Someone started operating a modular base in Dublin without your permission. After the oppressors got to it before you did, she's apparently deciding to give it another go with some attempt at placating them. Considering her... lack of knowledge as to who to contact, I've decided, on account of her being a genuinely nice person, to start intervening on her behalf. Considering I could find no set regulations as to who can or cannot operate any modular installations, and being as Eldorado is clearly still in existence, one can assume that it's a question of fees and docking access. I'll lean on Paddy a bit in terms of the docking access, and I'll cover the fees personally, on account of the invaluable services her last operation provided us.
I look forward to a fruitful complete lack of problems on either side.
Oy's Blodwyn o' Driscoll un' oy work fer deh Republic o' Dublin.
We noticed dhat yer message was addressed tae deh Molly Republic, but oy's afraid dhis group be long gone.
In fact, tis boye pure luck, dhat we managed tae get dhis message. As we were wonderin' what happenin' tae deh station named Dublin Moiners Pub, un' its owner who we supposed tae be Miss Paddy, oy fell upon yer comm' .
So me guess deh Crown, managed tae foind it un' blew it up, imma roight ?
Anyway, oy'd loike tae contact Miss Paddy personally, un' oy hope ye could help me providin' her comm' ID.
Finally, tae let deh people know : Only modular Stations dhat have been authorised boye deh Republic be allowed in its space.
T'is a pleasure to be makin' yer acquaintance at long last and trust t'ings will be discussed frankly a'tween us both.
And a special t'anks to me good friends from THP fer fixen me aerial and negotiating the subspace connection between us. And their generosity that humbles me so oi could blush brighter than Cayman.
To th' matter at hand. The Dublin Miners Pub. You have a concern Miss O'Driscoll, and roightly so given the corrupt practice of me now well-fired lawyer... he bewixed me with legal lies havin' assured me that all persons were contacted and due process followed. (Sigh). No need t' go the way of "Shillelagh law", now.
Currently oi have deconstructed the pub... and am about to rebuild it. Before oi rebuild th Dublin Miners Pub, what was intended to be a small renovation, which was then turned into an inferno as hot as Dante's hell (due all the excess Junkers Joy oi was brewing storing), let us see if'n we can sort out the concerns.
So, let us parley like old friends. We are both Dubliners are we not? Is it not true that we are distant cousins so me Da says, he bein' related to your uncles wife's, adopted nephew Padraic Finnegan who married your fourth cousins grandmother twice removed? Why we are practically kin.
As ye may o' nae, know alreaday, oy's Blodwyn O'Driscoll, un' oy work fer deh Republic o' Dublin.
Un' lt oos say, oy's glad tae meet ye too ! Heard ye were a noice fella' un' all...
So, yes says ye fadher said he be related tae mae uncle's woife's, adopted nephew Padraic Finnegan who married mae fourth cousins grandmodher twoice removed ?
Oy cannae remember o' an adopted nephew boye mae uncle ... which wun be dhat alreaday ?
The woman looked confused for a while, counting on the fingers.
Suddendly her eyes lighted up.
OOOOhhhhh, oy see... ye's koinda loike me cousin, lass !!!
We should definitly have a drink toguedher, please be me guest on Arry, oy know almost e'ery darn pub down 'ere !
So ye's intae genealogy, o' sumtin' ? Oy mus' admit, oy's koinda found too. But it ain't loike oy had a choice.
Ye know how it is 'ere ? Aour bases be loike small villages, un' e'erywun knows each odher, o' e'en be related. Ye know how it is, ye gotta be carefull when ye foind mate ! Blod' suddendly whispered at the comm', twitching her nose.Inbreeding...
Anywaaaaay, errr... Ye wanted tae talk 'bout yer new project, rebuildin' deh Dublin moiners Pub, roight ?
Frem, what oy heard un' saw... Deh thinguie's alreaday rebuilt, aye ? October 23th 824AS November 8th 824AS
Deh firs' occurence be sumtin' loike four days afore ye contacted mae, roight ?
Tae be straight, cousin; ye should play deh honesy card widh oos, lass. Odherwoise, me people tend te use deh aforementioned "Shillelagh law" .
The woman sighed, snorted, and suddendly turned joyfull again
Dhat remoinds me o' me old matey un' mentor, O'Gara... he used tae say dhat "Ye can accomplish more widh a koind word un' a shillelagh dhan ye can with jus' a koind word" . Oy'd had simply added dhat sumtoimes, ye got tae use deh Shillelagh...
Shaking the head, she proceeded.
Dhat ain't deh sort o' tings we take loightly. Oy dunno what deh Junka' taught ye, but it ain't deh people o' Dublin ways... Boye deh way, ye should really consoider leavin' doses unreliables scrap gadherin' koind...Ye's place be among yer koin.
Anyway,ye gotta meet tae sort dhis aout...Ye know how be Deh Republic's law on modular installations ?
Shared aministration, access limitations, ore proices, moduls constructions allowance, un' so...
So let's have a drink on Arry, un' discuss all o' dhis 'round a good ol' whiskey, roighto ?
T'anks cousin.
Oi be right frank wit' ya Blodwyn. And foirstly a big "sorry" from meself to you and all. 'twas financial pressure that forced me hand to rebuild. Aye and the concerns fer our kith and kin, the need to pay them just wages and they worrin' 'bout their babes, and to not lose the skilled staff. It is fearsome awful being a pub manager... all the worry, the threats (yes indeed from Bretonian officers) and now not hearin' from youself fer weeks on end.
But all in all 'tis time to make it roight.
Aye, cousin Blodwyn. Indeed as you have a vested interested in the success of 'the DUP PUB" you have access to scrutinise the facilities at your leisure. As there is restrictions on all who dock y'ill need t' pm me flag ship Paddy wit' the names of the (cough) inspection ships.
(Bear in moind the DUB PUB is demilitarized and that oi keep it tight and NO DOCKING of military ships other than yer designated inspectors of course. Off duty all are welcome to a whisky or a Guinness).
And our your miners are most welcome as long as they slag the BMM and th' loike outside me pub, not in it. (Please tell them oi have installed toilets so no need fer them t'splash their brogues on me floors!).
Further, of course I expect a tax (wink)... fer the cause y'know. Such is expected. And to make amends fer the confusion oi did indeed cause ya, I have a gift of 10,000 units of gold ore ready fer ya t'pick up. Or oi can deliver it to the Coin if you loike. Oi would need dockin' roights fer my good ship. Indeed, oi would take it as a great compliment and be able to deliver ore on a much more regular basis).
And as you have roightly pointed out oi SHOULD be wit' me kin. And y'ill be hearin' from me in on that matter in due course!
So Cousin. Here's t' family, feuds and funds. And do call in, we can have good crack craic t'gether.
When we drink, we get drunk. When we get drunk, we fall asleep. When we fall asleep, we commit no sin. When we commit no sin, we go to heaven. Sooooo, let's all get drunk and go to heaven!(Said by me foirst cousin Brian O'Rourke)