Ile De France Shipping is a major shipping company that operates both inside and outside the Gallia. Partnered with EFL Oil and Machinery, IDF is dealing with major shipments coming from and to Gallia. Ile De France Shipping puts loyalty to the Crown in front before any profit.
Île-de-France Shipping S.A. (IDF Shipping) was founded in 501 AGS (585 A.S.) by Francois Pomeroy, who thought Gallia needed a shipping company that was absolutely loyal to the Crown, instead of just another money hungry company like many others at that time. It started as a one man business, Francois, and his Aurochs freighter, the “Île-de-France”. He had some small private contracts within the Core Worlds, enough to feed his family. The company really started after Francois received an urgent charter into the active war zone of the First Gallic War. Most of the companies active at that time did not want to risk operating in such an environment. Being one of the few people available to operate there, Francois took his chance and accepted the assignment.
The Crown was very pleased with his performance, so he got a permanent contract, in exchange for a significant stock share. This allowed him to expand his business giving him a huge head start with support from the Crown. Only several months after his first assignment, he raised enough funds for the first large transport, the ME-UH "Vache" Gallic Train named “Parisienne”. After the war, IDF started purchasing assets of competing companies and was able to organize several aggressive takeovers. Starting with the smaller companies, slowly gaining market share, but quickly expanding the fleet.
The government prefers not to interfere in IDF operations unless it's absolutely necessary, but the situation has been changing since the start of the Second Gallic War when government representatives on the board of IDF started to lobby for increased participation of IDF with supplying the Navy. The Board quickly decided that if the Crown needed their help, IDF would be more then willing to provide it. That lead to a big increase in Border World activity, providing supplies for the rear outposts of the Sirius invasion fleet. IDF was able to stay out of the conflict between the Council and the Royal Navy. Because employees of IDF are civilians, they are not targeted by Council attacks.
Both sides are far from friendly, but encounters seldom lead to an engagement. After the King opened the borders for trade, IDF immediately organized small scale scouting missions for potential new markets. Richard Pinault was made Director of External Commerce, managing everything that had to do with Sirius. He established trade relations with Kusari, the first House they visited.
IDF Shipping is currently the leading shipping company in the Gallic space, occupying over 55 percent of the civilian space transportation market. The Crown has a significant stake in IDF operations with a stock share of over 40 percent. IDF Shipping is known to be one of the closest partners of EFL Oil and Machinery. IDF extensively participated in building the system of Gallic jump gates and trade lanes and continues to do so to ensure a good infrastructure. Constructing the rapid space transportation systems was undertaken by EFL using technology “borrowed” from Sirius nations by the Junkers. IDF participated in the construction works and provided transport for huge lane and gate parts that EFL developed and built in its shipyards.
The land headquarters of IDF are located at New Paris, and Sarcelles Shipping Facility is considered the space headquarters of the company. Because communication with the Core Worlds isn’t always possible, and because it is impossible to travel between the core and border, IDF purchased a big office on Planet Nevers, functioning as a Border Worlds Headquarters. Ile-de-France Shipping's loyalty will never be questioned. Because of this, IDF is working on systematic development and increasing the company's market value to ensure the financial security of its shareholders and employees, instead of blindly hunting for the best profit. "Loyalty over Profit" as Joseph Pomeroy said in his speech when he took over IDF Shipping from his father.
La Marine Royale Gauloise
Gallic Royal Police
Gallic Royal Intelligence
EFL Oil & Machinery
Gallic Metal Service
The Corsair Empire
The Core
Rheinland Corporations
Kusari Corporations
Independet Miners Guild
Unione Corse
Independent Sirians
The Maquis
Gallic Brigands
Anti Gallic Royal Alliance
Kusari Unlawfuls
Rheinland Unlawfuls
- King's finest. La Marine Royale Gauloise is fighting for our future, thousands of soliders have died trying to ensure our stabile future, it is our duty to assist them in any way possible. Without them who knows where we would be.
