Payment delivered to two accounts. We remind all contractors to ensure their claim is valid before filing the paperwork. Some did not fit the criteria of a proper claim.
Your name:Garrus Hendrix Target name:Wyrm Target ID:Here Target Location:New York, Liberty Space Target Elimination:Here Total Owed:2,000,000 Account To Be Paid:Forlorn|-Garrus:Hendrix
Your name:Nick Stenn Target name:Luciano~Vasquez[TBH] Target ID:Here Target Destruction:Here Target Location:Omicron Gamma Claim Worth:2,000,000 Total Owed:2,000,000 Account To Be Paid:Forlorn|-Bank
He made the mistake of dropping a mine while his shields were down. I capitalized.
Your name:Nick Stenn Target name:(C~Basilisk Target ID:Here Target Destroyed:Here Target Location:Uncharted Kusari Claim Worth:4,000,000 Total Owed:4,000,000 Account To Be Paid:Forlorn|-Stenn
Payment authorized. An additional bonus was applied to the recent claim due to ongoing negotiations with the claimant's organization. Please stand by as we expedite those negotiations.