With lengthy and intense salvaging operation finally completed and debris safely removed from immediate area of Fulda Border Station we turn our attention to the Jump Gate itself. We understand that ongoing conflict with Gas Miners Guild might be an obstacle to a smooth operation of the Gate andr traffic between Rheinland and Kusari. However with experience gathered from Hudson Crisis we wish to tackle this problem before it grows over time and puts your citizens in harm's way of such possible calamity. We are contacting your government to inquire about your plans regarding Frankfurt->Sigma 13 connection so that we could assess options and provide the best solution to the problem.
John White,
Chief Executive Officer,
Ageira Innovations
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Laura Caspers, Staatssekretärin of the Bundeskabinett Sekretariat SOURCE:Bundeskanzleramt, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:Repairs of the Sigma-13 Jump Gate
Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter Chief Executive Officer White.
My name is Laura Caspers and I am Staatssekretärin of the Rheinland Bundeskabinett, you probably remember me from the talks back during the Hudson Crisis.
On behalf of the Rheinland government, I can reply to your inquiry quite simply - we would like to have the Sigma-13 Jump Gate operational as soon as possible, so the flow of the goods between the Bundesrepublik and the Kusari can be restored fully. Or at least as much as the current circumstances will allow.
Anyway, we would like to know if you have any estimation of how much time and money you will need to achieve mentioned goal. And also if there is anything the Bundesrepublik can help you with.
Due to nature of damage caused by extrapolated amount of NEMP ordnance and the fact we already had to deal with this once back in Liberty, we estimate the the price for repairing this Jump Gate would be 420 000 000 SC without including logistical costs that are usually paid as our parts are delivered. We cannot anticipate the length of operation due to possible hostile interventions but at optimal delivery rate and assembly, we would be satisfied with completing it in 42 days from first shipments made.
Due to certain incidents and rumours surrounding the whole situation, we believe it is time to approach your government in order to continue securing our technology in legislated way. We would be willing to waive the bill if your government is open to adding law clause, giving us legal and written permission to confiscate Black Market Light Arms, Docking Ring Parts, Jump Gate and Trade Lane Parts from unauthorized entities. While our conditions have always been there from the dawning days of delivering or assembling our products in foreign houses, it was written in agreements that not all civilians and corporate shippers were aware off. Having it established in accessible portion of the laws would allow us to concentrate our budget towards increasing efficiency of our manufacture plants and facilities thus decreasing overall costs for our clients.
John White,
Chief Executive Officer,
Ageira Innovations
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Laura Caspers, Staatssekretärin of the Bundeskabinett Sekretariat SOURCE:Bundeskanzleramt, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:Re: Repairs of the Sigma-13 Jump Gate
Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter Chief Executive Officer White.
First, I want to apologize for the delay. Due to several reasons, it got stuck in the chain of paperwork and also the discussion in the government needed quite some time.
Anyway, to the matter itself. After the discussion and vote in the Bundestag, your proposal was rejected. Majority of representatives share opinion that giving a corporation basically right to enforce part of laws or trading restrictions would be unprecendental and is not desired. Not to mention how politically delicate would be to give such power to a non-Rheinland corporation.
Mit Freundlichen Grüßen,
Laura Caspers
(//created by Laura C., really sorry for the delay )
It is a shame to hear that your government is unwilling to assist Ageira to uphold our strict protocol regarding illegal shipping of our highly-protected product. We were hoping for more progressive approach to this situation, however we will be expecting for your Government to at least put Ageira's Docking Rings Parts and Jump Gate and Trade Lane Parts as restricted commodity with exclusive rights of shipping granted for Ageira Technologies, Deep Space Engineering and Universal Shipping. Once this addition is within your laws, we will proceed with deliveries to repair the Jump Gate.
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Laura Caspers, Staatssekretärin of the Bundeskabinett Sekretariat SOURCE:Bundeskanzleramt, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:Re: Repairs of the Sigma-13 Jump Gate
Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter Chief Executive Officer White.
Before I present your message to the government, I will rather ask to prevent any misunderstanding - do I understand it right that you condition the repair of the jumpgate by change of the Rheinland laws in exclusive favour of not only your, but another two Libertonian corporations, and without this change you refuse to repair the gate?
