The Marine Royale is structured around a solid hierarchy, which rewards merit and dedication. However, there are also specific roles for each rank category, offices that grant access to more rights and responsibilities, and sometimes pompous titles as well. These are specialist and/or leadership roles, they can be held by only one person per office. Everyone can apply to them provided they occupy the requisite rank. You will need to explain why you should be chosen to fulfil the particular role you petition for, and if possible provide links to your biography, glorious feats of arms or any other achievement you feel would support your case.
Note that holding these offices entitles you to prestige, opportunities and monetary rewards.
Special functions
Le Coureur : the master of information running and messenger of the Marine Royale. Is entrusted with the word of the King himself for very dangerous, and/or very prestigious assignments. Can be sent anywhere in Sirius to arrange for diplomatic talks or deliver very sensitive information. Intelligence specialist, a link to the GRI. A good way to secure nobility from an early point in your career.This office is currently occupied by the Lieutenant de Vaisseau Madeline Sabine de Bordeleaux, Marquise de Lyon.
OOC : will be used for special in game assignments requiring absolute discretion. Good smuggling and RP skills required. Forum RP in the form of stories and comms can also be expected.
Le Capitaine d'armes : the master of discipline. Naturally tough, constantly grumbling about some shirt not being pressed the way it should or facial hair being one inch too long. A father to his men whom he understands very well, and as such they both adore and fear him. A vital component for the officers, who rely on him greatly to interact with the lower ranks.
OOC : a mentor position for our recruits and lower ranks. Good knowledge of the rules, patience and willingness to teach, both RP and PvP (even basic notions, no need to be an ace at either) are expected. Good fun to be had in being a massive nuisance to the nuggets. Is encouraged to organise PvP training sessions.
Command and management offices
L'As des As : the master of all fighters. A very good fighter pilot, he's at the head of all wings and is responsible for keeping up the skills of all pilots of the Marine. As such, he is expected to set up training sessions regularly and be merciless with his pupils. A very prestigious position - can be used as a title and to obtain nobility. Is the leader of the Force Aérospatiale (or just Aérospatiale) component. This office is currently occupied by Maître Principal Enzo Lacroix.
Le Logisticien : the master of logistics. Expected to keep the lights on and look for ways to increase the resources available to the MRG. That includes reaching out to potential trading partners. Also in charge of setting up trade convoys and PoBs. A direct link to nobility. Is the leader of the Flotte de Soutien component. This office is currently occupied by capitaine de corvette Nicodème Guillory.
OOC : You will be the one to propose trading deals on the forums and accept (or deny) requests from others in this area. Your job will be to keep the MRG bank full and happy.
Le Canonnier : the master of large ships. Responsible for the operations and maintenance of capital class ships of the MRG. Is expected to conduct regular training sessions for capital class captains. People come to him to bask in his reflected glory : if the As des As is the scalpel, the Canonnier is the massive hammer. Is the leader of the Flotte de Combat component. .
OOC : You are the boss of the big bois. Shareds are your responsibility.
Honorary positions
Le Bidou : the master of bad jokes. traditionally the youngest member of the équipage. Enjoys an exceptional freedom of tone and is expected to provide outrageous jokes regularly. May make fun of even an amiral, but should pick his words carefully. Expert at Gallic taunting and is very encouraged to taunt enemies in system whenever possible. Holds a very special place in the heart of his or her colleagues.
OOC : the class clown. To get this office, tell me a good joke or make something crazy in game and report it here.This office is currently occupied by Matelot Jacquouille Tartenpion.
Le Midship : the officer equivalent of the Bidou. Same privileges and same expectations, although with a little more class.
L'Accusateur : the master of grumbling. A concerned citizen, who represents Gallia's commoners. Constantly angry that something hasn't been granted to the lower classes, or that his fighter seat is uncomfortable, or that the officers always get better food and how is that fair ? People come to him to voice their complaints and he relays them (sometimes) to the higher ups. A traditional if somewhat unofficial office. The guardian of the permanently disgruntled spirit of Gallic people.
OOC : You get to be the Edgy King of Peasants. Don't expect to be made a noble, and as such, is a natural nemesis to the Chambellan.
Le Chambellan : the master of pomp. A direct link between the aristocracy and the Marine. Necessarily a noble, the Chambellan is expected to oversee that the core, noble values of the Gallic elite are observed and honoured. Has a huge freedom of tone to everyone and can be as fatuous and over the top as he likes. This office is currently occupied by the Capitaine de Vaisseau Everett Fontaine.
