The Core has an urgent matter which we must bring up with the Rheinland Government recently.
Several months ago, The Core discovered an abandoned depot on Planet Baltrum in Sigma-15. After securing the station, we have left a contingent of staff there to monitor the facility as well as conduct repairs as we secure the planet. To secure our interests as well as that of Omicron Rho, The Core had erected a border covering the northernmost half of Sigma-15, away from Rheinland interests. Rheinland had expressed little care for Baltrum, as it was devoid of resources or ability, and thus Baltrum would fall under our jurisdiction.
It was to our great shock when our teams on Baltrum reported construction activity in the planet's orbit. Further investigation revealed an ALG Waste Disposal Installation, called Witcher Station. This is a worrying development.
Now, if this installation had been constructed by any other Rheinland entity, whilst we would have taken slight offence to not being contacted prior to its construction, The Core considers Rheinland one of its key allies and is always looking to cooperate and support its objectives. However, ALG is not welcome in our space due to them actively allying with and supplying hostile insurgents when The Core was embroiled in a dispute with Zoners in Omicron Delta. The terrorism of ALG also stretches to our civilian operations and in the past, our Iridium haulers - Iridium which we once exported to them for their HazMat canisters - have been attacked by them. Their hostility is more than just a declaration.
We can only assume the worst: that ALG plans to use the facility to attempt to interdict our operations and civilian traffic, as well as service criminal elements which would be a detriment to both us and Rheinland itself. Having to deal with the meddling of ALG will impact our ability to deter criminal elements in the Sigma region. The Core cannot allow this to stand. In the past, we have dealt with incursions on Rho's security. We are hoping to reach a peaceful resolution here - such as the dismantling or relocation of the installation - before it comes to that.
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Minister for Foreign Affairs Christina Lauritz SOURCE:Hauptsitz des Auswärtigen Amts, Planet New Berlin
Dear Supreme Guildmaster Archos,
my name is Christina Lauritz and I hold the position of Minister for Foreign Affairs in the government of The Bundesrepublik Rheinland. I was entrusted to reply to your message.
The Rheinland government is very surprised and displeased to hear that The Core is attempting to claim any part of the Rheinland space yet again. In the past, your representatives were repeatedly told that The Bundesrepublik Rheinland considers the Sigma-15 system in its entirety as part of the Rheinland space, where only the Rheinland laws are to be enforced. Not to mention that during our last talks last year, only things that The Core requested was a construction of a border station at Norderney planetoid and a special regime for the area of 15 kilometres around the Omicron Rho jump hole. Any actions regarding planet Baltrum were never mentioned and on top of that, your request was denied anyway and there was no further communication since then.
Thus we are quite shocked to hear that you now not only claim part of the Rheinland space including a planet, not only you claim you "erected a border to secure your interests" and that this planet "falls under your jurisdiction", but you even threaten to destroy station of one of the Rheinland corporations which is, once again, built within the space of the Bundesrepublik.
To be honest, we are very confused by your behaviour, especially because - like you said yourself - we considered our relations as close cooperation. Just because Rheinland did not show interest in some area for some time, it does not mean it can be freely claimed by anyone. We doubt you have such policy regarding your territory, so you should not expect it from us. I hope you know that the Bundesrepublik is very sensitive to any attempts to touch its space, you can ask the Gas Miners Guild about it.
Thus, we would like to hear the explanation from you and we hope to hear that all this is just someone´s huge mistake and you take back everything regarding threats towards the Wichter Station or any claims to our territory. It would be very unfortunate and unwelcomed if there would have to start disputes between us, or even armed conflict.
Perhaps I was too general in my assertion of Core interests within Sigma-15. Apologies if I came across as brazen.
In short, The Core does not care for Sigma-15 outside of simply ensuring a secure area for traffic going in and out of it. We do not seek to 'claim' the system per se as, to us at least, the system lacks any interesting resources or objects of significant tactical value to our operations. As you can see here, Sigma-15 is not considered our territory. And anything that would be of interest to us, it is far more viable for Rheinland to take ownership of these items, and either keep them out of the hands of criminal elements or exchange them via trade. These include areas such as the Nordsee Cloud, which The Core has no interest in either claiming or extracting gas from themselves. We do know of a Corsair presence in the Cloud, and are conducting frequent patrols in a bid to eliminate them entirely - for the benefit of us both. It was not to my personal knowledge of Baltram falling under any agreements, furthermore, we did not detect any Rheinland probes or survey teams planetside, nor encounter any resistance or objection from Rheinland when securing the vault, which The Core has been stationed on for months.
