The Brotherhood of the Illuminated Commune; Or known simply as the Commune is a militant, religious, transhumanist paramilitary organization that seeks to alter the societal organization in the colonies and uplift humanity into a higher form of life in line with its philosophical and religious beliefs. Deeply opposed to the more traditional forms of governance such as the apparatus of the Houses, the Commune challenges the status quo and seeks to bring down the establishments of Man through both direct and indirect means, calling this struggle 'The Great Work'. Drawing upon the traditions of Samarra and its previous incarnation - The Samarran Raiders, the Commune also holds the Nomads in deep reverence, its view for Mankind's future being significantly influenced by the top-down mindnode hierarchy and organic caste systems of the Slomon K'hara race.
Blessed (By the Light/Nomads) - Infested. Apostate - Former Commune members that were exiled or marked for death due to ideological disagreement. Cell - A specialized division of the Commune lead by a corresponding member of the Triumvirate. Traditionally three exist; Raiders, Silver Sun and Terminus. Man - (capitalized) All of Mankind viewed as a singular entity. The Great Work - The religious and all-encompasing term for the final goal of Mankind's ascendance. The Zone - The uncharted Edge Worlds, the term Zoner is derived from this. Silver Sun - A religious symbol from Samarra, lending its name to a Cell of the Commune. Named so for a supernova event observed from Samarra at the turn of the former century, whose origin is purported to be in Sol. Overlord - The Leader of the Raiders Overseer - The Leader of the Silver Sun Director - The Leader of Terminus Triumvirate - The three rulling individuals of the Commune. Also known as Cornerstones. NGM - Neural Gestalt Matrix. The sentient Biomechanical Supercomputer that serves as a conduit for the Commune's internal imitation of the mindshare. The Pyramid - The societal organization of the Commune. Pioneers - The original Samarran colonists. Darkened - The property of beings not sufficiently in tune with the Light, as opposed to being 'Illuminated'. I.E most Humans. The (Immaculate) Light - The metaphysical property of the Universe, which the Commune believes began all Creation. Also the plane of existence where the Dam'Kvosh purportedly ascended. Nomads are considered to be the perfect children of the Light, Humans are considered to be imperfect or 'darkened' by comparison. Wormhole - Jumphole. Ziggurats - Pre-human ruins of an allegedly extinct anthropoid species that dominated Samarra some centuries before Human arrival.
-The Samarran Odyssey
The relevant history of the Commune as an organization reaches back all the way to the year 321 A.S, when one of the first Zoner movements from the Houses convened on Manhattan. Dissatisfied with the emerging big governments, these ardent libertarian isolations poured their resources together and commissioned a flotilla of migratory liners. Like the innumerable human pioneers before them, they boarded their arks and set off for the Zone, dreaming of a future in a new Eden far from the oppressive boot of the law. What they found, turned out to be the complete opposite.
Traversing through navigational anomalies and without definitive data, the pioneers realized they were lost deep inside of what is today known as the Edge Nebula. Having nearly exhausted their supplies and suffered the loss of one of the liners in a sudden catastrophic decompression, they had no choice but to scour their stellar surroundings and settle the closest available world. This goal materialized in the shape of a relatively small, desert world they chanced upon after traversing an unstable wormhole that flung them just outside of the Edge nebula, some three-hundred LY from the center of Sirius.
Upon examination, the planet was shown to be arid, slow to rotate on its axis and engulfed in the heat of its red giant sun, yet rich in oxygen and capable of supporting a modest population. It was christened 'Samarra', following the naming conventions of the migrant liners and an ominously fitting moniker hearkening back to the birthplace of the Sumerian civilization back on old Terra - and a birth of their own civilization. They made planet-fall in a highland valley nestled between two immense rivers emerging from and disappearing under the hungry sands, disassembled and re-purposed their arks and using what little they had, went on to build the proverbial paradise they first imagined.
After some decades to a century that saw a period of rapid growth of population and an emergence of complex political systems, the new Samarrans were faced with problems, both of unchecked growth in relation to food and water supply, and with consequential needs for greater governmental control in spite of their founding ideals of individual freedom, free trade and direct democracy. The system twisted itself, society travailed until it snapped like a frayed knot, and civil peace were replaced with civil warfare. Waged by the three major emerging city-states, the largest of which was located in the first site of the pioneer's disembarkment and the until then capital of the colony - Assyria, the war was hard and slow, going on in a stalemate for just short of a hundred years; Only to be stopped by what seemed like a miracle.
