This is a RP focused community and server, and there are common grounds and guidelines that everyone follows. Many of these are unwritten rules that people pick up through exposure to the community. However, I am wondering one thing. Where do we draw the line of what is RP, and what is not allowed?
From a rules stand point, we have the following:
Rules Wrote:1.6 Character names must be inRoleplay and the use of excessive symbols, profanity, country tags, memes, pop-culture references as player characters is not allowed. For guidelines, look here.
1.8 No ponies, furries, or direct imports are allowed.
3.3 OOC (Out of Character) chat and behaviour in Local/System Chat.
This is all I can find in terms of actual rules that state what we can/can't do. Does that mean there is nothing stopping people from repeating the mistakes of the past with very "anti-Freelancer" factions? What is to stop people creating characters/factions that are like the Phantoms, or early RoS RP?
This question comes from the fact that I've seen some very "iffy" RP on the forums that is borderline ooRP due to some of the stuff it involves. I've read things like people originating from outside of Sirius, entire other species, or even stuff involving characters that are centuries old.
The latter one is only slightly plausible because of Cardamine, but I've seen characters that haven't touched it yet managed to live longer than all others. I am not saying we should have admins/moderators scouring stories for things that constitute a freelancer lore breach, but rather add some way of people reporting things that blatantly breach the lore.
We are all here to RP and have fun, but I am wondering to what degree we are willing to accept the things that happen. There was a time where the community almost unanimously agreed that furries were banned because they didn't belong in this universe, so I am wondering if we can do such a thing again, and come to a consensus of what is allowed and what should be banned.
The community regulates itself. We have seen how the more deviant things are, the more likely they are to be greeted with hate and complaints for the sake of complaints. it doesn't necessarily matter if they are trolling, doing stuff on purpose or are genuinely not knowing better, but the community will try by force to align them to the norms. Is it good or bad? I don't care. It worked well until today. It will work well in future as well. I myself just ignore bullcrap and avoid it as much as possible.
When it comes to factions, the SLIS Team. When it comes to indies: Nobody specificly, otherwise we wouldn't have certain individuals that piss off everyone but still pretend they have support and docking rights whenever they need it.
The question is do we need to define such things? For what sake? In singular cases, maybe. We have a set of admins and devs to voice themselves to such cases if they grow bigger.
I would personally say anything that is not defined in either vanilla or discovery lore, and is not within the realms of possibility. Refer to my examples in the OP.
(and no this isn't about you or the Sol project, sorry if it seems that way)
I would personally say anything that is not defined in either vanilla or discovery lore, and is not within the realms of possibility. Refer to my examples in the OP.
(and no this isn't about you or the Sol project, sorry if it seems that way)
It's ok. Didn't feel adressed and didn't seem that way.
However, I can't remind someone RPing another species for some time. The last more or less serious attempt was Etherium I think. Don't think to initially forbid that isn't good.
Honestly. Sometimes its really fun to go off the charts with RP. I agree though, going a bit too far with horribly deformed RP is not something pleasing to the eye.
(03-04-2018, 10:01 PM)HassLHoFF™ Wrote: However, I can't remind someone RPing another species for some time.
I don't wish to name names, but I can give examples of numerous amounts of things that I'd (personally) consider lore breaking. I can PM examples of the things I listed in the OP if you'd like.
Wasn't there a random Core indy capital ship (not sure if still indy), where the guy roleplayed the entire krew to be of a non-human (but maybe still humanoid) species?
It's a delicate situation where people have their own mindset on what's right, which is their own right, the freedom to do whatever you wish so long as you adhere to the rules; which someone reads once and forgets. Or no one reads it at all and ignores. And then there's Disco right, where things are settled ad-hoc when it happens, OOCly, or shoved into a dark corner of space, ostracized, ignored, and forgotten about.
The line is drawn by everyone and no one because it can't ever be decided. It's an inevitable truth when multiple parties, set individuals, or drifters arrive to upset the already delicate balance that Discovery has. When the freedom of one's right is justified by the ID they chose, meanwhile not knowing the lore that has been developed over time, they will argue and argue that they were within their rights despite inter-faction role-play that have evolved from 'Hey he has this ID so it's cool, don't touch him' to 'Hm, we used to be cool with these guys, but something happened so we can't just let him go now'.
Discovery lore in itself is convoluted, criss-crossed with countless other stories, factions, and influential parties so it's impossible to centralize it into a 'Oh, you want this? Well, read this and you'll understand why you can't have it. Yet/Ever.'
TL;DR - We all want to be the cool, bad ass that gets all the ladies, lives forever, can snap-shot from two klicks away and has a platinum belt in karate with an immune system that surpasses Metal Gear. We all want to be individuals with our own stories because IRL everyone hates being an ordinary joe so Disco gives them their place of fantasy; to do whatever they wish and want so long as they respect the boundaries of the character creation rules.