This exclusive "favour" has been stipulation of all agreements to sell Docking Rings since year 120, Jump Gates since 185 and Trade Lanes since 280. Even with your government nationalizing the network nothing has been changed for only Ageira Technologies, Deep Space Engineering and Universal Shipping is authorized to transports these highly-exclusive and patent-protected Whiteboxes™ containing those Parts and thus these three corporations has been calibrating, supplying and maintaining for centuries with that stipulation in place although never written on the laws due to various confidentiality clauses at the time. However we are at such a time where laws requires to be precise to be upheld in civilized houses and thus Ageira Innovations is asking your government to finally put this matter to rest by adding it to laws so that all unauthorized cases of various less-than-lawful entities would not be get a free pass by your law enforcement.
Your government and in the past military, has been unkind to our corporation that brought speed of light to day-to-day travels in the following forms:
• Sabotaging Hudson and Bering Jump Gates leading to what later could have caused of Hudson Crisis that could have ended in bigger catastrophe than ever seen before should Ageira Innovations missed the anomalies in readings from.
• Denying continued docking permissions for Ageira Technologies on Rheinland Planets and Police Border Stations during wartime thus putting us Ageira transports in higher danger from various terrorist and pirate movements.
• Threatening us due to Ageira Innovations accidentally breaking your convoluted laws that had different meaning per your side in comparison to our lawyers only to effectively lengthen the transport of industrial-grade Diamonds from Solarius Station to our facilities.
Are we asking too much, to protect our exclusive products that we share with the rest of Sirius already? If you refuse our long-lasting right to confiscate Whiteboxes™ to be added in laws then the least you can do is to uphold it via your law enforcment agencies.
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Laura Caspers, Staatssekretärin of the Bundeskabinett Sekretariat SOURCE:Bundeskanzleramt, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:Re: Repairs of the Sigma-13 Jump Gate
Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter Chief Executive Officer White.
The "long-lasting right to confiscate Whiteboxes™" you mention is not part of any Sirian house laws but The Republic of Liberty. Obviously, the Bundesrepublik Rheinland is not the only house which does not see appropriate to give foreign corporation, or even more of them, right to act similarly as their domestic law enforcement.
Now while I appreciate detailed analysis of why the exclusivity should be added to laws, you still did not give me direct and clear answer to my question. Thus I need to ask again - is Ageira Technologies refusing to repair the jump gate without the requested change of Rheinland laws?
I would like to note that your answer to this question will be quite important for some Bundestag and government representatives, because even on the first meeting where whole issue was prelimiary presented, some expressed doubts if this is still respectful negotiation or it changed into one-sided pressure from your side. This is the reason why your clear statement is needed. Choose wisely.
To elaborate further, there are also some that consider polite -request- for higher protection of your products as understandable. If I may give a little recommendation, it could be quite useful to mention specific reasons why it is necessary and what threats can appear if they stay unprotected. Especially threats related to Rheinland´s interests. Maybe things are obvious for you, but they may be not for some Rheinland legislators. If they would see whole picture and better understand what is this request about, they might be more willing to approve your exclusivity.
However, asking to add even two more Liberty corporations to get the same special rights brings even more questions and begs for more answers why it is necessary. Especially when it comes to Universal Shipping, which was completely banned from Rheinland space during war with Liberty and thus it is clear that maintenance of docking rings, trade lanes, jump gates was possible for several years without them. Logically, some representatives will ask what role which deserves their inclusion between the priviliged parties they have apart from simple delivery of the hardware from Liberty to intended destination.
Ageira Technologies, Deep Space Engineering and Universal Shipping have worked closely through centuries with strict parts to play in providing services to Sirius. While recent decades allowed corporations to expand their operations beyond very specific and narrow roles in this, our companies are loyal to a fault and while we might have a different approach to how we perceive our place in Sirius, we still work hand in hand and we cannot imagine Sirius as it is without this close cooperation throughout centuries. And because of their outstanding performance in the past, all Sirius houses have the same level and density of Jump Gate and Trade Lane network as house where this technology originated from.
