My name is Prof. Regis Nerva, and as you might already know, I am part of the Zoner Consensus. Before talking business, I would like to congratulate Keepstar for joining the Consensus.; I am sure that your organization will fit in perfectly with the rest.
After reading some the brief description of your organization, I noticed that your expertise might be perfect to conduct some research on some of my, let's call them.... rare acquisitions.
Looking forward to your response.
Best regards,
Prof. Regis Nerva
[|||]SENDER ID: Katherine Berg [|||]LOCATION: Omicron Delta, Freeport 11, Private area A2. [|||]RECEPIENT ID: Prof. Nerva Regis [|||]ENCYPTION: KPS-2-6-2-Gamma-November [|||]ENCRYPTION LEVEL: Medium [|||]SUBJECT: Narcrahtite
Good evening, professor
Truly a pleasure to meet with you. It seems, that I do not have to introduce myself, as you seem to know my name and my position in the Keepstar Research Group. It makes things even easier, as I an totally not into writing essays about myself.
Also, thank you for your congratulations, it means a lot for us. We hope, that Zoner Consensus is able to provide us with a roof above our heads and bring the bright future for the zoners and the whole humanity in general, However, I want to stick to the topic of your transmission.
I can recognize this attachment without any problems, but I still can not believe my eyes. Is that a Narcrahtite? The mineral of uncharter systems? We were going to get a couple of samples of this ore to research it's chemical composition and practical use, but well with our main operative being in a coma, that would be the waste of human resources. Anyway, it seems, that you possess some some samples of this rare mineral and I already see your offer. But what is the price? I guess, that you could be interested in all information, regarding this mineral, which we will get from our research. Anyway, I want to hear your answer on this question.
Your sincerely, Katherine Berg,
Keepstar Research Group
Oh, just as expected, you already know about it. Perfect, that saves me a lot of time that would have been spent on explanations.
This is but one part of my special collection. All I would want in exchange for me providing Keepstar parts of my collection, is to have unrestricted access to all of your research data.
I know it may sound a lot, but I do believe that my price is on par with what I am willing to provide.
Looking forward to your response,
Prof. Regis Nerva
[|||]SENDER ID: Katherine Berg [|||]LOCATION: Omicron Delta, Freeport 11, Private area A2. [|||]RECEPIENT ID: Prof. Nerva Regis [|||]ENCYPTION: KPS-2-6-2-Gamma-November [|||]ENCRYPTION LEVEL: Medium [|||]SUBJECT: Narcrahtite
Good evening, professor
First of all, I should apologise for the delay in answer. I was engaged in a laboratory work and, as you know, my dear colleague, it is quite exhausting, so I could not drop you even a line.
Anyway, I would like to discuss your offer, as it is a really important matter for now. It seems, that my assumption was almost right and I can not see any reasons to refuse it. However, I want to make you a counter-offer. Your reqruitment indeed sounds a lot, but I think, that it would be better, if you will add an unrestricted access to all of your research data as well. At the end, we all work on mutual goal, so I can not see any reason to decline your request for premission to our data banks and I do hope, that you feel the same. What do you think about it?
Your sincerely, Katherine Berg,
Keepstar Research Group
Oh, I must apologize.... errr... When I said "unrestricted access to all of your research data", I was referring to data obtained while studying part of my collection of peculiarities.
Nevertheless, I do believe that with time, we could gradually share more information.
Would it be suitable for your people if I leave some Narcrahtite at Freeport 11? If not, I am sure we could meet at Corinth.
Looking forward to your response,
Prof. Regis Nerva
[|||]SENDER ID: Katherine Berg [|||]LOCATION: Omicron Delta, Freeport 11, Private area A2. [|||]RECEPIENT ID: Prof. Nerva Regis [|||]ENCYPTION: KPS-2-6-2-Gamma-November [|||]ENCRYPTION LEVEL: Medium [|||]SUBJECT: Narcrahtite
Good morning, professor
To be honest, this option works even better for us. Anyway, I have just called Anton Alferov and Vincent Lefebvre, our new scientist, who made his way from the Kingdom of Gallia, to deal with this task. Their vessels will arrive to Freeport 11 soon. I have also added them to this communication, so they will report as soon, as this mineral is picked.
And again. We express our gratitude to you for this chance to research this mineral. I or any other scientist of Keepstar Research Group will report in this channel about everything, which we managed to obtaing from this mineral.
Your sincerely, Katherine Berg,
Keepstar Research Group