OOC : The MRG fights for Gallia, but also for the King. We must not lose our wae : that is the purpose of the Chambellan. A natural nemesis to the Accusateur.
This document is visible to le Grand Maréchal of the Marine Royale Gauloise, hereby I, Jean Yves Patrice de Justéton state, that I have conducted service in the ranks of the MRG on the 10th of février 741 A.G.S. Honneur et Patrie, Valeur et Discipline. Pour le Roi.
Déclaration de soldat: Jean Yves Patrice de Justéton
Rang: Contre-Amiral
Topic: Application for the office of the 'Canonnier'
Catégorie: 4ème Catégorie
M. Grand Maréchal,
hereby I, Jean Yves Patrice de Justeton, apply for the office of la cannonier.
For a long time the war with the Sirian houses has raged. We have overcome many challenges, lost friends and brought our anger over the faltering ressistance. With the many new requirements we have to overcome everyday a restructure of la Royale Marine was necessary. Let me congratulate to you for this wise desicion.
Thus, I want to take the office of la Cannonier, as I judge my experience and abilities to be the best fitting for its demands. I do not have to tell you the reasons why I think this way, as we fought this war side by side for years.
Sender: Aurelia Madelaine Landreau, Duchesse of Champagne, La Riche fleet Recipient: Marine Royale Gauloise - High Command Subject: Application for Le Capitaine d'armes office
I, Duchesse of Champagne, Capitaine de Frégate Aurelia Madelaine Landreau, hereby apply for the office of Le Capitaine d'armes.
I've been serving in Marine Royale Gauloise for full 6 years, I took and active role in the Agincourt offense and capture as the Fleet Maréchal. I believe I am able to deliver so needed and required knowledge and discipline to our fresh reinforcements, backed up by the fact I used to command famous Normandy class Valor christened La France, and La Riche fleet several years ago. Few years ago I was considered as the most "wanted" person by the Colonial Military due to my success against their operations.
*The screen flashes with Fontaine's comm-sig momentarily, then reveals the man himself.
He is staring down whatever poor, unfortunate sod had been delegated to handle the distribution and recognition of special offices with in the Marine Royale. It is a stare of pomp and determination, the visage of a man who will let nothing stand in the way of his triumph.*
Bonjour, état major de la marine.
This is Commandant Fontaine. I am formally applying...
Non. Let me rephrase that. I am formally demanding recognition of the full breadth of my qualifications.
*The man's half-hearted smirk begins to widen.*
Le Chambellan. Ordinary men can breathe, ordinary men can move. Ordinary men can even fight, given enough motivation. It takes more than an ordinary man to uphold the moral fabric which maintains society as we know it. I will be that man, or be forever damned if our Marine Royale does not act in accordance with the way of life it defends and preaches. Complete human truth, and no less. I believe I need to cite no further qualifications, although you have my files, and you know I have no shortage of qualifications at my disposal. I could go on, but let us be frank: the oxygen is better spent in more productive ways. Stuff's expensive. So expensive in fact that entire transport flotillas are devoted to carrying it.
Honneur et Patrie. Valeur et Discipline. I'll be expecting either verification or a guillotine in my quarters as soon as possible.
*Fontaine turns around, and slowly disappears into the shadows of the dimly-lit room aboard the Algerie he was in. The feed runs for perhaps a full minute before it terminates.*
There is not a soldier in the Marine Royale who hasn't heard of your feats. You have, over the many battles you've directly commanded, acquired an almost mythical reputation as the harbinger of death to our enemies. The survival rate of units under your orders is also commendable. L'Etat-major could think of no better man for the position of the Canonnier, which we hereby bestow upon you. You will now make use of this reputation of yours, along with your outstanding skills, to further inspire and elevate your subordinates and strike fear in the hearts and minds of our enemies.
Congratulations, Amiral Jean Yves Patrice de Justéton, Canonnier de la Marine Royale Gauloise.
