It's not only about you.
You're not the first one trying to obscure the RP text by using so-called encryption.
I'd say there's no point in posting encrypted text on forum if you do not wish others to read it.
~The eyes that only see prey. An instinct to act on~
~The bloodlust and it’s just, Not enough... Not enough.~
~But that’s the chain of command, And now we know we must not hide~
(10-16-2018, 06:33 AM)Jayce Wrote: If you're going to post a thread that's encrypted, you may as well not even bother. It's the exact equivalent of doing the roleplay over Discord. The purpose of having the RP on the forums is so that it's visible to others. When you add some garbage "encryption" to the post, it essentially wastes forum space for no benefit to any player other than yourselves.
Don't do it.
Thank you!!
The point to the forums is so everyone OORP knows the story line. It’s when you take that oorp knowledge and make it into inrp that’s wrong. Don’t be a circle jerker, and any mod/admin who supports it is enabling another form of power gaming. Shame on you.
Also a sanctionable act; rule 1.7 Everything must be in understandable English
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Who even cares if someone did an encrypted message or roleplayed over discord, skype, forum PMs or in a random system offplane? If he didn't want you to find out his RP, you won't. It's mind blowing someone can get upset over such a thing when you can just pretend it doesn't exist. The 1.7 rule with understandable English is a legitimate thing to note though, it might need admin clarification. It's like writing in another language, you can't read it without a proper translating tool.
(10-16-2018, 06:19 AM)Auzari Wrote: encrypted rp is the same as circlejerk skype/discord rp
if that isn't pot calling the kettle black, nothing is
everything is basically encrypted anyway, what with the no metagaming rules and comm channel subforum description:
(05-03-2010, 09:45 PM)Dab Wrote: 1) A thread does not need to have a line stating the channel is encrypted in order to be secure. Simply put, unless it says it is an open channel, it is encrypted. An encryption line is completely optional, and threads omitting this line are awarded the same level of security as a thread including an 'encrypted' line.
If people want to add inrp embellishments for encryprtion let them and if they really dont want to let the whole forum (or those that can be bothered decrypting stuff) then theres nothing stopping them just using PM's or other methods of communicating.
Going around posting the decrypted text just seems childish and immature really
(10-16-2018, 08:10 AM)Antonio Wrote: Who even cares if someone did an encrypted message or roleplayed over discord, skype, forum PMs or in a random system offplane? If he didn't want you to find out his RP, you won't.
A Problem that could arise is, that if the RP is just simple chit-chat that should stay private, why bother posting it? If u RP for the fun of it, it doesn't Need to be on the Forums.
But if it is *important* roleplay, maybe even Roleplay that involves factions and dictates their future Actions, it's just unnecessary additional work for the staff. If a faction wants a perk based on this encrypted RP, they'd have to decrypt it as well. It's simple, if the decryption key is given, but it's still stuff the Staff shouldn't have to be bothered with.
Same goes for someone applying for an SRP. If the RP for it is all encrypted, it's just a bother, really.
I remember when I wrote RP to have fun in first place, not to contribute to the community. But then I turned into an asset of Discovery and the Community and realized that people are entitled to be entirely able to interact with me whenever I log into the game. Some people even got mad at me for not logging as often as they wanted me to.
I can see both sides of this, really. There's some RP that is exclusive to groups of people and that's where you'd want it encrypted, but that kind of thing can just as easily be posted between people involved on PMs or on discord. What's posted to the forum publicly should be visible publicly, but then again we have people that have a tendency to power/meta game and use information they see here which they would not have access to in-character.
Personally, I prefer the old method of just limiting who can post in a particular forum story, making it visible to everyone to read but then we have to rely on them not using that info ooc.
(10-16-2018, 06:06 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: Send me the scene where Raven stabs Junt in the back and then gets smacked into the ground followed by snu-snu.