As many of us already are familiar with the /setmsg & /showmsgs commands, there are many out there, that still don't quite understand how this command works.
So let's get started.
/setmsg command function serves as pre-written messages, which could be instantly transmitted to either one of the channels ingame.
/showmsgs displays those pre-set messages, that you could choose from.
So how does this work?
/setmsg <N> <message> Set message slot N to the specified message; if no message then the slot is cleared and slots 0-9 are valid. If a #t tag is in <message> this tag will be replaced with the current target name. If a #c tag is in <message> this tag will be replaced with your current map grid location.
Example-No.1: Regular Message
1. Setting a Message to the slot/number 1
/setmsg 1 Greetings traveler!
2. Now to broadcast the set message, you must choose the channel you want this message to be broadcasted. Which have 4 options. System, Local, Group or Private
Now simply using the command /s1 would broadcast the pre-set message to the system chat. Using /l1 or /1 would broadcast it to the Local chat, /g1 to group chat and /t1 for targeted ship's private channel.
Example-No.2: Hail Message/Target Message
1. Setting another message, this time to slot/number 2
/setmsg 2 Hail #t
2. Now when you broadcast the message using the channeling variants /l2, /2 , /s2, /g2, /t2 it would broadcast the entire name of the targeted player instead of the #t that's pre-set to the slot 2
For example if a player is named [Admin]_Dabest , and if you had him targeted your message would go out like: "Hail [Admin]_Dabest"
Example-No.3: Emergency Message/Position message
1. Setting new message , this time to the next available slot, which would be 3 for this example.
/setmsg 3 I need assistance in the sector #c
2. Your broadcasted message when yet again using /l3, /3 , /s3, /g3, /t3 would make your #c tag replaced with your current map grid location.
For example if you are in sector C5 it would automatically broadcast your pre-set message number 3, like this: "I need assistance in the sector C5"
Both the #c and #t can be used in a single pre-set message as well, so feel free to use them to your liking.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here, or PM me alternatively.