So I had this idea very long ago about a Roleplay experience with Wreckages and or half-functioning abandoned ships. To explain you what it realy is:
From time to time me or anybody that would like to sponsor and help out would log a ship called Wreckage_00 (any number 01, 02, 03, 04) and sit around a certain place inRP emitting signals etc. for people to Check out. Initially it was planned that those were a risk/luck situation based on wheter the ship is just a husk, AI controlled or whatnot (ship would've been AI IFFed but ofc that will not be the case now). In case it was a Gammu AI it'd turn against you and open fire, if not you could claim the ship.
Now of course this time I would plan those Wreckages be neutral (probably Freelancer). Once you see a Wreckage_(number) log you could go chase it, Roleplay of how you would hijack it or whatever necessary means to claim the ship. In the end, of a successfull Roleplay and ensuring that it docked on a base (cuz you can't claim the ship in space), you would get the movechar codes and the ship would be yours as a reward. It could also be that the Wreckage just contains certain weapons, armor upgrades, equipments etc. so it's your decision if you wanna just blow it up and take the Loot (ofc with RP engagement notice). To the part of "moving the ship" it's more like the Ships AI will talk to you if you successfully activated it etc. there'll hopefully be various ways to Roleplay if you make it interesting.
There will be special events where as example after a huge battle (maybe like New London GRN vs BAF), a wreckage will log around that region and an appropriate ship of each side. The bigger the wreckage, ofc, the bigger the requirements inRP at some point even where you would need at least 3 Players for a Battleship.
Another Idea I had is that by request we can continue the Roleplay of this on the forums, so if a Player or a Faction requests that the RP should continue (maybe integration into their Character or something) we can do that on the Forum.
I'm also thinking of involving PoBs in this to have special things in it etc or claimable PoB wrecks etc.
This obviously would go under the cost of the ones that host it (in this case it'd be me). You can join the Discord if you wanna be a sponsor or plan to be part of this add me on Discord SnakeLancer [N-Waves]#6895
[CLAIMABLE] = Ship can be claimed with full equipment and all. [CLAIMED] = Ship has been claimed and the RP is done (or continued on forum). [LOOTED] = Ship has been looted, be it cargo, guns etc. but has been left untouched. Meaning the Wreck is still around, so the Ship can still be claimed. [SALVAGED] = Ship has been fully salvaged (Cargo, Guns, Equipment). RP can continue on the forum (using the salvaged parts for something etc.). [DESTROYED] = Ship has been destroyed. Wreck doesn't exist anymore.
Capital Ships + Liners = 1+ Player required to claim (doesn't mean you can't loot it by yourself).
Transports + Freighters + Snubs = 1 Player required to claim.
Alright I'm changin this a lil bit since I dont realy have alot of time to commit to the RP and actively being part of the claims.
So the new rule is as follows:
If a Wreckage is not responding to you, you're within your right to shoot it and just claim whatever is on the Ship.
You can also decide to just destroy the Wreckage even if it responds, you just wont get the Ship but only the Stuff that's on it. So basically you can hunt for the Ship, try to RP so you get the entire package OR you destroy it and just get what's on the Ship (i'm trying to put alot of valuable stuff so people earn some cash and maybe cool code weapons or items). Use /showinfo on the Wreckages you see to get a background story if they dont have one on this Thread. Also if you get a wreck down to 50% - 30% Hull it will drop its Cargo, tbh as soon as you shoot it, just like regular wrecks, but if it doesnt then keep shooting till below 50% (since we've discovered a bug where it prevents it from dropping Sirius Credit Cards upon Destruction so I have to drop them before you destroy it lol. But if I'm not responding then oh well good luck, hope the commodities drop when you blow it up.).
I'd love to see more stuff like this that players like yourself are willing to handle and arrange themselves. This proposal requires no developer intervention whatsoever and would absolutely serve to encourage activity, so in short, I'm for it. I'd recommend using Derelict.## though. Sounds better and looks cleaner.
No need to wait for large battles to happen either, just do it.
Derelict.## hmmm... I was actually thinking if we should like name them different but yeah hope to see more feedback once we have had like 2 - 3 encounters. Thanks.
Very good idea, thumbs up @Snake! Yesterday we hit 103 players online, that is a clear sign the playerbase is finding new things to do, anything you can come up with that promotes activity and interesting encounters is welcome!
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(01-06-2019, 02:59 PM)TLI-Inferno Wrote: I love this idea. Would you be okay with me or other players using this idea?
Sure! I was thinking if we could organize something together with folks rather than seperating, but ofc I'm not holding you back. Another Idea I had (which I m going to add to the head post) is that by request we can continue the Roleplay of this on the forums, so if a Player or a Faction requests that the RP should continue (maybe integration into their Character or something) we can do that on the Forum.
Ooh, I really like this idea! I wouldn’t mind helping sponsor a few Derelict wrecks, actually. This would give me a reason to grind credits again, and giving things away through treasure finding RP should be fun!