While we are aware of your animosity with Universal Shipping during wartime, we have hoped that it is in the past considering your current laws have not a single restriction upon their corporation. Therefore we are questioning the honesty of your claims that it is problematic or concerning to have them on same level as Ageira Technologies and Deep Space Engineering. We would also like to make it absolutely clear that this is not a special right as you assume. This is inherit right for only Ageira Technologies, Deep Space Engineering and Universal Shipping are authorized to transport Docking Ring, Jump Gate and Trade Lane Parts.
We are not asking for additional cargo permission which we currently could not transport. We are asking, for your government to acknowledge our long-lasting proprietary technology rights in a written form. If you claim that everyone should be allowed to transport our Whiteboxes™ then you are approving illegal shipments and criminals who have illegally obtained them in the first place through nefarious ways such as pirating our vessels while on the way to your facilities.
Our Whiteboxes™ are equipped with cutting-edge technology that prevents them from being tampered with in any way possible. Result of such transgression is explosion that leaves nothing but emptiness out of our products. Imagine the scandal if somehow your civilians would be exposed to such security measure due to them believing it is absolutely fine to attempt what civilized and progressive legislative bodies call corporate espionage simply because there is no written law in Rheinland. We are well aware of countless attempts to steal and reverse-engineer our proprietary technology.
And while our corporations use it to provide interstellar travel to Sirius, we know of many organizations that would attempt to weaponize this technology. Imagine the consequences of your enemies gaining such a devastating weapon. We can strongly claim that we have not yet failed to repossess our Whiteboxes™ because Liberty allows us to protect it. We wish that Rheinland does not enable someone to weaponize the technology.
You are forcing us to answer question by putting pressure in implying that it is vital to the outcome of your decision. We would like to remind that while your house have nationalized the network at no point has your house been able to maintain it without involvement of our corporations. Even during wartime, we have upheld our obligation to provide services despite constantly being harassed and discriminated by your officers and looked down by your corporations. If that is not proof of our dedication to provide Sirius with continued faster-than-light travel, then we do not know what is.
Our corporations have many clients and many contracts that we are working on. We have to prioritize it all based on many factors. We do not refuse to repair the Jump Gate that has been collateral damage in assault on your border station but you have to understand that it is in your power to convince us that it should become number one priority for Ageira. Perhaps we should have waited to be approached by your government to judge how fast do you want our solution to your problem.
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Laura Caspers, Staatssekretärin of the Bundeskabinett Sekretariat SOURCE:Bundeskanzleramt, Planet New Berlin
Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter President White.
We never claimed that "everyone should be allowed to transport your Whiteboxes™". This issue was never brought to government´s attention by anyone including your corporation until now, it is simple as that. After proper explanation, restriction of their transportation is mostly perceived as reasonable measure when enforced by our law-enforcement forces in Rheinland space.
To prove this and our intention to reach agreement reasonable for both sides, as well as our interest to have the jump gate repaired as soon as possible, the government and the Bundestag approved law change which added Docking Ring Parts as well as Jump Gate and Trade Lane Parts to list of restricted cargo which can be legally transported only with respective license. This change was submitted for law update already, once it will be done, the federal polizei will be asked to issue license. However, only to Ageira Technologies at this moment.
We believe this approach provides a sufficient guarantee of Bundesrepublik´s attitude for your corporation, thus you can work on repair of the jump gate - I hope, Herr president White, you can confirm that now it can and will continue without any further delay - while this negotiation will continue. Like I suggested, we want to come to an agreement, but the way you proposed is considered by many as a very much one-sided. We respect that you are a manufacturer of unique goods, but you asked for exclusive license in Rheinland space for even two more Liberty corporation. To say it simply, we consider as fair to request in exchange something for Rheinland corporations too.
So, as we are having talks about exclusive rights for transportation of your products, we would like to know if you would be in favour of one or two Rheinland corporations getting the same privilege. We know that this would require change of Liberty laws to allow legal purchase at your distribution station there, but we are quite sure that your support for it would have significant weight during potential negotiations with the government of the Republic of Liberty.