----Recipient: Sakurai Angus, of The Blood Dragons----
----Sender: Lead Engineer Alex Martin----
I think you'll find that the 20.000- and a few extra- units of High Performance Alloy have been dropped off at the... quite.... secure location you requested. I still need to adjust my ships IFF for any future deliveries, but at least after the first few, the guards realized what was going on and only took a few potshots at me. Not exactly ideal, but at least it keeps me on my toes. I'll attach all the receipts I have below. After the adjustments to the required numbers, that makes... 45.000.000 credits should be good, payable to [FL-ER]Alex;Martin, if you could kindly.
Encryption: Unbreakable. Sender: Sakurai Augus. Recipient: Lead Engineer Alex Martin. Location: Undisclosed.
It is always relieving to see honest and cooperative people. However, the authorised transaction was attempted multiple times, and neither of them have succeeded. You might want to provide me with alternative Neural Net account able to accept the transfer, or correct me if i am messing something up with currently provided credentials.
Sakurai Augus,
Daimyo Augus, The Dragon of Okinawa.
Transmission terminated.
The Augus clan. Thinking beyond thought, being of non-being,
Certainty without reason and vision beyond seeing.
Everything and nothing, both infinite and finite.
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war. Heroes never die! @Vitoniz30 @Connor
Encryption: Unbreakable. Sender: Sakurai Augus. Recipient: Lead Engineer Alex Martin. Location: Undisclosed.
Kon'nichiwa, Alex Martin,
Transaction processed and everything should be in check now. If you are looking for the extension of our cooperation - the same base is looking for a significant amount of supplies:
20.000 units of Hull Segments, for a total value of 20.000.000 S.C.
30.000 units of Robotic Hardware, for a total value of 30.000.000 S.C.
20.000 units of Quantum Arrays, for a total value of 20.000.000 S.C.
Each contract value was conducted with the consideration of the route length and it's safety from law enforcement, that certainly would be not too fond of your business with our Clan, however, it still may be a subject to change if you will provide us with valid objections regarding those.
Fulfilling any of those contracts will be appreciated.
Sakurai Augus,
Daimyo Augus, The Dragon of Okinawa.
Transmission terminated.
The Augus clan. Thinking beyond thought, being of non-being,
Certainty without reason and vision beyond seeing.
Everything and nothing, both infinite and finite.
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war. Heroes never die! @Vitoniz30 @Connor