While the Royal Navy is fighiting away from our home, the Police is there to protect our shipments as well as our captains. They are a valuable to us and they are to be treated with respect. The IDF employees must respect both the Navy and the Police without question.
- Our partners. Without them we wouldn't be able to build Gallia as it is now; with them we shall continue to prosper and provide our people with life they deserve.
At the moment, our company, together with EFL looks to improve the construction of both trade lanes and jump gates.
- A gigantic Mining Corporation. Although the Crown holds only a few percentage of stocks, the Gallic Metal Service is a corporation that IDF looks forward to work with. They're widely spread from Gallic space to the Gallic Borderwords. There's a mutual respect between our two companies, they're also to be approached with respect.
- Our company is looking forward in improving relations with the Cretans.
- The Guild seems like a potential partner.
- We are not happy with the events following the war outbreak in Sigma-21 nor the New Tokyo Government takeovers. The Kusari Republic is reforming it's Government, we can only keep a close eye on them.
The Kusari Corporations such as Samura and Kishiro are welcome in our home and the previous cooperation with the two of the companies is to be resumed.
- Just like the Crown, our company is looking for mutual cooperation between the two houses. With Sigma-21 war ongoing, the IDF is trying to stay neutral until the Crown chooses otherwise.
Approach the Lawful authorities with respect.
- The Crown let's them in our home, we are to respect King's decisions.
- Although the Union is neutral in King's eyes, you never know what to expect from them. They're to be approached with extreme caution. Do not trust them.
- The true enemies of the Crown. We do not like them, but they're different from the scum like Maquis and Brigands. The Council solders are not known for targeting civilians. They're to be avoided as much as possible.
- This is why we need the Police. The Maquis are extremely dangerous terrorists whose only joy is to blow something. They are know to be cruel to their enemies, in order to counter their attacks, our transports must be well armored and prepared for the worst.
- Thieves, murderers, scum. They don't care who they're targeting, they take from the poor and prize themselves in their filthy rocks that they call homes. In case of spotting a Brigand try to call for backup from the nearest Police Station.
- Anti Royal Alliance - Enemies of the Crown makes them our enemies as well.
Short term:
- - Complete renovation of the Sarcelles Shipping Facility
- - Ensuring shipments of various materials to the New London front
- - Improving relations with the Federal Republic of Rheinland
- - Improving relations with the Core guild and establishing a trade route
- - Further improvement of relations with the Custodi / Corsair Empire
Long term:
- - Reconstruction of Bouvet Space Entertainment subdivision
- - Ensuring shipments of Gate Part to Leeds needed for the re-construction of the New London Jump Gate
- - Ensuring shipments of Trade Lane Parts to Indochine Outpost needed for the construction of the Trade Lane in Tau-23
- - Improving relations with the Corsair Empire and opening a trade route between the Empire and Gallia
Directeur Général:
- - Sophie Pomeroy
Vice Directeur Général:
- - Jeanne Lorraine
Officier Supérieur:
- - Emilien Bouvet
Officier de Sécurité:
- - Kylian Chappelle
Pilot de Sécurité:
- - Guimond Lavallee
- - Pryor Guimond
- - Alexis Lorraine
- - Matthieu de La Fayette
- -
Ile de France
Ile-de-France Shipping was founded in 501 AGS. As a shipping company that specializes in space cargo transportation, the company considered establishing headquarters in space rather than planetside to be a major benefit. IDF's Board of Directors chose the location one trade lane run away from the Burgundy jump gate. Construction of the station that was named Sarcelles took five years to complete, and in 506 AGS it was officially opened. In years to come, it was rebuilt and expanded several times to match an increasing amount of IDF shipments heading through Sarcelles to and from the Gallic Border Worlds.