Commandant Landreau,
We have been surprised to receive your application for this office. Not that you wouldn't fit - all the contrary. But as a famed and proven superior officer, you would be massively overqualified for the role of the Capitaine d'armes. Nevertheless, there are not many officers with your outstanding experience, tactical skills and ability to bridge the gap between the ranks under your authority and charisma within the Marine Royale. With your position, that you would petition for a role traditionally attributed to lower ranks is a testament to your modesty and desire to serve the Kingdom rather than your personal ambitions. By royal decree, we hereby grant you this office. May your conduct and achievements serve as a light for all to follow in times of darkness. Never let discipline falter : it starts with properly shaven officers, and it ends at the complete devotion to our cause. Our pilots need you.
Congratulations, Commandant Aurelia Madelaine Landreau, Duchesse de Champagne and Capitaine d'armes of the Marine Royale Gauloise.
Commandant Fontaine,
We... have taken note of your application for the office of Chambellan of the Marine Royale Gauloise. And we are pleased to see that the biting tone that made you so infamous during the Avant-Garde's heyday has not left you. You were made a capitaine de frégate upon your very arrival in our ranks, a rare privilege, but one that was motivated by the need for guardians of the King's spirit. As you put it yourself, to bear arms for Gallia is one thing. To truly understand, adhere to and propagante the heart of our refined and elevated civilisation, is quite another. We are confident that your expertise in matters of pomp, relentless fatuousness and absolute dedication to the values of the Kingdom make you the perfect fit for the office of the Chambellan. There will be a colossal work ahead to educate the Sirian hordes in the way of proper behaviour once we are done fighting - and even before then. Hone your skills by inspiring those in our ranks to elevate themselves to true warriors of the King's light, well above their dirty peasant condition. The King himself relies on you. Serve him well, and you may just secure yourself a place among His aristocracy.
Congratulations, Commandant Everett Fontaine, Chambellan of the Marine Royale Gauloise.
(06-14-2019, 12:25 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: If everyone was a bit more like Lanakov, the entire world would be more positive. Including pregnancy tests.
Envoyé de: Le bureau de Madeline Sabine de Bordeleaux, Marquess de Lyon Envoyé à:Commandement Central de la Marine Royale Gauloise Sujet:Application for the Position/Office of Le Coureur Niveau de Sécurité:Maximum Catégorie:Document Officiel MRG
Mesdames et Messieurs, Officiers Distingués de la Marine Royale Gauloise,
I, Madeline Sabine IV of the Bordeleaux Household of Lyonnnais, hereby submit my application for the post of Courer in His Majesty'sMarine Royale Gauloise.
Wars are fought on many fronts, and while possible without a shadow of doubt, it would be folly and needlessly costly to attempt to win the ones we find ourselves in now by metal (battle) alone. Many more avenues are open to us - political means, economic means, even cultural means. For years, the war with the Bretonnian dogs has raged on, and now these romantic ingrates from Liberty, what with their juvenile notions of freedom-turned-to-anarchy, oppose us as well. We must begin speaking with our enemies in Sirius, if not to negotiate for more favorable terms for the MRG, but also to possibly open new enterprises for our fair kingdom's economy. There is much to be gained from diplomatically sound armistice, let alone peace, whereby we may see that peace and order reign, and that CORE GALLIC VALUES are disseminated and spread for the vastly superior force de la nature that they are. And even if that fails, by baguette, bagel and boisterous condescension we may still convince those of lesser minds to bend the knee to Gallia before the need for more direct and stimulating approach (via the business end of a 'Warwolf' Forward Gun of one of our 'Valeur's') arises.
I am ready to be sent on behalf of the navy, the court, the state and the Roi, to the furthest corners of Sirius to represent our interests; to be a harbinger of Gallic superiority beyond our sovereign systems. Allow me to speak only good of our names, our cheese, our wine, our women, our promiscuity, gender ambiguity and CORE GALLIC VALUES, and silence all who would besmirch our fair realm - they will not even have cake!
Madeline Sabine de Bordeleaux IV, MRG
Marquess of Lyon, Margrave of Lyonnais,
Lt.-Commandant de la Corvette MRG R.N.S. L'Espérance
Your efforts in the service of the Marine have been tremendous in the very short time you've been with us. The purity of your convictions and utter command of the greatness permeating Gallic culture has already been acknowledged in high places. Your desire to share this passion with the Roi's future subjects will be a precious tool : we gladly accept your application for the office of the Coureur. You will bring His word everywhere He needs to be heard, whether in the most public of places where all ears will be yours, or in the darker backchannel rooms where secret deals will need to be struck with unsavoury characters. You will reflect His light and act in the dark, all to serve our great cause. It will not be an easy task : you will face resistance from innocent populations who've been lied to for centuries ; you will need to persuade bitter enemies and profit-driven soulless monsters ; you will need to translate our unfathomable greatness into easily-digestible peasant language. Much relies on your shoulders. Do not disappoint us.
