==================== Type: Equipment Bug: Battlecruiser flak for Irra ====================
Not sure if overlook or intended but there is no nomad version of battlecruiser flak. Normal BC flak is not sold on nomad bases and reduces the powercore to 10% anyway.
No, I won't update my account to enable 3rd party hosting!
==================== Type: Equipment Bug: Battleship Sarissa equipping Dreadnaught weaponry ====================
As the title implies, with proof: 1. Is this working as intended?
Intentional. Hellbores work on all battleships. - Ghost
==================== Type: Reputation Bug: Crayter Republic IFF shows up as red as hostile to Council ID'd ships. ====================
Crayter Republic IFF'd NPCs show up as hostile to brand new freshly made ships with Council IFF and [C]- Council ID, even though the two factions are allied. This is an old issue and I'm sad it hasn't been fixed yet.
New Haven doesn't sell mining turrets, which are considered generic gear.
New Haven doesn't sell SHF shields, which are very hard to obtain for IDs that don't have their own SHF.
Fixed. - Xalrok
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
==================== Type: Models Bug: Turret is inside the gallic jumpgate model ====================
Seems fairly obvious. Pic. I dont know if this is a problem with this specific gate, or all gallic gates. Also the hitbox seems to be weird, I'm bumping into it at places it doesn't show anything.
==================== Type: Equipment Bug: Narbonne and Limoux dont sell firestalker missile ammo (and... one of the C... missiles too i think) ====================
==================== Type: Equipment Bug: Vierzon Mining Facility has no snac weaponry, Cordes has NOTHING- no weapons for sale at all, not even ones I couldn't buy (class/rep restrictions etc). Also no GRN ID, no AU8, no cargo scanners, no advanced/enhanced thrusters, no firestalker ammo ====================
Uh kinda sucks not having equipment for sale, when you need to fix a broken setup