==================== Type: / Systems / Bug: Nobium Mining Field drops Berylium ====================
There are 2 Berylium Mining Fields in Tau-23 at the moment, while one of those is supposed to be Nobium one.
(The top one is shown as Nobium, but in fact it is Berylium too)
==================== Type: Systems Bug: Suzuka station approach ====================
When you close in on the station with a Go To command, the ship is halted by an invisible zone over the asteroid the base is, and performs a approximately 300 or 400m cruise curve to go "over it" to reach the station, instead of going in a straight path it clearly has to the base.
See for yourself. I suggest reverting it as the easiest solution, it was never problematic in any practical situation in the previous version.
(07-12-2018, 05:54 PM)Sciamach Wrote: Outcast slavery is actually far better for the victim than the corporate slavery and crime-less imprisonment of the Houses down in places like Liberty Rheinland and Bretonia
==================== Type:Equipment Bug: Nomad Trial ID ====================
It is not possible to buy the Nomad Light Fighter or Morph with the Nomad Trial ID despite having it equipped. I have tried many different combinations to no avail.
Fixed. -Xalrok
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PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502