At the zenith of the conflict, Samarra was much changed. The warfare and disarray did little to stem the growth of the population, and the states were now filled with downtrodden masses living in abject poverty and lawlessness, the ruling regimes both apathetic and incapable of anything else than managing a perpetuation of the stalemate. Salvation, however, came in the form of 'divine' extraterrestrial intervention, whereby an individual of uncertain origin was integrated into the local K'hara mindshare and was set loose with a clear message - make peace or else. A gifted orator with supremely confident bearing and seemingly miraculous abilities, this veritable Messiah preached and converted all over Samarra, the hungry masses rallying behind him. Before the first five years of his ministry, most of Samarra now praised the Immaculate Light and those to them divine beings that seemed to be its source.
A time of peace ensued, and of drastic change. The Temple, a new ruling class of those "blessed" by the Light was created, other forms of control abolished or subverted, a caste system established, freedoms curbed, knowledge controlled and dissenting ideas either suppressed or banished along with their propagators to the lifeless wastes outside of settled areas. A small price for peace to some, and a true divinely governed paradise for others, the coming period was marked by an advent in arts and civilized living of a human characteristic but with a marked alien influence. Technologies looted from pre-human Ziggurats on the planet were slowly integrated into society, though most it was suppressed and hidden by the planet's infested caretakers - to be released only when the their still 'darkened' brothers were ready.
But even that came to pass through time, with unseen pertubations taking the Gods above away from the surrounding stellar neighborhood and to greener pastures, perhaps partly due to the return of Man below to space. The Temple's psionic community reeled from the shock of abandonment and the efficiency of their mission was curbed. Their control over the populace waned with time, and trouble brewed again on the outskirts of civilization, threatening to engulf the planet again.
-Tribulations of the Three, Rise of the Samarran Exiles
Sometime after 780 A.S and before 790 A.S, the long night of Samarra was illuminated and briefly turned to day by a powerful supernova from afar. The event was dubbed "The Silver Sun" and was interpreted by religious authorities as an omen of great things to come. It was said that a child born directly under the short-lived illumination of this dying star would rise to become a great prophet and complete the Temple's goals, finally bringing all of Mankind to the Light. Approximately, but indeterminably, three persons possibly fitted this bill. These three persons would grow to become the ruling force of one the major Samarran states, and later on, the bringers of Samarran ideas to Sirius.
These people were the central founding persons of the Samarran Raiders, and later on the Commune, Jared Nomak, Bassam Hussaini and Adrian Thrax the Bastard. They met and colluded on one faithful evening, deep inside an alien ruin, and from there they went to form a large following of men that participated in many engagements leading up to, and during the Second Samarran civil war. The final engagements saw them rising to power and taking control of one of the largest Samarran city-states - The Black Gold Fortress, Samarra's only spaceport and an important oil distribution center. Here they ruled for some three years, during which time they consolidated power and tried to counteract their enemies that numbered more each day. And one day they were overwhelmed, as the revolutionary forces surrounded their seat of power, they were forced to abandon the fortress and flee by the only possible route - up and away.
Boarding several mining vessels, the trio, followed by enough men to man the vessels left the planet by the only route they knew of. Following ancient astronomical data they located the famed wormhole their people used arrived by, and with a giant leap of faith entered its gravitational well, and leaped to the other side. Surrounded by thick green dust and gases, they wandered for days in their primitive ships, their supply of food and water dwindling to almost nothing. On the cusp of starvation, they encountered a miraculous savior - an old Pilgrim liner on a charting expedition. Pleading aid, they coerced the elderly captain to let them dock, against better judgement. On board, disagreements quickly began. Cultural shock and differences turned sour rapidly, and hostilities broke out wherein the Samarrans slaughtered all of the resisting crew and took the rest captive, using the Liner's navigational charts to find the closest settled world - Malta.