The First Gallic War was a disaster for many small shipping companies, especially those heavily involved with Normandy region trade. IDF focused on the Core Worlds and Border Worlds instead. Backed by the government and supported by EFL Oil & Machinery, IDF currently controls a vast market of civilian shipments across the House of Gallia. Sarcelles is still considered the headquarters of the company, but not many board members and chief officers choose to live and work there. Despite the best efforts of IDF designers, living on Planet New Paris is much more comfortable. IDF Shipping owns a small island near Ile du Palais where a large "office city" was constructed to serve as the company's actual headquarters and most of its top employees live and work there.
Montigny is a relatively large shipping platform built by IDF Shipping in 486 A.G.S. . Montigny's location was previously occupied by a smaller station, serving as a transit point for shipments to Lyon colonists and Vandoeuvres Space Colony. In about 480 A.G.S., trade lanes were built around Lyonnais, and a new type of shipping station was necessary. IDF got the contract and built the station in less than eight months.
Montigny was refurbished several times, the last time in 677 A.G.S. . Unlike some of the other shipping platforms, the amount of cargo handled by this facility did not decline due to the increased fuel capacity of modern transport vessels that usually do not need any refueling points between their port of origin and destination. In the safe environment of Lyonnais, a large share of the local shipments are processed by local companies and independent traders who often use Montigny to exchange goods and store large amounts of cargo delivered by larger companies, a role that has become more prominent now that ships from Kusari have also begun to use the facility as a transfer point.
Seeing the potential for business, against the Kingdom’s policy of xenophobia, IDF Shipping established La Charite Spaceport in hopes of creating a trade hub where Gallic and Sirian business interests could mix and mingle. Under the nose of the Kingdom, the Spaceport gives opportunity to traders who are not authorized to enter Gallia to still conduct business.
This is however not with downsides, as the Spaceport is under constant scrutiny from the local Gallic law enforcement, as well as the danger of raids by both the Bretonian Privateers and the Maquis. As a consequence, the Spaceport locals have taken to hiring Mercenaries and Freelancers to help support the defense of the station
Before 816 A.S., Glasgow Outpost was the headquarters for Bowex (Border World Exports), a very large, very old shipping conglomerate. Bowex, which received its royal charter from Prince Harry XXI himself in 310 A.S., claims a long and storied history in which the company was involved in most of the major events of Bretonian history. Prior to the war with Kusari, Bowex was the leading Bretonian shipping concern and handles most of the shipping in and around Leeds.
When Kusari's onslaught against Bretonia reached the Leeds system, Bowex officials moved to New London and other stations located in safer areas of Bretonia. The outpost still formally belonged to the company, but in fact was operated by Bretonia Armed Forces. Glasgow was reinforced with hull plates and modern station weaponry, yet, the Armed Forces did not have time and resources to renew the dated and inefficient internal security systems. The Kusari Navy used this weakness in the battle for the jump gate, dispatching several small groups of commandos that were able to neutralize many of the station's defenders by a surprise attack, and gaining partial control of weapon systems. Yet, the remaining defenders of Glasgow did not surrender, and fighting on the station continued long after the surrounding space was cleared of Bretonia Armed Forces presence.
After the war between Kusari and Bretonia was forced to a conclusion by the invasion of Gallia into the Tau systems, Bowex reclaimed the station, but its perilous position so close to the Tau-31 Jump Gate made the station a hazardous duty post for Bowex's employees. During the Gallic push into Leeds, Glasgow was one of the first Bretonian outposts to come under attack. Bowex was able to evacuate the civilian staff and turned over the station to the Bretonian Armed Forces to bolster the defense of the jumpgate, but the stations limited defenses played no significant role in the battle. Gallic forces heavily damaged the station while subduing its defenses.
After securing most of northern Leeds, the Gallic Navy turned the station over to IDF Shipping, turning it into a supply depot for the Gallic forces pushing into Bretonia.
