(12-29-2018, 03:32 PM)Thunderer Wrote: I honestly think we should name St Denis dictator for 6 months to bring order, but I don't think that St Denis would agree.
I agree. Or, we could do a poll every month (or 2/3) (like every forum in the world), where the entire community vote the admins
Maybe have Sombra as an alternative? It is as reasonable and it is neither an admin nor a dev, so it's as neutral as 22 Zoner battleship turrets, and it has shown a lot of dedication and insight about Discovery. Not to mention all the free time it has. I worry that Sombra wouldn't accept this either, though.
Truth being told, we could use a "fresh" start. The tensions pilled up for a long long long time. A big change needs to be done, so we can recover people and bolster our numbers. Have a healthy grown and growing community. It's fun and games in Disco until you hit the same issues and problem again and again. I believe most people suffer from the Stockholm syndrome, lul.
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. - Sovereign
If this was 2015/2016 or the Heavy Decision period, this whole drama etc would probably fly well with most of the community and people would be happy for the changes that the Devs are trying to push. But I think at this point everyone just wants to play the game, especially when to the community at large the Admins had been doing a pretty robust job and people were largely happy with their performance. Before Alley and Sean left, the admin team was at it's best point it has been at in years. A real shame this drama is making a mess of things when I think most of the community doesn't really care.
Then from these events and dramas will result in one thing: More people being sick of this and leaving. Or becoming season players. Which will drop the player count even more sadly.
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. - Sovereign