*Tears his shirt. You see a Gallent now*
*You see how he make some lerdy with drones, this is disgusting*
(04-03-2018, 05:43 PM)Remnant Wrote: Currently in our testing enviroment, we have one fighter drone, and one bomber drone.
Although the plugin is really flexible. If the devs wanted to add a different type of drone bay for liners, which could only launch certain drones, it's just a few lines in the configuration. Creating the equipment to mount is the hard part. Referencing it through FLhook is easy.
I wouldn't recommend anything gunboat size or later, since the NPC personality graph is hard coded to fighters/bombers.
Awesome! I am A-OK with this.
Oh, something I just thought about. Will launched drones bear the name of their mother ship? I don't suppose it's mandatory, just that it'll be obviously necessary for someone to follow the rules of engagement when telling a drone to attack someone, just like if you were to engage a target yourself. If drones were somehow linked via name to the launching mother ship, it would make possible violation reports easier, but then it's probably pretty easy to put two-and-two together if for instance, there's only one Drone Launcher present.
I kinda figured the Repair Drones were a no-go. Still, holy cow, can you imagine a Drone Bomber with Scorchers? UNLIMITED POWAAAAHHHH!!!!
(04-03-2018, 05:26 PM)Remnant Wrote: /dronetarget -- Sets the drone hostile with whatever you have targeted, ending up in the target being engaged
Players will be able to troll friendly players with this, and not be sanctioned, unless it is clear whose the drone is. I am posting to remind that, once you solve the naming issue, include the carrier's name in the drone's.
(04-03-2018, 05:51 PM)Sand_Spider Wrote: Oh, something I just thought about. Will launched drones bear the name of their mother ship? I don't suppose it's mandatory, just that it'll be obviously necessary for someone to follow the rules of engagement when telling a drone to attack someone, just like if you were to engage a target yourself. If drones were somehow linked via name to the launching mother ship, it would make possible violation reports easier, but then it's probably pretty easy to put two-and-two together if for instance, there's only one Drone Launcher present.
I'll probably implement drone command logging for the admins.
Regarding bearing the name, I'm gonna give a hard maybe. Yes. I want that to happen, but as I mentioned previously, I'm having some issues with how these drones show up on the scanners due to the fake reputation. Currently, they have no name. They actually don't show up properly on the scanners at all.
A bug I'll be trying to fix. If I can't fix it, I may have to implement protections where the drone won't engage a target, if the target is friendly to the carrier.
But I'll definitely try to get the name displayed correctly, yes.
Rest assured, I'll make it work
ahhh, wish we could use repair ship drones, that would be really awesome. But the idea looks really bright and the concept is neat, you should start testing it in cultist events and see how the server handles it, Kudos.
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(04-03-2018, 05:55 PM)Thunderer Wrote:
(04-03-2018, 05:26 PM)Remnant Wrote: /dronetarget -- Sets the drone hostile with whatever you have targeted, ending up in the target being engaged
Players will be able to troll friendly players with this, and not be sanctioned, unless it is clear whose the drone is. I am posting to remind that, once you solve the naming issue, include the carrier's name in the drone's.
The punishment will and should be ship deletion without a debate. If someone wants to risk a 600m-1.5b ship to troll someone once and hope he gets away with it, he's welcome to try.
(04-03-2018, 05:40 PM)Sand_Spider Wrote: Nice!! What is the size limitation on the drones so far? Fighter only? Or are bombers, freighters, and possibly gunboats planned? (Gunboats might be a bit too overpowered, unless their loadout is lackluster).
Fighter and Bombers only
(04-03-2018, 05:40 PM)Sand_Spider Wrote: Also, are Repair Drones going to be an option, or would this also be a bit much?
Repair Drones probably possible but it will need extra FLHook stuff for its weapons.
(04-03-2018, 05:40 PM)Sand_Spider Wrote: Finally, is there a possibility that weaker, Light Fighter Drones would be launchable from Liners?
(04-03-2018, 05:43 PM)Gardarik Wrote: Impressive. Just... Impressive. A question: will those modules be compatible with the docking modules you are working on? With they be occupying the same slot?
Planning to add different slot for Drone Bays. Only Light Carrier and Heavy Carriers will have them. You will able to mount Docking modules and Drone Bays
Light Carriers and Heavy Carriers will have difference
Light Carrier will have Light Drone Bay
Heavy Carrier will have Heavy Drone Bay
Curious: will drone-ships get their own custom-model exclusively for the drones, or will there be a crapton of variants scattered around all with the different houses' fighters/freighters/whatever they're going to be?
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.