Whilst we understand Rheinland's desire to maintain Sigma-15 as part of its space, we must respectfully disagree with some of your decisions. The Core cannot confidently feel it's sovereignty and security is ensured with the status quo. And the construction of Witcher only cements our belief that something needs to change. At the end of the day, Rho serves as a bulwark between Rheinland and the perils of the Omicrons. Not being able to maintain that, and any hole that appears in this would be a disaster for us both. All we desire is creating a 'secure space', rather than establishing any part of Sigma-15 as Core or Omicronis territory.
Hence why we cannot stress the threat of Witcher Station enough. As seen in item A and item B, ALG has made its hostile intentions known after violating our regulations and airspace. They're not a Rheinland Corporation - like Kruger, Daumann or Republican Shipping - they're belligerent insurgents. Witcher creates a scenario in which hostiles can strike directly at Rho as well as civilian and military traffic exiting it. Imagine if the Red Hessian Army was able to construct an outpost right next to New Berlin: that is how we feel.
I agree that I would like us to avoid a diplomatic incident. The Sigmas are embroiled in enough conflict as is, and there is no reason to add to it. The rise of criminal presence in the Sigmas during this period is troubling, and it is something The Core is aiming to deal with for the benefit of Rheinland. However, our efforts will be hindered as long as Witcher is a problem. And this will, in turn, prove detrimental to Rheinland as a result. I hope this matter can be resolved peacefully. As far as we can tell, ALG have already fired the first shot.
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Minister for Foreign Affairs Christina Lauritz SOURCE:Hauptsitz des Auswärtigen Amts, Planet New Berlin
Dear Supreme Guildmaster Archos,
I apologize for the delay, we have a lot of issues to deal with currently. I am glad that we cleared up the situation about the Sigma-15 and its indisputable inclusion in the territory of the Bundesrepublik Rheinland in its entirety. The Rheinland government hopes there will be never any need to repeat it again. However, this brings some questions and issues regarding the abandoned depot you mentioned which is - as established - located within the Rheinland territory.
First of all, we would expect that you would notify us or some of our law enforcement organizations about a discovery of unidentified and probably illegal structure before taking any actions in our space. And we would definitely expect from you to seek permission before seizing the depot and basically turning it into your temporary base of operation. The Rheinland government insists that if there will be any similar situation in future again, you will act as described. Claiming that you "did not encounter any resistance or objection from Rheinland when securing the vault" is unacceptable, because obviously, we could not express any opinion about something we were not informed about.
At this point, we request summary about what made the depot so special that you decided to secure it and even leave a contingent of the staff there to monitor the facility as well as conduct repairs, as you said yourself. We want to know what information you gathered about the structure so far, for example regarding its original owners or purpose, what exactly you discovered onboard and last but not least, what are your intentions with the depot now.
Now to the issue of security related to the Wichter Station that you are concerned with. By the way, the name is Wichter, not Witcher. The Rheinland government is aware of the relations between the ALG Waste Disposal and The Core, and consider the whole situation as very unfortunate and unwanted. However, we cannot dictate diplomacy of any private corporation, regardless if we agree with it or not, as long as laws are followed within our territory which is under the jurisdiction of Rheinland law enforcement. Also, placement of their of their base is not in violation of any current laws or regulations.
While we understand your concerns, we would like to point out that if ALG would let any criminals considered as enemies of the Rheinland use their station like you imply, it would be a serious crime which would be followed by harsh punishment. Also, there are possible measures available to improve your security, part of them was even mentioned last year during the negotiations with the Guildmistress Hawken. We may ask the law enforcement to patrol the area more often to make sure nothing wrong happens there. Or you can create a border station on your side of the jump hole in the Omicron Rho which is your territory. You can also keep patrols near the Witcher Station because your vessels can freely use the Rheinland space with exception of capital ships. Thus if ALG would want to attempt any strike against you, your forces would be warned in advance or ALG would be forced to attack your patrol first, what would be again a serious violation of the Rheinland laws with respective repercussions. On top of that, it goes without saying that there will be no interest to provide protection to anything that is against the interests of the Bundesrepublik, such as strikes against friendly organization staged from our territory. Nevertheless, if you have any specific proposals regarding the situation and possible solutions, feel free to bring them and they will be discussed.
