Brief background information: I was born on Planet Cambridge, there my father worked in logistics for the Armed Forces, so i can say that since age 6 i've been on a transport, we relocated to Leeds with the industry boon, and sadly that's over now, and my parents part of the massive ammount of refugees in Bretonia. I want to help in some way the people across my country, my only desire it's to drive Gallia from Sirius.
Transport or Squadron: Both, while i'm bad piloting fighters, i'm very good with bombers.
Skype Name: gilsalaz07
Have you ever been sanctioned before? (provide a link): Never
Personal ID: MN-0385.648ROD Name: Ryan O'Dukes Rank: Commodore, Executive Officer Fleet: Bretonia Merchant Navy
Good day, Mr. Salazar
Well, that quite sounds like a very agressive attitude to me. Anyways, you seem to have quite some experience with Shire-class vessels, so welcome aboard. Get your gear ready and join the Convoys, sir!
Your application is ACCEPTED, your new rank is "Deckman". Please report to my office for further instructions.
Brief background information: Former Cryer Pharmaceuticals transport pilot, but felt the call to duty when our homeland was invaded by Gallia. I have a wife and children on Planet Cambridge, and want to do what I can to safeguard their future.
Transport or Squadron: Transport
Skype Name: Danath.
Have you ever been sanctioned before? (provide a link): No
Personal ID: MN-0385.648ROD Name: Ryan O'Dukes Rank: Commodore, Executive Officer Fleet: Bretonia Merchant Navy
Good day, Mr. Webb
Sir, as you worked for Cryer, i dun' wann' ask about what ye doin' there, but also, you may be welcomed as a reinforcement of our transport squadron. We'e always in need of transport captains, hauling cargo of unknown origin to places which do not quit the delivery papers...
Your application is ACCEPTED, your new rank is "Deckman". Please report to my office for further instructions.
Brief background information: I was born on planet Leeds, and i've did a formation in the steering of the big transport. During Kusari war, i was engaged in a supplier for the front. With the invasion of Gallia in our house i thought i must help Bretonia the most often as possible. To acomplish this duty the Her Majesty's Service is the royal way!
Transport or Squadron: Transport
Skype Name: Nordwind
Have you ever been sanctioned before? (provide a link): Nope.
Personal ID: MN-0385.648ROD Name: Ryan O'Dukes Rank: Commodore, Executive Officer Fleet: Bretonia Merchant Navy
Good day, Mr. Stark
First of all, i'm really sad what happened to your home. But with you in our ranks, we can do our job and get your home back into bretonian territory. Let us do this together, we shall never give up, sir!
Your application is ACCEPTED, your new rank is "Deckman". Please report to my office for further instructions.
Brief background information: I was a marine in the army but I have always wanted to fly a ship now is my chance! Of course my skill is lacking but i believe with the training you provide, i could definitely fight!
Transport or Squadron: both
Skype Name: WolfO9
Have you ever been sanctioned before? (provide a link): no
Personal ID: MN-0385.648ROD Name: Ryan O'Dukes Rank: Commodore, Executive Officer Fleet: Bretonia Merchant Navy
Good day, Mr. Kahn
Looks as if we got another young gun, applying for our ranks. As you wish to join the escort squadron, you will directly report to Mr. Boone's office. He will be your division leader, so you better do what he sais, learn from him and stick to his orders. Alright son? Now move it, we'll see what you can do for us...
Your application is ACCEPTED, your new rank is "Deckman".
Brief background information: Born and raised on the planet Leeds, my family has made a living in both manufacturing and business. I've always believed that I'd follow the same path. The threats and invasions from the Gauls has changed that, however. I've realized that Her Majesty's fleets do not just require funding, they require honest men and women who will fight to protect what is ours. I've recently completed my training in the military academy and feel I am ready for active duty.
Transport or Squadron: Squadron.
Discord Name: BoNT#4621
Have you ever been sanctioned before? (provide a link): No, clean record.
Personal ID: MN-0385.648ROD Name: Ryan O'Dukes Rank: Commodore, Executive Officer Fleet: Bretonia Merchant Navy
Good day, Mr. Reeve
And another young boy from Leeds! Looks as if we got all 'em young guns from the'e now. Well, could be worse. Boy, let's take your home back! Welcome aboard, Mr. Reeve, report to my office for further instructions.
Now every man to his rope or gun! Quick's the hand and sharp's the action, after all surprise it at our side!
Your application is ACCEPTED, your new rank is "Deckman".