TRADE COOPERATION SUGGESTION FROM: Wang Qi Shan, Jiang Xi, Omega-52 TO: Mollys of Dublin ...encryption code authorized ...loading data
Greetings, our beloved comrades from Dublin. My name is Wang Qi Shan and I'm general director of Coalition state-owned enterprise "Vektor". Due complicated diplomacy in face of Gallic threat, nowaday our vessels can't freely move in Bretonia, but that not mean we forgot about ones of our closest allies.
I invite you visit our info-page and join to our work. Our enterprise was created for solving logistical problems inside Triumvirate's space, and for more flexible work with external shipments. As ally of People's Coalition you can not only provide supply help, but request this help back from us as well. Any our comrades can request logistical support by mail on SOE "VEKTOR" account, and all requests would be processed as any other.
And this is not all. Right now we work on refurbishment of orbital depot, previously was known as "Jiang Xi Orbital", now named as "Baku Depot". As in past, it will work as transit depot for Triumvirate's gold and diamonds trade.
I hope my introduction was complete. If you see any gaps here, feel free to ask.
Oy's Blodwyn O'Driscoll, un' oy work fer deh Republic o' Dublin.
Oy'll be straight : de Republic will be , o' course, willin' tae help ye in any it can. Especially whoile ye 'd have issues travellin' through Bretonia, and , or deh Taus systems.
Derefore, we'll inform any transport cap'tain o' yeses contracts in hope we could significantly improve deh incomin' shipments.
Howe'er, we did notoiced, dhat dhere were nae payments fer doses shipments. Ye know, aour poilots are used tae be paid in return, e'en oif it can be sometoimes lately. Ye know loife's ain't cheap in deh Republic. People gotta feed deir family, un' a food proice may worth more den a bucket o' gold..
But oy digress, as dhis won't be a problem. Especially oif ye's offerin' oos shipments back. Deh Republic will simply pay deir poilots fer deh shipments, un' we'll ask ye tae ship what we need back.
So we do tink yese proposal be fair 'nough.
We's also glad tae hear 'bout deh refurbishin' o' Jiang Xi Orbital, as gol' fer oos, un' diamonds fer aour allies, has been a good way tae finance deh Republic un' deh Army.
Howe'er, it appears, dhat we maintain a station near deh Omega49 anomaly, in Dublin, widh almost deh same purpose. Un' oy mus' admit dhat -52, could be a lil' wee bit off deh way, fer bodh de diamond un' gol' trade in deh omegas.
But oy's pretty shure, we could work on dhis tae make de whole ting works.
We jus' gotta coordinate.
Oif dere's anytin' comin' tae yer moind, please dun hesitate.
Tank ye fer listenin' .
Slán agat !
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(03-31-2010, 11:48 PM)Sprolf Wrote: That is the crux of the matter.
If you aid us, and you aid them, you are the enemy.
If you do not aid them, you are worthless outside of extortion potential.
If you aid us, you will be treated with respect.
TRADE COOPERATION SUGGESTION FROM: Wang Qi Shan, Jiang Xi, Omega-52 TO: Mollys of Dublin ...encryption code authorized ...loading data
Every work should be paid. Right now SOE "VEKTOR" pay bonuses in size of 5000000 to 20000000 depending from risks, importance and size of delivery. That payments system not formed straight yet, but we work on implementation and clarification right now. So you coud not worry, comrade O'Driscoll. All mollys captains efforts would be paid. All what they need is only fill declaration and sign their account name in it, for we able transfer payments.
Update to previous paragraph: Feel free negotiate price if deal about delivery on Baku Depot. Our warehouse overseers could pay to your captains right on place.
About station in Dublin and trading, can we know more about it current status? Trading not main purpose of Baku right now, so if our allies have the already working trade post, we would be glad join to this trade.
Also, i'm right now got report about Molly's captains who fulfilled one of request, this fast response is impressive. Glad to work with you comrades.
Oy's bein' shure dhat aour poilots will be glad tae know dhat dey'd be paid straight frem ye. Dhat bein' said, oy ain't e'en shure dey've still sobered up, as oy was doin' deh test-run on me own, jus' tae make shure aour poilots could dock on Baku safely.