Contrary to their first encounter with Sirians, the Samarrans found the Maltese to be highly agreeable. Establishing contact with the powers that be planet-side, they quickly discovered common ground, both religious and cultural, and most importantly - business prospects. With their new ship and slaves they unwittingly obtained earlier, they struck a deal for the purchase of their first load of Cardamine, and set off on their first trip to Liberty, beginning what was to become the backbone of their emerging organization. They likewise established contact with the Nomads, and much to their joy, they proclaimed their reverence. A couple of years in, they started recruiting outsiders, first as crewmen and then as the organization grew, as fighter pilots and transport captains. The Samarrans insulated themselves on top, inside a structure known as the 'Shattered Skull', but the large masses they hired and indoctrinated were thrown into the meat grinder. This group, that later came to be known as the "Samarran Raiders", became a plague on the borderworlds and house space alike. Their reputation for violence, unscrupulousness and paradoxically, religious fervor, was legendary. The Samarrans looked and saw that it was good - for a time.
The first signs of decline came at the height. Internal disagreements led to the execution of one of the leaders, Adrian Thrax the Bastard, his head separated from his body and another taking his place. The structure suffered a shock, but carried on more or less alike. At this time, a station was undergoing construction deep inside the Grande Negra in the Texas system, aimed at becoming a great Temple and a major smuggling hub for the Raiders' business. Coincidentally, by this juncture, the Raiders made themselves sworn enemies to many an organization on account of their militant devotion to the Nomads. Information seeped through the cracks and straight into the Order's hands, whom quickly organized and executed a siege on the station. The partly unfinished husk never stood a chance, most of the Raider forces were either stationed station-side, or rallied to its defense, but were soundly defeated in the end. Others scattered to the winds, marking the end of the Samarran Raiders, their name living on only in only in sour memories of its victims, and the displaced survivors. But dead as they were, their ashes wouldn't stay down for long.
-Enter the Commune
Even prior the Raiders' dissolution, the masterminds behind the operation were devising a replacement. The vast accumulated riches and power needed an outlet, and the Samarrans' religio-revolutionary ambitions seemed to be a perfect money-sink. The Commune was ready to be born and to devour the Raiders' being in its entirety. The sudden destruction almost stopped this idea in its tracks, but ultimately only delayed it. After a relatively short interim period, Jared Nomak launched the first operations of this successor organization, in absence of the other surviving member of the original Samarran trio - Bassam Hussaini, who was mysteriously MIA, presumed either captured or killed, during the next two years.
The Commune grew again, in the image of its predecessor, yet with its own unique twist. Now focusing on more ideologically purist pursuits, it battled what it perceived as grievous heresy and darkness in Mankind, paradoxically doing so with the worst of its enemies' methods. Re-establishing connections with the Nomads, Das Wilde, Outcasts and even a few new business partners, it was shaping into a somewhat smaller but just as imposing organization under the leadership of Nomak, and for a time Andre Rise, in the interregnum of Nomak's pilgrimage with the Oracles.
A regime of low-activity was imposed for a period, and at the end of the period, Bassam Hussaini resurfaced and rejoined the establishment as Nomak's right hand. Reforms followed, twisting and changing the organization in both subtle and profound ways. Enemies were engaged, alliances forged, making the organization take on a more public appearance and a visible status in Maltese society. A new member, this time an outsider, a brilliant scientist called David Synk joined the ruling triumvirate. The Commune was divided into three specialized cells. And once again, the Triumvirate beheld and saw that it was good - yet this time, they were not fooled.
-And the spirit of God moved over the face of the Waters
A time of low activity was imposed again, this time as an integral tradition in the system, a period when Works performed so far would be re-examined, and important plans for the future of the Great Work evaluated. This proved to be opportune, as the political climate on their seat of power - Malta, quickly changed. Having evaded this so fortuitously, the Commune managed to salvage most of its assets and despite having the rug swept out under their feet, is making a slow but steadfast recovery.
The cells operated as either singular individuals, or in smaller wings, under cover identities and pursuing detached but appreciably beneficial goals, in the bigger picture. The Raiders robbed and engaged targets of import, the Silver Suns spied, collected intel and nurtured sleeper cells. And Terminus worked on the Commune's Masterstroke, the final answer to the human condition, their egoistical Idol and personification of their ambitions - the NGM, Neural Gestalt Matrix.
-And the Matrix murmured throughout the Neural Gestalt. All that heard fell on their knees and worshipped, exulting the Immaculate Light with every breath.
