A big ol' Kudos to [MFE]Doc.Holliday for the pleasant chat in New Berlin! It was good to finally meet you!
I also want to give a shoutout to BDM|LV-Borkum for the wonderful encounter! We had a lot of fun with you and you've only driven us to want to log in more often!
BDM|LV-Gotha, you scared the crap out of me. But I appreciate you stopping to talk! Finally, a kudos to BDM|B-13 for the Baden Baden suggestion!
You guys all rock! It was a nice way to wind down the evening after a stressful second half of the day.
Kudos to both of the Dragons - BD|AU-Huntari.Augus and BD|AU-Ryuichi.Augus - I traded words this evening! Glad we could fix something up and do a quick encounter, hope we bump into each other on the future.
And to the new guy, which I assume it's the Ryu player: Welcome to Discovery!