From the Vagrant side, there is nothing wrong with the -55 rephack to the Nomad IFF. However, the Nomad Guardian IFF is being used for NPCs in the most protected spaces of the Nomads (Omicron Major) and nobody that is not Nomad or Infected is allowed there on principle. This is why the Nomad Guardian rephack probably shouldn't be given to a faction that is not completely a Wild one.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
[18.02.2018 13:12:06] (C~Mediterran: hold it
[18.02.2018 13:12:15] (C~Mediterran: cardamine...
[18.02.2018 13:12:16] Economical.Shopper: *Snore*
[18.02.2018 13:12:20] (C~Mediterran: Our cardamine
[18.02.2018 13:12:24] Economical.Shopper: Yep.
[18.02.2018 13:12:31] (C~Mediterran: i said hold it
[18.02.2018 13:12:38] Economical.Shopper: You do realise this is your produce?
[18.02.2018 13:12:51] (C~Mediterran: who dares to carries our sworn good
[18.02.2018 13:12:51] (C~Mediterran: as a non involved person
[18.02.2018 13:13:04] Economical.Shopper: Well you've got an Outcast identifier.
[18.02.2018 13:13:10] Economical.Shopper: I'd say you're very involved.
[18.02.2018 13:13:14] (C~Mediterran: This makes me angry
[18.02.2018 13:13:22] (C~Mediterran: Because we dont like foreigners to ship our goods
[18.02.2018 13:13:26] Economical.Shopper: That's news to me.
[18.02.2018 13:13:45] (C~Mediterran: I will oversee that if you pay me 7 millions
[18.02.2018 13:13:49] Economical.Shopper: The dockmaster seemed pretty happy to let me spread the dream, after my delivery of slaves.
[18.02.2018 13:13:54] (C~Mediterran: Otherwise you will end here
[18.02.2018 13:14:02] Economical.Shopper: I'm good thanks. How about no.
[18.02.2018 13:14:20] (C~Mediterran: fool
[18.02.2018 13:19:05] (C~Mediterran: bye, fool
[18.02.2018 13:19:33] Death: Economical.Shopper was put out of action by (C~Mediterran (Gun).
I feel like this interaction wasn't intentional given your RP (and ID). If it was, I think you need to consider if the Outcast ID is what you should be using or not.
It was me. I am deeply apologising for this action. Ots all my fault, not the communes. I was mixing there something and tought that we dont like foreigners shipping our stuff. Its my fault im sorry. Pm me and ill refund you the cash for the stuff.
The Brotherhood of the Illuminated Commune; Or known simply as the Commune is a militant, religious, transhumanist paramilitary organization that seeks to alter the societal organization in the colonies and uplift humanity into a higher form of life in line with its philosophical and religious beliefs. Deeply opposed to the more traditional forms of governance such as the apparatus of the Houses, the Commune challenges the status quo and seeks to bring down the establishments of Man through both direct and indirect means, calling this struggle 'The Great Work'. Drawing upon the traditions of Samarra and its previous incarnation - The Samarran Raiders, the Commune also holds the Nomads in deep reverence, its view for Mankind's future being significantly influenced by the top-down mindnode hierarchy and organic caste systems of the Slomon K'hara race.
The pilot using this unlawful ID is a member of the Commune who:
Can attack anyone in self-defense or to assist Nomads or Wild anywhere.
Can attack any ship within their Zone of Influence, except transports.
Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.
Can treat any ship carrying Artifacts, Stabiline, Azurite, or Nomad Remains as combat targets within their Zone of Influence.
Can treat any ship equipped with Nomad equipment anywhere as combat target and engage them, except if they have a Wild or Nomad ID (any variant).
Cannot dock on Nomad bases.
Zone of Influence: Omicrons, Taus, Sigmas, Liberty, Bretonia, Baffin, Coronado, Cortez, Magellan, Drake, Unknown.
As per discussion within the faction, and as per consultation of the faction leader with an administrator; The allowed shipline was modified to include specific capital ships which would normally be above our proposed ID, as we previously did not know this was possible. We would like some feedback about this. Changes are highlighted.
Do not consider this anything negative. Last time, we waited for 4 months, instead of two to get our announcement instead of written two months, as you stated in the rules.
This resulted in people, starting to believe you do not value our hard work enough, and we really had some awesome projects in past. Like Terminus cell had 5 active members and each of them had their own project ongoing.
But those same people lost motivation and their activity dropped, due to the waiting. They felt they were doing all this hard work (i mean, Commune became their primary faction then) for nothing. And then, when our activity dropped, you decided to give us green light but, all that for nothing. It didn't helped.
The group died in next 30 days because people already left the faction. Soon afterward I decided to leave too.
But we are back again (and for last time, as we agreed, to make this final effort most perfect). We consider this our final RP buildup from the previous years, and we are very motivated to remain active after for example, we would become official. I do not aim to force you to make us official, I am asking you to not let us wait for another two months like last time.
I myself consider this iteration of Commune now finest than before was. I really wish to keep this momentum going on. Whenever I look to activity tracker I simply tell to myself that, I didn't expect that to happen, but it is happening. And it is raising.
The RP projects (Terminus, Silver Sun) are agreed to work on their projects after, we would go official, to avoid same thing happening from past, where people simply got burned out for nothing.
I believe that Commune is a great activity contributor and we already took a lot of newbs and shaped them into good people. Just like last time.
I wrote this a bit stoned but I hope you get me. Do not consider this as a rant, but rather, as to a reminder how a good faction can die if you do not fullify what you've stated in your own rules while, the other side (us) did everything possible to achieve the rules and expectations you stated.
<"From Darkness, lead me to Light. From Ignorance, to Truth. From Death, to Immortality.">
And of course. I wish this to make a formal thank you to all active members, who are contributing to the faction and who stayed with us. Kudos to all of you.
<"From Darkness, lead me to Light. From Ignorance, to Truth. From Death, to Immortality.">