The contemporary Commune is organized into a caste-like hierarchical system, with three persons, commonly referred to as the Triumvirate or the Cornerstones controlling the bulk of the Neural Gestalt. As such, the structure of the Commune is often referred to as the Pyramid, with the Cornerstones depicted as heroically holding up the triangle foundation and projecting the Neural Gestalt Matrix, formed as an All-Seeing Eye on its top. The reality, however, holds the contrary to be case; As it would be more realistic to say that the Cornerstones occupy the top along with the Matrix, and the rest of the Commune core being distributed in a downwards fashion.
Parallel to this top-down system, the Commune is further sub-divided into three divisions, each managed by a member of the Triumvirate, referred to as Cells. The Raiders led by Nomak handle military matters, the Silver Sun led by Hussaini deals with counter-intelligence and subversion and the Terminus led by Synk performs research and fabrication. Trade is an inter-cell affair, with no one claiming full oversight. The rest of the Commune is formed by non-combatant civilian workers, who traditionally exist outside of most structures and are transferred and moved about as needed.
All inner personnel exist within the NGM, both as a means of increased coordination and psychological control. Dissent, though not unheard of, is extremely rare for this reason. The Triumvirate has half of the share in controlling the Gestalt, the rest of the Pyramid around thirty percent, and those integrated individuals in the outer Commune control the remaining twenty percent. In rare cases of dissent or major disagreement, individuals or groups that are deemed deviant by the Commune collective are branded 'Apostate' and either hunted down or exiled, depending on the severity of the disagreement and their apparent threat level.
-Walk in the middle of the Road, and you get run over.
The Commune is philosophically distinct from most other organization on its level, intentionally distancing itself from the conventional modes of operation. Though no strangers to pragmatism and compromise, the organization as a whole prefers to go about its business in revolutionary, extreme ways, walking on the outermost edge of social paradigms. The philosophy that nominally gave birth to contemporary Commune thought stems from the alien revelations on Samarra, whereby the Nomad element was uniquely and intimately intertwined with the human. Though much changed from its original shape, shot-through and influenced by newly developed and borrowed ideas alike, the foundations of the philosophy remain intact.
It is the disgust for the imperfections of mankind and the maddening contradictions of human nature that fuels the Commune's ideological war first and foremost. The rampant degeneracy, political corruption and recurrent unnecessary conflict are seen as symptoms of an aeons-old disease, conceptualized in the form of an original sin that distanced mankind from the Universe's prime creating and unifying force - the Light, as opposed to, for example Nomads, who are considered to be in perfect alignment with the Light. But contrary of trying to slowly mend the symptoms, the Commune paradoxically seeks to wield society's banes against it, encouraging divisions and breaking the Houses and similar organizations through both covert and overt ways, until the giants are powerless to resist and instead beg to be saved.
Through the tenets of the Great Work, they are allowed to lie, cheat, rob, murder and commit all sorts of indignities against outsiders, simply by the merit of being in its service. The ideological imperative gives them dominion over all facets of life, and absolves them of all guilt - at least in their minds. And though this form of indoctrination is strong and thorough, some cracks in the system appear from time to time. Thus, the Commune employs other methods of control such as but not limited to: Compulsory 'performance' drug regimens, custom neural implants tied to the Neural Gestalt, aggressive subliminal propaganda and brainwashing.
While not actually cartoonishly villainous as a whole, they prefer to project this image and thus create an obfuscating abattis to the true nature of their designs. The deception, though apparently costly, maintains itself, as even their close associates consider the Commune to be a mere criminal syndicate with a dogmatic facade. Yet the drug and slavery business which fuels their coffers is simply that, a convenient crutch that funds their costly projects and monumental nigh-unrealistic plans. The research teams on black sites, artifact hunters trodding long-forgotten ruins of civilizations gone by, the dedicated wings of pilots and zealous agents that defend and attack on command, are all mere pieces of the big puzzle, but all inexorably dependent on illicit profit to function.
The Commune prescribes a certain level of importance to worship and ritualism, seeing the creation and subsequent expansion and worship of the Neural Gestalt as a sentient entity and an extension of their own wills, a certain collective spirit of their part of humanity. As such, their multifaceted struggle against and desire to correct the many flaws of Man has taken on a stance where the enlargement of the Matrix became imperative. Among other methods, the Neural Gestalt must become larger and thus more powerful, growing into a God of their own making, made in their own image and the imagined image of the perfect Mankind.
