Hi. While there is a heated, drama induced and radical discussion about whether limit caps or not, it sparked an idea for me.
Lets move into Official Factions and their Flagships. Those ships that represents pinnacle of Faction's military might. However, there is one problem. So few factions utilize them, especially when it comes to combat.
So here is an idea to intencivize their usage while bringing a touch of resource management into them.
- All flagships get a CAU IX armor upgrade. 4.3x multiplier. However, there is %2-3 chance of "breaking". No, the break isnt "its gone permanently". You either pay a Cau7's worth of money or some amounts of SciData for instant repair, or you gather some materials for lower cost with a time factor.
- In addition, every time you die, you pay 15-20m death penalty.
- You can opt in for upgrades as official faction perks such as even more upgraded armor, upgraded powercore, integrated jumpdrive or an EMP device. All uses same breaking mechanic used on CAU IX.
Sure, let's do it. Let's give official factions these one off spooky ships that add an extra dimension to the battlefield. Details would take a lot of working out, but the concept is sound.
So, it's a booby trapped power armor upgrade for one capital ship of an official faction, at the request of said faction?
Which means it can be ignored if said faction doesn't want to name a flagship, or deal with maintenance costs of a giant pinata?
Factions should have same ships as indies do, imho. Your idea might lead to everyone would start a faction, just to have a unique ship with cherry on top.
Secondly, I don't support any penalty for losing a battle, mostly cuz I die a lot. Another reason would be generating even more ganks, drama and salt, or even drop in activity later. Players would log mostly to win easily, not risking their funds.
It's a great concept but when you include material gains/loss into the proverbial gamble that is sending in your main faction ship, of which one can assume people have invested time and money into, only for it to get swarmed and destroyed?
Then the intention of this concept, if actually implemented, is defeated because no one's going to actually want to commit their snow-flake anymore. The costs add up and, even though this isn't real currency, inevitably no one's gonna wanna bother.
Again, great concept, but Disco's a decade old and the people still around are the traditionalists and die-hard fanatics of "What works, works."