Sender: Luciano Vasquez, The Brotherhood Location:Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma Encryption: Mucho strong Recipient: The Hogosha Topic: Food Shortages
Saludos Amigos,
My friends, it pains to call upon you like this, after so long a silence between us, but times are dire. A drought in the Parnassus region of Crete has left many families starving away, as their crops withered and died, and yet the damned Zoners refuse to sell us any more food rations, may a plague fall upon their families! We require a shipment of Kyushu Rice to see our hermano's through to the next growing cycle, as well as some Rum to sooth their pains. Given the region's population, 20,000 bales of Rice and 5,000 barrels of Rum should suffice for the season, and to cover the expenses, The Brotherhood can pay you an extra 2,000 credits per unit delivered to Crete, as well as, of course, an excellent range of Artifacts for your return trip.
Hogosha Syndicates Our goal is to make sure that Kusari becomes the true tiger of Sirius Sector.
From: Hogosha Syndicates, rep. Hidoku Tano
To: The Brotherhood, or Gov't of House Crete.
Subject: Shipments and Apologies.
Venerable Representatives of Corsairs,
Please do accept our sincere apologies, but we are still during process of reorganization that came along with recent changes within Kusari. The shipment will be processed as soon as final preparations to re-open the activities within and outside our venerable house are done. However, we beliefe the prolonged await deserves no mercy and we are bound to offer additional compensation in the future, if House of Crete feels it fitting.
Sincerely yours and willing to reignite the cooperation,
Hidoku Tano HS
Transmission- Golden Dragon Casino, Shikoku system
Loading feed: 60%, 78%, 94%, 100% complete...
Handle name: Hebishima , Takarabune Conglomerate
Konnichiwa, Mr. Vasquez-san. The Takarabune Conglomerate has always been fond of the commitment and partnership that the Corsairs have provided throughout the years, and is naturally willing to assist in your time of need.
Our humble transport have to this point concluded the delivery of over 11.000 units of Kyushu rice and other foodstuffs for your warehouses, for your use. We hope to provide the remaining necessities very soon.
Sender: Luciano Vasquez, The Brotherhood Location:Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma Encryption: Mucho strong Recipient: The Hogosha Topic: Food Shortages
Saludos Amigos,
My friends, you have my thanks for any help you can spare. Please, senor Hebishima, pass me a neural net account to transfer your credits to. I do hope we can see the rest of supplies soon, but the worst is certainly over with these supplies now delivered.
Transmission- Golden Dragon Casino, Shikoku system
Loading feed: 60%, 78%, 94%, 100% complete...
Handle name: Hebishima , Takarabune Conglomerate
Konnichiwa, Mr. Vasquez-san. With a few extended efforts the Takarabune vessels and their partners have successfully delivered the needed supplies to combat the dire straits your community is facing at this period. I'm pleased to announce the delivery of 5000 Universal units of Rum, and additional 13279 universal cargo units of Kyushu Rice, from our trusted suppliers in Tottori, Kyushu and New Tokyo.
The task also allowed us to ship in equal quantity a sorted lot of cretan artifacts back to Kabukicho, which will be featured in this New Tokyo December and New Years market. We thank you, and our customers will thank you as well.
As for any pending financial remuneration, you may forward your transfers to the [HA]Kaigai.Ginko . We appreciate your reward for our efforts, and will proceed to distribute said reward between our participants.
Sender: Luciano Vasquez, The Brotherhood Location:Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma Encryption: Mucho strong Recipient: The Hogosha Topic: Food Shortages
Saludos Senor Hebishima,
Your help has saved the people of the Parnussus region from wasting away in their own homes and for that, you have the thanks of myself and the Council of Elders. You'll find your payment for your efforts has gone through now. I'm glad we can continue to trust and rely on the Hogosha for help in these trying times.