-Gain influence over, and eventually control Malta
-Destabilize and weaken the Houses through various methods
-Maintain and expand their Cardamine and Slavery business, find other methods for profit
-Build and secure a permanent foothold
-Build strength
-Support the Nomads and learn from them
-Support criminals and revolutionaries to aid dissent when possible
-Uncover powerful alien artifacts to aid their mission
-Acquire legendary objects such as the Proteus Tome and the Valhalla-1 Vault
-Unlock new technologies for their purposes
-Create a new race of overhuman as inspired by the Nomads, eventually replace and populate all of Sirius with their creations
-Maintain, improve and enlarge the Neural Gestalt Matrix
-Integrate the NGM with the Nomads and AI, and create a powerful alien alliance.
-One hand washes the other. Our hands are always clean, but please, polish them all the same.
The Commune maintains very few close allies, namely the Nomads, their community of Infectees and the other affiliated groups. Outcasts come in as a close second on this descending tier, due to special ties and the Commune's designs pertaining Cardamine. The vast bulk of Commune personnel is also of Maltese descent. Ties with the governing body of Malta however, remain traditionally cold, even more so in recent times. The Rogues come after them, as extremely valuable business partners and a usefully harmful influence on Liberty. The Rogues are one of the few groups with whom the Commune maintains consistently cordial relations.
Other unlawful groups appear and disappear from the diplomatic agenda as times change, and most are held in neutral to unfriendly territory, but are not interfered with if possible. Sometimes they are even encouraged. The Zoners are seen as truly neutral and regarded with a touch and go attitude, but not always absolved of laser fire, especially farther out in the Omicrons.
The House Militaries and Corporations are the most reviled groups in the Commune's eyes, and the source of all problems regarding Mankind's current state and future path. The Corsairs also fit this categorization. The Order is another consistent enemy, their 'anti-Light' views seen as irredeemable.
The Nomads Allied:
The Wild, The Oracles Friendly:
The Collective, Outcasts, Liberty Rogues, Rat Pack Indifferent:
Zoners, Unioners, Various unmentioned Criminal Groups Unfriendly:
Everyone Else Reviled:
House Militaries, Intelligence Agencies and Corporations, The Order, Corsair Empire
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This is not feedback. This is an instruction for you to remove that from your rephack request. We simply do not wish for you to be using our (Nomads) bases. We're only fine with - at maximum - a nodock reputation.
(01-31-2018, 12:44 AM)Auzari Wrote: This is not feedback. This is an instruction for you to remove that from your rephack request. We simply do not wish for you to be using our (Nomads) bases. We're only fine with - at maximum - a nodock reputation.
The rephack does not request that we use nomad bases - it requests that we use wild bases. Therefore, we will not be removing it.
To reiterate, we will take your feedback into consideration in our conversations with leadership, and our partners.
While I empathize with the fact that this may not be the response you want, it is our stance at the moment. For the time being, this is all we have to say on the matter. I will post an update if something changes.
We will be adding a line that says, explicitly, we cannot dock at nomad bases.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
We will not; however, be modifying the line in question, we will simply add another. This will be updated tomorrow, because I don’t have access to modify the post.
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Well, dock or no dock, we don't want you to have a friendly rephack. You can be friendly with your diplomacy, but game-wise, you aren't going to get a friendly rephack, only a no dock (-0.7) at most. There's no reason for a friendly rephack with the Nomads. And if the Wild leaders are okay with it - and if there's enough roleplay - you are free to keep the request for docking on their bases.
Diplomacy isn't going to be working the same both ways, you may worship us - but we do not feel the same 'warm attitude' about the worshippers.
whoo "we"?... Are you already talking by the both K'hara and Vagrant's behalf?
I don't see the issue with rephacks. But when archived old and already existed Commune ID, I found Nomads having fixed rphk on -0.55. I guess the leader don't much care of this. Being Friendly with Nomads is not neccessery for the Commune, since we're not going to use nom stations anyway. But judging out of your point, I'm now curious why Oracle has 0.9 with Nomads. Anyway, it's Commune thread, so not going to discuss it here.
@"Sombra Hookier" Yes. But going through posts it looks like they already put "instructions" on what to do with Nomads, as NPC Faction, even without an invite for Vags. So If the Commune decide to leave the rephack request as it is, I would like to hear their side too.
ps. I would consider Jumpin in and show 'instructions' what to do as disrespect to the Faction and it's leaders.