Congratulations, Lieutenant Madeline Sabine de Bordeleaux, Coureur of the Marine Royale Gauloise.
(06-14-2019, 12:25 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: If everyone was a bit more like Lanakov, the entire world would be more positive. Including pregnancy tests.
La Marine Royale Gauloise La Marine Impériale de Sa Majesté Royale
Sender: Enzo Lacroix, Maître in His Royal Majesties Fleet Recipient: Marine Royale Gauloise - High Command Subject: Application for L'As des As Mesdames et Messieurs,
I, Enzo Lacroiox, hereby apply for the office of L'As des As.
The fleet is in desperate need of a capable hand to instruct the Fighter Pilots. For this position, experience is what is needed instead of fancy ranks and medals. *clears throat, followed by a spit*
Give me this position, and I will make our ranks shine, like never before! We shall strike fear in to the hearts of our enemies. They shall flee in despair and desperation
at the sound of our battlec... ... coms!
It's time someone shows how it's done.
We've been in need of an As des As for a long time, as you've noticed. While our pilots' skill has been instrumental in getting us to where we are, the statistics do reflect a high rate of fatal and non-fatal casualties. The thought of losing valuable hardware and precious lives to well-trained savages is unacceptable and every ship we lose is a tragedy and an insult to Gallia. Your responsibility will be to ensure that this happens as little as possible, by bringing the best in all of our pilots. It is a tremendous responsibility : young pilots will look up to you, and your displays will be very closely watched and broadcast by our media. Gallia needs heroes, Maître, and true aces are an incredible asset both in and out of the battlefield. Train our pilots, help them apply greater pressure to our foes and ensure that more of them return home. In short : you will need to become a hero. Your failure would have resounding consequences.
Congratulations, Maître Enzo Lacroix, As des As of the Marine Royale Gauloise.
(06-14-2019, 12:25 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: If everyone was a bit more like Lanakov, the entire world would be more positive. Including pregnancy tests.
Identifiant: Commandant Nicodème Guillory Destinataire: Etat-Major de la Marine Royale Gauloise Sujet: Le Logisticien Application
RNS-Mont St. Michel, Bethany Battlegroup, 9 Juillet 741 A.G.S.
I am here to formally apply for the position of Le Logisticien of the MRG. It may seem presumptuous of me to apply to such an important office so soon after being transferred to the MRG, but I believe its importance and its necessity along with my experience before MRG compels me to apply for such a position. A good amount of my work during my over two decades of service have been related to support and materials for the Marine. My formal education in engineering would give the Marine quite the opportunity in regards to procurement, the Roi’s forces are always in need of a variety of weapons and equipment, no?
Now that we are beginning to form official diplomatic relations with the more amiable factions of Sirius the need for a logistics chief to facilitate in trade and procurement is more than ever. If given the post I can formalize our procedures and give our men and women a proper channel for requisitions, I believe we can all agree they need and deserve the best equipment they can get. I also fully intend to establish research and development programs for the MRG to give us the edge we need to further our conquest as well as form a deeper understanding of Sirian technology. Something I believe that will put my background in engineering to good use. It may not perform as well as Gallic technology but there are always things to learn from different approaches and it always helps to understand the enemy’s strengths.
A short resume detailing my exact qualifications should be mailed to you shortly along with this transmission.
Education: MS in Spacecraft Engineering from Universite de Bretagne, Officer's technical training from Gallic Royal Navy Experience: 20 years of service in the GRN. First 10 years serving in the home Flotte as part of the Valor RNS-Fort de Fer's engineering staff, reaching the rank of Lieutenant de Vaisseau before being transferred to the Gallic Royal Navy’s Corp de Ingenieur as a project lead. Promoted to CC 5 years ago and given command of the RNS-Mont Saint Michel 2 years ago. Recently transferred to the Marine Royal Gauloise and currently apart of the Bethany Battlegroup at Magellan Notable Accomplishments: During service in the Corp de Ingenieur he was the lead of a team (amongst many) in cooperation with the EFL regarding the construction of the Languedoc ->Tau-23 Jump gate.
Finished engineering undergrad summa cum laude.