Judging by commodity costs, the minimum cost of living for someone dirtside, just for day to day material goods, is approximately 230 S.C. daily.
Food Rations - 75 S.C.
Water - 20 S.C.
Oxygen - 15 S.C.
Consumer Goods - 120 S.C.
What this means is that the cost of living is about 83950 S.C. yearly per person, before anything we would consider useful, like gas, electricity, and other modern amenities, so over 300k (335800 S.C.) per 4-person family per year, just to keep on living.
Here's the clever tweest.
A Sunburst costs about 32k. If someone were to not use their allotment of consumer goods money for a year (well, 300 days or so), they would be able to buy a Sunburst outright. What this means is that any joker off the street can buy a fully-functional starship. I could, right now, make a literal claim that a Manhattan child saved up their allowance from their middle class/wealthy parents to buy a Sunburst, the 526 S.C. fare to Erie, and at least one gun and point to the above figures to justify it, or more hilariously, some pimple-faced teen working a summer job could afford it. Yes, it costs about as much as a modern-day car right now, but considering how inflated the rest of Discovery is, it literally costs less than the minimum /givecash amount. (maths: 31980 + 500 + 9600 + 526 = 42706 for a Freelancer ID + 1 Mining Turret Sunburst, so a little over half a year's daily living expenses)
The funny part is that about fifteen minutes of spaceflight ops in Penny make you about fourteen times the money you had to put in.
If anyone has any thoughts/input, I'd love to hear them.
(07-31-2018, 06:59 AM)JorgeRyan Wrote: Also, who pays for water/oxygen?
It's your clean air tax, bucko.
I agree with Jorge, big modern planets probably have clean water and air. One unit is one m3 , yes. The POB crew thing is just unexplainable, they eat like crazy. It seems like the POB crew eats more often then they work.
(07-31-2018, 05:26 AM)Exo the Plier Guy Wrote: If anyone has any thoughts/input, I'd love to hear them.
Trying to calculate any specific inRP sums related to profits, costs or expenses in a game which has fixed game related and partially unrealistic economy, very limited running costs of ships or lack paying the taxes is quite pointless.