zweifel:: *points the gun towards the diplomat*
[13.02.2018 20:10:54] Wilde.Zweifel:: * the scared diplomat nods and comes with the officer*
[13.02.2018 20:10:54] Wilde.Kreuzritter: bundesnachtrichten mission
[13.02.2018 20:10:57] Habu.Funakoshi: *sir i follow but under protest!
[13.02.2018 20:11:22] Wilde.Zweifel:: *the officer without any further word takes the diplomat to his ship
[13.02.2018 20:11:24] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: May I see the orders?
[13.02.2018 20:11:36] Wilde.Kreuzritter: you may not, that is above your paygrade
[13.02.2018 20:11:51] Wilde.Zweifel:: Leutnant, we are done here.
[13.02.2018 20:11:59] Wilde.Kreuzritter: jawohl commandant
[13.02.2018 20:12:21] Habu.Funakoshi: Thx Gentlemen, i hope you let him go soon, he is not a bad Man
[13.02.2018 20:12:41] Habu.Funakoshi: Am i free to go then?
[13.02.2018 20:12:50] Habu.Funakoshi: Peace mission cant wait
[13.02.2018 20:12:51] Wilde.Zweifel:: *the ship enters the space*
[13.02.2018 20:13:01] Wilde.Zweifel:: *on a privat channel*
[13.02.2018 20:13:12] Wilde.Zweifel:: " Leutnant, kill the rest"
[13.02.2018 20:13:19] Wilde.Kreuzritter: jawhl kommandant
[13.02.2018 20:15:37] Wilde.Zweifel:: what have you seen?
[13.02.2018 20:15:45] Wilde.Zweifel:: tell me what you have seen
[13.02.2018 20:15:47] Wilde.Kreuzritter: answer him
[13.02.2018 20:16:04] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: What do you mean?
[13.02.2018 20:16:10] Wilde.Zweifel:: What have you seen?
[13.02.2018 20:16:13] Wilde.Kreuzritter: he asked you a question mein herr, what did you see
[13.02.2018 20:16:30] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: I have seen nothing that pertains to my paygrade
[13.02.2018 20:16:36] Wilde.Kreuzritter: he learned quick
[13.02.2018 20:16:40] Wilde.Zweifel:: Tell me what happened five minutes ago during your patrol run
[13.02.2018 20:17:01] Wilde.Kreuzritter: answer him! und schnel!
[13.02.2018 20:17:05] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: I continued down a trade lane, from Bonn station to Stuttgart Jump Gate
[13.02.2018 20:17:29] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: Upon arriving at Stutt JG I took a bathroom break
[13.02.2018 20:17:38] Wilde.Kreuzritter: hold it republican
[13.02.2018 20:17:40] Wilde.Zweifel:: outstanding.
[13.02.2018 20:17:51] Wilde.Zweifel:: i believe we understand eachother
[13.02.2018 20:17:54] Wilde.Kreuzritter: what is your business here?
[13.02.2018 20:18:14] Jonas.Zahn: just flying trough
[13.02.2018 20:18:23] Wilde.Zweifel:: it doesnt look like it.
[13.02.2018 20:18:32] Wilde.Zweifel:: i dont like the looks of it
[13.02.2018 20:18:40] Wilde.Kreuzritter: you look like a spy vessel
[13.02.2018 20:18:43] Wilde.Zweifel:: it appears that you are hiding something.
[13.02.2018 20:18:51] Jonas.Zahn: I'm not.
[13.02.2018 20:19:06] Wilde.Kreuzritter: it sounds like he is kommandant
[13.02.2018 20:19:13] Wilde.Zweifel:: indeed.
[13.02.2018 20:19:13] Jonas.Zahn: nein
[13.02.2018 20:19:26] Wilde.Zweifel:: do you have any proof?
[13.02.2018 20:19:39] Jonas.Zahn: how am I supposed to proof it
[13.02.2018 20:19:45] Wilde.Zweifel:: a proof why is a lonely transport vessel duing in the dangerous part of this system?
[13.02.2018 20:19:46] Wilde.Kreuzritter: thats your problem
[13.02.2018 20:19:49] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: Forgive me Herr, and I may be stepping out of line here, but where are your IDs?
[13.02.2018 20:20:00] Wilde.Kreuzritter: moment! wir are workign jetzt
[13.02.2018 20:20:09] Wilde.Zweifel:: I thought we understood eachother military vessel.