Oif anytin' goes wrong widh proices, oy trust aour poilots tae point it aout. But e'eryting seems tae go smoothly fer naow.
But dere's sum question, we gotta ask. As ou notoiced on dhis test-run dhat gol' was alreaday fer sale on deh station. Un' gol' s great issue 'ere. As we wanna make shure, none o' it comes frem BMM, doirectly, o' indrectly.
So we's gonna ask who's allow tae dock un' sell gol' 'ere.
Well, when it comes tae deh station in Dublin. named deh Goldern Coin, oy mus' admit tis a bit archaic, as t'has been built mostly tae make shure deh sars wouldnae invade Dublin... T'was afore aour combined armies forced deh Fes fleet intae floight.
But , tae be shure, deh station can hold more den 130 000 units o' unrefoine ore.
It's howe'er, empty o' all gol' fer naow. All 's been sold. But we'd be workin' on dhis.
Aw... wun last ting, when oy said t'was Archaic, oy was goin' tae mentiuon dhat we can only provoide dockin' clearance tae vessels widh a callsoign, o' individuals ships registered. But ain't a bid deal afte' all.
But deh station is still an operational fortress, un' will foire upon any ship nae registered.
Tank ye fer listenin' .
Slán agat !
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(03-31-2010, 11:48 PM)Sprolf Wrote: That is the crux of the matter.
If you aid us, and you aid them, you are the enemy.
If you do not aid them, you are worthless outside of extortion potential.
If you aid us, you will be treated with respect.
TRADE COOPERATION SUGGESTION FROM: Wang Qi Shan, Jiang Xi, Omega-52 TO: Mollys of Dublin ...encryption code authorized ...loading data
*Smile* We more than understand this kind of pilots issues.
But about gold - it was bought from some free mollys as test partie. Right now base have manual dock control. Access provided to all parties who have official Visa to New Moscow, [M] was added too. Problems could be only with some independent traders groups, but i think most of them understand importance of supporting the right peoples.
You can as well provide to us list of untrustable parties for ensure that nobody from them will not dock to Baku, if we someday will decide make it more open for independent peoples from parties invited to New Moscow.
And, of course, if we wouldn't ensure that will be only Molly's gold, we will refuse from its distributing from Baku and will use only your bases.
Also i glad hear that mighty fortress still here. Sure we will later send registration files for Coalition trade vessels.
NEW CONTRACTS NOTIFICATION FROM: Wang Qi Shan, Jiang Xi, Omega-52 TO: Mollys of Dublin ...encryption code authorized ...loading data
Good day, Ms. O'Driscoll. Our enterprise have request, which could be interesting for Molly's captains. Request ID 11098251, that part with Heat Sinks and High Performance Alloys, which as we know Republic of Dublin can export. I hope prices is good, bonuses will be paid aswell for declared deliveries.
Naow, fer yer request. It would be a pleasure fer oos tae help ye shippin' doses heat sinks un' hoigh performance alloys tae Baku. Howe'er, afore we'd start, we'd have a question. It seems dhat yer request would be on hold due tae technical reasons. So please let oos be notifoied oif tis deh case o' nae.
Furdhermore, we would loike tae clarifoy dhat aour shippies' callsoign be [M]- un' nae only [M], jus' tae make shure ye won't have any uninvoited guests sneakin' aboard yer station.
Tank ye fer listenin' .
Slán agat !
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(03-31-2010, 11:48 PM)Sprolf Wrote: That is the crux of the matter.
If you aid us, and you aid them, you are the enemy.
If you do not aid them, you are worthless outside of extortion potential.
If you aid us, you will be treated with respect.
INCOMING MESSAGE FROM: Wang Qi Shan, Jiang Xi, Omega-52 TO: Blodwyn O'Driscoll ...encryption code authorized ...loading data
Greetings Ms. O'Driscoll. Yes, this true, unfortunately due accident on board Baku Depot, it lost half of storages and can't take deliveries, so we set all linked requests on hold, until we finish repair.
We will check our docking systems, and implement all needed changes for prevent any security breaches, thank you for information.