I DEMAND KNF MISHIMA be removed from Kusari Naval Forces and put on the KOS list along with Gensou.Maru
I cannot even come to imagine how much more a police officer can become corrupt. I was accused of being a pirate.. inside my advanced train with a trader ID and the guy who accused me apologized and said he made a mistake. Even with that information Mishima continued to ASSAULT me and had Gensou.Maru chase me all the way to Kyushu. He claimed i attacked civilians which is a LIE. he has no proof at all and is trying to cover himself. He said i was banned from Kusari space and now a fugitive for doing what? Trading... I Demand his removal from the academy. Ban him form the police force and make him a KOS fugitive.
I'm sure there's more. But umm... Anyways, he's a NAVY officer, not a police officer. But if what you say is entirely true and the entire story, then there is something wrong.
I have been informed by the Samura Gensou.maru pilot that he had engine troubles and to access for repairs the cargo had to be offloaded to space.
This thieving gaijin then swept by--fleeing from the police--and stole the diamonds--adding them to the collection he had no doubt stolen elsewhere. Will you believe the report of a thieving and lying gaijin or of honorable Kusari citizens?
One of our Hogosha ships heard this disrespectful foreigner railing at and defying the honorable Kusari officer and came to aid him.
Coyote threatened a KNF officer with death and reprisals of violence and was most abusive in his attitude.
He deserves reprisals if he does not offer respect gift to the officer and Samura pilot--and he is so marked now by the Hogosha.
Gaijin dishonor will not be allowed in Kusari space. It is not to you to determine your guilt or innocence--that is the job of the police and military and you should accept their verdict.
Do not cross our path without being prepared to make an offering or you will perish.
Shigeo Kitamura, Gen'yosha Rinjin, Guardian Black Hole Sun Conglomerate
Long live Kusari and its honorable servants!
<span style="font-family:System">Hogosha Exile</span> The Journal of Benjo Dokosai
Oh cmon, thats such BS. You should be completely ashamed to yourself because you know in yourself that you are at fault. Coming out with all the respect and whatnot, talking about honor when you are the one defiling it. And yes i admit having disrespectful comments to a CORRUPT PILOT. You dishonor the tag of KNF and deserve to be executed.
And yes, i did run from the police after i took all the abuse from him in front of Toyko trying to talk hi out of attacking a civilian. He continued to fire. I Ran once i had half health and no shield, what would any good pilot do for his crew? take the hits and hope to god he stops? I dont think so.
I was present when this was taking place, I was trading in New Tokyo. and out of nowhere, that KNF guy starts saying that CoyoteMcgee stole some diamonds. I really have no idea what set the KNF guy off, but he would not stop firing on CoyoteMcgee, even after he scanned him and saw he had a Trader ID. The KNF guy just sat there yelling "FUGITIVE" and kept on firing on him. I was also thinking of reporting him.