As decreed by The Brotherhood and The Omega Pirate Guild
The sale of all Cruiser class ships of Corsair make will be hereby controlled by the TBH, and the OPG. All pilots who currently own a Corsair vessel of Cruiser class or higher must register their vessels here. Any pilots who plan to buy a Corsair vessel of Cruiser class or higher must register their vessel before purchase.
The behavior of a capital ship Captain must be befitting of the Captain of such a vessel. It is a privilege, not a right, to fly one of our majestic capital ships into battle. A privilege which should only go to the deserving, dedicated ones among us.
The Captain must be registered at a capital ship registry, with contact details, so that if something happens they may be quickly contacted. This is to allow us to contact you quickly if an unfortunate event should occur.
The warships in question should not leave the Corsair owned systems, contested systems may be entered and engaged only in emergencies, such as when the organized Corsair force in the area calls for assistance.
The warships in questions may also not enter house territory unless contacted by Corsair forces engaged in an organized raid inside enemy territory. This is to ensure that Corsair armor is deployed at lowest cost to fuel reserves whilst providing adequate backup to raiding parties in the field.
Corsai capital ships can leave Corsair owned systems if it is escorted by no less than 3 Corsair vessels of bomber class or lower, or called into the battlefield by the organized Corsair force.
Any violators will be warned and guided to the cause of the problem and how to rectify it. If the warning is ignored the pilot may be asked to retire the vessel, so it can be stripped or refurbished in such a way that benefits the Corsairs. If uncooperative, regretfully, we must disable the vessel in combat to be recycled at Tripoli.
Corsair Gunboats are not affected by this decree, as they take up very little manufacturing time compared to Cruiser and Battleship class vessels.
There are two reasons for this decree. The first being that the number of disabled capital ships has stabilized at a high level, and we need to bring this down to an acceptable level. Natural resources may be plentiful on Crete, but they are not infinite.
The second is that fuel consumption of capital ships, despite the best efforts of our engineers, is high when compared to the same cost of fighters and bombers, while being markedly less effective than said fighters and bombers. We believe that there is a place for capital ships on the battlefield despite this, but we must control the fuel consumption of these vessels. Bear in mind that we must get our fuel from raiding convoys of H-fuel in sigma 13 and MOX in Bretonia. These convoys are not frequent, so action must be taken to ration fuel consumption within our own ranks.
There are simply too many Corsair capital ships being fielded to keep our stocks of fuel at a reasonably safe level. Help us to curb the use of this fuel, and to further the goals of the Corsair nation as a whole.
Signed By,
Elder Montoya
Centurion Vasquez
Centurion Voronov
Centurion Globalo
Of the Corsair Brotherhood
1O: Hidalgo Santos (commander in absence of the captain)
Chief engineer: Brother Angelo (as long as he is not busy with developments on Tripoli)
The Cook: Santa Paella (no joke, he makes the best)
Location: Somewhere in Omicron Delta. (Not so far from Yaren base)
Duties: Normally watching comm frequencies and protection of Yaren base. From time to time patrolling Yaren base, FP11 and Kappa jh (not often, because of the above mentioned small resources). Always ready to act as QRF (quick reaction force), if called in for battlefield support.
History: When Huarez family was becomming richer and the trade routes through Teta were in danger, because of the ending of ceasfire, the Independencia was ordered by Benito Huarez to ensure the safty of Theta routes for Huarez and other family transports.
The ship was roughly built in one month. Final constructions were made on FP 9, while the ship was already on duty.
Ignacio Huarez, father of Benito Huarez was taking the command. Since he was heavily wounded in Omega 5 and lost his legs he gave up the position of the Huarez family elder. After his reconvaleszence he did not want to fly a fighter anylonger, but was ready, when called to take the command of this cruiser.
Few weeks after, to avoid conflicts between Corsairs, Huarez family bowed its will to the elders and removed the Independencia from Theta to Delta.
Comm ID: Vladimir, captain of dreadnought globalplayer-svk
Message to: Warship registration bureau
Corsair dreadnought, christened the globalplayer-svk was built on Tripoli Shipyard with manufacturing serial-number 001. This ship distinguishes it self from other ships of the same class. It has more armour than the majority of corsairs vessel, however this upgraded armour also weighs the ship down, and it's fuel tanks are of lesser capacity. All this means that this ship can never leave Crete orbit for very long, and it's primary use is as support for planet defense of Crete. The point of no return of this ship is a 150k radius around Crete, that mean this ship has enough H-fuel to travel to all 5 jumpholes in Omicron Gamma and back, but not enough for extended missions outside of Omicron Gamma.
Ship is prepared and armed to help the planetary defense.
Name of the captain: Dariano
Ship designation: Darius[LT]
Class: Praefect class Cruiser
The Darius[LT] flies for the brave, honor, a strong Corsair nation. Omicron Gamma has always been my home, I was born and raised in this system, and by god I will defend it form all intruders.
Black Squadron is complying with their allies' request in order to register all Corsair capital ships, Cruiser class and above. I captain one of your warships, christened the Duality, which is a Praefect Cruiser. It is used for the defence of The Order's home planet, Toledo, and for the defence of your own Yaren Base within the Omicron Delta system. It does not travel any further than Yaren Base, but will if needed to assist against any presence endangering the Corsair nation, specifically those who make buddies with the Bounty Hunters Guild and the mysterious Keepers.
Comm ID: Captain 'RedFox' Mendes
Topic: Cruiser registration.
Hola my hermanos of the administration.
Let's get this little registration thingy over with quickly, so I'll be brief.
Ship to be registered is The Jolly Roger, a Praefect Cruiser.
As it has always stayed in Omicron Gamma and will not break this tradition, no problems should arise with my ship.
Call on her if you need to, though.
Now I'll break from these formalities and spend my time with the more useful occupation of emptying my glass.
Incoming data transmission...
Comm ID: Priss Asagiri
Subject: Capital ship registration
Vessel ID: Chthon
Class: Osiris
Captain: Priss Asagiri
Crew: Varies currently, ship is undergoing field tests.
Location: Crete Orbit
Current tasks: Field testing new internal systems under varying conditions, protection of Omicron Gamma.
Future tasks: Deep space reconnaisance and long range patrol duty.
Should more information be needed, contact me directly.
If I am not reachable for various reasons, contact Alexa Cordova.