»ID:William Rotschild »Location:Durban Station, Omicron Rho »Subject:Sigma-15 and The Vault. »ENCRYPTION:INVINCIBLE
Christina Lauritz,
There's no need for your apology for the delay in response, as you can see, it took me just as much time to wrap my head around such a ludicrous demand. I would like to take this moment to apologise for the former Guild Masters lapse of sanity and retract the claim on half of the Sigma-15 system and the planet contained within its zone. I am however surprised to read that a more reasonable request of influence over the Rho Jumphole and the nearby planet Norderney was denied, I can only assume that this was due to a misunderstanding between our parties. The Core and Rheinland have a long-standing history of working together and having a strong Core presence in the system would be mutually beneficial to Rheinland corporations looking for more security and the Core as a whole protecting its interests around the Rho Jump Hole.
Working together is the ideal here and if the mineral deposits on planet Norderney where a blocker to progress here A joint operation between DHC and APM would not only increase the logistical capacity and efficiency of extraction but also bring us closer together, a win-win situation. As for the vault, very little of value was obtained and the previous guild master did break protocol by not informing the appropriate authorities, for that the Core does apologise. As it stands now it comprises mostly of Core personnel and equipment, we can either dismantle the station or have it towed to the proposed core influence zone and used as a staging ground for the joint industrial assault on Norderney.
Having this agreement would see the Core included in Sigma-15 closing the gap between us and only strengthening our opportunities to work together more often and I urge you to reconsider the proposal to agree on a 10-15K border around the jump hole to be considered under the jurisdiction of Core law and a Core Security zone.
-William Rottschild
Imperial Guildmaster, The Core
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Minister for Foreign Affairs Christina Lauritz SOURCE:Hauptsitz des Auswärtigen Amts, Planet New Berlin
Dear Imperial Guildmaster Rottschild,
Your apology is accepted. I would like to say that we are glad that we can solve the situation in a friendly manner and without unwanted disputes. Now to your request. The whole matter is unique and unpreceded because the Bundesrepublik never gave any foreign organization right to control some area in its territory before, and thus it required a lot of discussions and consultations. But after considering everything again, the government decided that the Bundesrepublik is willing to establish the "Core Security Zone", which would be defined as an area of 10 kilometres around the Omicron Rho jump hole. In this area, The Core will be allowed to enforce its laws, however Rheinland law enforcement will keep the right to patrol there and act in situations when both Rheinland and The Core laws will be violated simultaneously.
In return, we have only one demand related to the vault at planet Baltrum. Considering that the current situation may be viewed and mainly presented for example by political opposition or some biased media as an illegal seizure of property in Rheinland space by The Core, we want to ask you to withdraw all your personnel from the station and hand control over it to the Daumann Heavy Construction, which showed interest in it for possible future use in the system. For example for the mentioned mining operation on Norderney planetoid, which your two organizations can arrange later.
Is this agreement acceptable to you, Imperial Guildmaster Rottschild?
»ID:William Rotschild »Location:Durban Station, Omicron Rho »Subject:Sigma-15 and The Vault. »ENCRYPTION:INVINCIBLE
Christina Lauritz,
I am very pleased to hear that the Bundesrepublik has agreed to allow the Core the right to control the 10k radius around and the Nordeney Planetoid. As part of this acceptance, the Vault would naturally fall out of our sphere of influence and no longer be in a region of Core control. In preparation of this negotiation, we have already evacuated Core personnel and equipment and effectively in the same state in which we found it. I strongly advise that the aforementioned interested parties act soon as it is unknown when or if the Vault will continue its descent towards the planet, imminent action may be required. The Core|are willing to provide additional support if needed.
-William Rottschild
Imperial Guildmaster, The Core
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Minister for Foreign Affairs Christina Lauritz SOURCE:Hauptsitz des Auswärtigen Amts, Planet New Berlin
Dear Imperial Guildmaster Rottschild,
The Rheinland government is glad we were able to reach the agreement which fits both sides and will help to make relations between the Bundesrepublik and The Core even stronger. With some delay, for which I apologize, I am pleased to inform you that the law change which included the addition of The Core´s Security Zone was approved by the Bundestag in form of the paragraph three of the Article Six, which states that "the area of 10 kilometers around the Omicron Rho jump hole, which is located at the border of sectors E3-F3 in Sigma-15 system, is considered as The Core´s Security Zone where The Core is allowed to enforce its laws. The Rheinland law-enforcement is allowed to patrol in this zone and act in situations when both Rheinland and The Core laws are violated simultaneously".
Update of the Rheinland laws with this change was made the week before last.