With the fall of Planet Harris in 823 A.S. and the Tau corridor securely under Gallic control, the crown deemed it necessary to fortify and bolster their position further in Leeds. Ile-de-France Shipping, in conjunction with EFL Oil & Machinery, were given subsidies by the crown to repair the outpost in order to better accommodate the needs of all Gallic ships stopping by along the thoroughfare. As part of the renovation plans, large cargo bays and high-volume cargo loaders were added to the outpost. Significant internal work was also completed by EFL Oil & Machinery on the station, which greatly improved the condition and operating capabilities of the facility..
Luxury Liner Antibes is operated by Bouvet Space Entertainment, formerly a Solar Engineering subsidiary. Built in 724 AGS, it is one of the most recent liners of the Snapdragon class. Antibes was specially modified to be able to operate within the dangerous confines of the Provence system. It has an extended shield grid, weapons array, and reinforced hull armor rumored to be as durable as that of the Obstinate Cruiser. While these make this ship a small flying fortress, the modifications limit the amount of passengers she can carry and make her more expensive to run. Still, the thrill of being aboard a liner under threat of attack by pirates is a rush many adventure-seeking wealthy travelers are simply unable to pass up.
The ship comes under occasional attack by Brigand raiders, who some rumor to actually be on the company payroll to put on a good show for the guests. The Maquis have attempted to destroy the liner, but were unable to due to the difficulties provided by its enhanced defenses.
In 737 AGS by a Royal Decree, Solar Engineer was dissolved with the majority of its assets merged into EFL Oil and Machinery. Bouvet Space Entertainment on the other hand, was purchased by IDF Shipping, along with most of its popular luxury liner offerings including the Antibes. Though the ownership of the liner has changed, the liner itself continues running with no noticeable difference.
Finding itself in far more dangerous situations as of late and being too close to skirmishes between the Gallic Royal Navy and revolutionary forces of the Council in the system, Ile de France Shipping has relocated the Antibes to the orbit of Avignon, a position that is far less compromising while still providing the thrill that its special clientele seek
Luxury Liner Belleville is one of the well-known cruise vessels operated by Bouvet Space Entertainment group, formerly a subsidiary of Solar Engineering. Belleville is one of the earliest vessels of its class, having been launched in 703 A.G.S. It is most commonly seen in the Lorraine system. The liner is currently stationed close to the massive Sarre Nebula.
Belleville cruises are one of the most popular for upper-class Gallic travelers who prefer the safer environments of the Core Worlds, Lorraine in particular. For those who prefer more exciting experiences, other cruise routes exist, including a trip into the Border Worlds featuring a "guaranteed pirate attack". Since the opening of the Tau-53 jump gate, the liner has also begun seeing a fair share of Kusari visitors, curious about their new Gallic neighbors.
Solar was dissolved in 737 A.G.S. by a Royal Decree, merged under EFL Oil and Machinery. Bouvet, on the other hand, was purchased by IDF Shipping, along with most of its popular luxury liner offerings.
Very nice. Good luck. Although, Gallic Armored Transport is listed as military ship in this thread. However, your info says, that you can fly them without a special premission.
IDF has gone through the necessary paperwork to obtain a sizeable stock of GATs. I'm guessing the "special permission" mentioned applies to the faction members who need to ask to fly such ships, not to the faction itself.
// Well, that was more official than intended. Please delete. Lana
(08-30-2018, 07:11 PM)Corpus13 Wrote: Very nice. Good luck. Although, Gallic Armored Transport is listed as military ship in this thread. However, your info says, that you can fly them without a special premission.
(08-30-2018, 08:08 PM)The Kingdom of Gallia Wrote: IDF has gone through the necessary paperwork to obtain a sizeable stock of GATs. I'm guessing the "special permission" mentioned applies to the faction members who need to ask to fly such ships, not to the faction itself.
// Well, that was more official than intended. Please delete. Lana
What Lanakov said. IDF currently has permission to use 14 GAT's which are more than enough for now. I have to grant permission first before my members can make those ships.