[13.02.2018 20:20:35] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: We did, but now that I am back from the restroom, I cannot allow you to harrass a Republican vessel
[13.02.2018 20:20:39] Wilde.Zweifel:: it might be a good advice you simply carry on with your patrol
[13.02.2018 20:20:51] Wilde.Zweifel:: harass?
[13.02.2018 20:20:56] Wilde.Zweifel:: how dare you
[13.02.2018 20:21:00] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: Your behavior in these matters is peculiar, and the RM does not like peculiar activity
[13.02.2018 20:21:13] Wilde.Kreuzritter: did he just call us peculiar kommandant?
[13.02.2018 20:21:14] Wilde.Zweifel:: i will tell it only once.
[13.02.2018 20:21:25] Wilde.Zweifel:: but you should watch your next words carefully.
[13.02.2018 20:22:02] Wilde.Zweifel:: people are dissapearing in these parts
[13.02.2018 20:22:12] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: If you do not allow this vessel to carry on uninterupted I will require a call to command
[13.02.2018 20:22:28] Wilde.Zweifel:: you better not.
[13.02.2018 20:22:46] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: We can all three of us report to them, I will call them directly
[13.02.2018 20:22:54] Wilde.Zweifel:: because this is the ship that just recently destroyed a diplomatic convoy ship
[13.02.2018 20:23:05] Wilde.Zweifel:: am i right leutnant?
[13.02.2018 20:23:14] Wilde.Kreuzritter: this republican? absolutely
[13.02.2018 20:23:20] Jonas.Zahn: liar
[13.02.2018 20:23:26] Jonas.Zahn: nothing of that ever happend
[13.02.2018 20:23:33] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: I am afraid not, as Jonas here is a personal friend of mine since High school on New Berlin
[13.02.2018 20:23:34] Wilde.Kreuzritter: it did, I saw it myself
[13.02.2018 20:23:35] Wilde.Zweifel:: Are you calling me a liar?
[13.02.2018 20:23:49] Wilde.Zweifel:: Rheinland military stay out of this
[13.02.2018 20:23:51] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: So, now I know you are acting peculiar
[13.02.2018 20:24:13] Wilde.Zweifel:: we have just found the person responsible for the terrorist attack in berlin
[13.02.2018 20:24:20] Wilde.Zweifel:: and that person stands before us
[13.02.2018 20:24:24] Wilde.Kreuzritter: im sure we would get a medal if we eliminated him kommandant
[13.02.2018 20:24:32] Wilde.Zweifel:: in this matter the laws are clear
[13.02.2018 20:24:33] Wilde.Kreuzritter: a dangerous terrorist
[13.02.2018 20:24:41] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: If you fire upon that vessel, high command will be alerted and I will engage
[13.02.2018 20:24:42] Wilde.Zweifel:: all terrorist have to be terminated on sight
[13.02.2018 20:24:53] Wilde.Zweifel:: Obey the laws and destroy the vessel
[13.02.2018 20:25:15] Wilde.Kreuzritter: do so now or you will be considered a terrorist as well mein herr militar captain
[13.02.2018 20:25:26] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: I will do no such act
[13.02.2018 20:25:35] Wilde.Zweifel:: Omega patrol are you avoiding fulfiling your duties?
[13.02.2018 20:25:46] Wilde.Kreuzritter: he's ignorning orders kommandant
[13.02.2018 20:25:49] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: No sir, but I am advising you to stand down
[13.02.2018 20:25:57] Wilde.Zweifel:: Treason!
[13.02.2018 20:26:05] Wilde.Zweifel:: feuer frei
[13.02.2018 20:26:07] [RMS]Omega.Patrol: Fine then, have it your way. Engaging!
***... "We" -awake- ... the "Light" demand 'Ours' to ~Actions~ ...***
***... "We" -execute- (!)...***
***... "We" connect to {Alan Green / Karl Klein / Maerto Bertinelli} by mental ~holes~ ...(curiosity)***
***... the "Light" collect ~memories~ (!) ... "We" -shown- ...***
***... The ~songs~ of "Light" moan through ~Hunting grounds~ {Omicron / Omega / Kusari / Liberty} ...***
***...{Short flashing pictures of exploding Human ships}***