╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ► Sender ID: Deputy Marauder Cash Ivankov
► Location: Beaumont, Texas
► Destination ID: Lane Hackers
► Encryption: HIGH
I'm unsure who among you is the most technically minded so I am trusting this transmission will get where it needs to go. During our salvage operations we frequently run into the problem of vessels that are structurally sound but are unable to fully take advantage of this due to the amount of crew required to operate these ships. It is my hope that you may be able to utilize your technical knowledge to create appropriate software that is able to significantly cut down on the crew required. With this capability we would more frequently be able to simply repair and move some of the more lightly damaged ships instead of having to transport them in pieces. I would be willing to pay in credits or return the favor in services if desired.
It is a pleasure to speak with you once again. The Professors have indeed noticed your request and handed it over to me. The tasks of industrial automation and robotic manipulation are certainly not new to me and I am most assured you will be satisfied with the outcome.
Yet, there are few questions I need answer to. Which vessels are in question, which drawbacks have you noticed and do you request only a software upgrade or would it be possible to perform a hardware upgrade? There's multiple ways to approach this problem and I hope you are able to disclose me one you prefer, as well as full information on vessel's specifications, schematics and maintenance lists.
╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ► Sender ID: Deputy Marauder Cash Ivankov
► Location: Beaumont, Texas
► Destination ID: Lane Hackers
► Encryption: HIGH
It is good to speak with you again Mr. Blackfriar. Just to again restate, our intentions here are to enable us to operate larger vessels with a reduced crew requirement until they can be returned to a proper shipyard for repair or disassembly, whichever is found to be more beneficial. In the case of ships in combat zones or hazardous regions these vessels would have power restored to engines and moved to a more secure location in system to ensure thorough salvage operation. Because of that it is hard for me to give you a definitive answer regarding the vessels make or manufacturer. Given that each manufacturer is likely to do things in different ways and our own salvage projects are currently focused on certain areas I will at least provide a list of vessels that are currently within our interest.
-Scylla class destroyer
-Hel class cruiser
-Hellhound class gunboat
-Rheinland produced vessels of gunship and larger excluding the Bismarck
-Kusari produced vessels of gunship and larger excluding the Tokugawa
-Tridente class gunship
-Bretonian produced vessels of gunship and larger excluding the Dunkirk and Invincible
-Core produced vessels of gunship and larger excluding the Mako
-Gallic produced vessels of gunship and larger excluding the Valor (I wish we could take one of these apart, believe me.)
I understand this list contains some of the most advanced vessels in Sirius as well as a few of the least advanced. I assume because of this that some of these can be done relatively soon while others might take months or may even be deemed impossible.
Regarding defects, a good part of the list I have given you is quite speculative. In some cases we have yet to even encounter specimens intact enough to be worth salvaging for more than the basic metal. The reason for this project is to prepare for the case where we may be presented with an opportunity to salvage or perhaps even study these ships in detail. I am sure as a man of innovation you can understand my concern over missing such a chance if we are presented with it. Hopefully sooner or later one of the many conflict zones will yield such an opportunity. Ideally when that happens we will already have the software needed to override certain safety features, optimize diagnostics of the ship systems and any other improvements that you feel may be of use.
I understand what I ask is quite monumental in scale and would not hold it against you should you decide to decline. I promise if you choose to accept though that the rewards will be equal to the challenge.
First of all - allow me to express my utter gratitude for clarifying the list of the vessels in question.
Secondly, i would like to sum up and confirm your request - what you require is generic automatisation software that would work on a wide range of platforms while not loosing it's efficiency, is that correct? I assume so, as previously you have tended to form your requests precise enough.
This can be performed, for sure, yet - i can not predict the amount of effort that will be put into the project, thus, we will discuss the costs of it when it will be completed.
I will let you know as soon as i have some progress made.
╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ► Sender ID: Deputy Marauder Cash Ivankov
► Location: Beaumont, Texas
► Destination ID: Lane Hackers
► Encryption: HIGH
It is good to hear from you Mrs. Felicity, I sadly do not believe I have had the pleasure of dealing with you. You are indeed correct in the assumption that the goal of this project is the development of software capable of easing the burden during large recovery operations. To further clarify, while I do have utmost faith in anyone chosen to represent the Lane Hackers I also understand that such an undertaking will likely require special equipment in order to properly function. I would not ask the impossible.
With that said, how has the progress been so far? Should it help I believe we could feasibly send our salvage teams further abroad in order to locate wreckage that may provide insight into the workings of some of these vessels.
Good afternoon, Mr. Ivankov. I will be taking over this matter from here.
Apparently your messages have been rerouted to my systems, for reasons presently unbeknownst to me. I'm not familiar with the technical credentials of those who came before me, but what you've outlaid is a severe undertaking indeed. Allow me to explain.
Large ships require more crew to control various aspects of the spacecraft. Sometimes, this is for redundancy - while all of these things could be controlled from a central location on the vessel, crew are localised to the equipment to reduce the risk of signal transmission failure or delay, or in the event of damage to the signal transmission system, ensure the control strata remains intact. Alternatively it may be important to have crew present not simply for redundancy, but to improve their ability to respond to fluctuating needs for physical intervention on equipment, temporary repairs and the like - stations at which it is vital to have crew present.
Now, systems in which crew are only staffed for redundancy are easier to manage in this proposal - no crew need actually be there, but control infrastructure like electrical systems simply need installation to allow for remote control of the ship system itself. In the event of damage to this network, the system will fail, but in a non-time-critical salvage operation, this is an acceptable risk. The alternative is that the system requires frequent thought-out intervention in order to maintain functionality. In this case, a crew member is necessary. Otherwise, even assuming an intact control interface or undamaged micro-electrical components, nothing short of an artificial intelligence could respond to evolving issues within the specific system.
Then there is the matter of cultural design differences. The variety of ships you've listed have near-completely different architecture, engineering, interface design, system design, electronic architecture, and software design. Each of these would be a project unto itself, essentially. Despite that they share some common components, or more than that, common design elements, each ship and at the least, each manufacturer, would require analysis and customisation of a solution by us.
It would also inevitably be the case that some hardware-based intervention would be necessary by our operatives. Depending on the complexity of the intervention, being from implementing a soft solution, rewiring or rigging equipment, or adjusting motorised servomechanisms for application to a control interface, varying degrees of our involvement would be required.
This all depends on that the critical systems of a ship are not so damaged as to be un-service-able and that non-critical systems are to be left disabled during salvage. Circumvention of security software and safety mechanisms are certainly possible as these are always controlled by software in modern spacecraft, and are tied into core systems central to the ship, if they are still intact - but control infrastructure is another matter. While none of this is outside our capability, it would have to be tailored to each ship selected for salvage. It would also be hypothetically possible for us to develop a solution that would be able to, as remotely as possible with a damaged ship, inject, elevate and assume control of all systems, critical and otherwise, and then remotely control systems requiring logical human intervention, automating with an advanced computer program as much as can possibly be done, all accommodating the numerous differences between ship designs. This however, would not be a small undertaking, would be one of the most powerful tools in Sirius, and would not be easily accessible to so much as business partners.
Not to mention after all this, that due to our involvement with the owners of a number of the ships you have suggested for salvage, we would require you to promptly gain their permission and blessing for salvage of their ships, from which, I imagine, you intend to profit.
All in all, I would think towing these void masses both simpler, and much more your speciality, as much as it is crude and slow. However, I will make a proposal. These ships still need security and safety mechanisms disabled to allow you to ensure the safe shutdown of their reactors and access to the ship, and to prevent security-based self-destruct sequences, which could easily obliterate all ships of yours in attendance. We would be able to provide these services - services, not products. In return, we would like the time to retrieve and download software, design and intelligence information, and in limited cases, sections of electronic hardware, from these salvages, for our analysis and use in developing better solutions, which may in future be able to address some of your needs.