(01-09-2019, 05:23 PM)Geneva Shipping Platform Wrote: !st: Long before the upgrade made by the admin i started the RP around the "abandoned" freeport 1, if you had read the base page properly, the dates are obviously far from the graphics update time wise, so i dont need to pretend something i had started long before i even knew about any alteration from the devs.
So, from where i see it, the visual update came at a good time and hapened to pair with my RP.
2nd: I see no problem using the names from the crew of the Andromeda series, no other aspect of it was imported, hence i like the names i see no problem.. im not importing the full story line or nothing even close to that, all i used were the names.
Tho i cant help saying what i feel, although i apreciate your advice, i would give one back to you too,
Critics are always nice when they are:
1st: Well informed: In this case, mean that if you had read Geneva Page you would know i had RP for the recovery of the Freeport like a year ago or more, in text only with no deliveries this is true, but the RP was made nontheless.
2nd:Critics should be constructive, instead of looking for someones mistakes just to point them out, try to give serious advice on were to go or what to do, or that will only discorage interaction in the forums.
3rd : Pointing out grammar mistakes in an international server on wich many many players do not have english as their mother language.... seems kinda .... weird...
You should congratulate peapole for the effort they put into it, apreciate the real effort many make to make RP that is interesting to read instead of deeming peapole down.
Best regards
Dillan Hunt
or i can say Francisco Couto , you choose hehe
PS: Id love to have some feedback from you AFTER you read Geneva Page Sombra find us here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...tid=136317
The CoF players told you back then already that the freeport was neither abandoned nor that you had any say in it. The CoF players elect who administrates freeports, simply because if everyone does what they want, we'd end up in a chaos. You chose to ignore it, judging by your statements, which is not how this community works.
CoF players are, by the way, people who have the approval of the official Zoner factions (IRG, OSI, TAZ) to represent the freeports. Freeport 1 being the CoF headquarters and thus absolutely NOT abandoned. As we told you already.
People with ambition doing RP are always appreciated, but you'll need to adjust to the rules and not make your own. That's disrespectful and makes you look unnecessarily dumb.
What i read and also happened in RP is simple, the CoF doesnt exist anymore, period, or you whant to meta RP back again?
And this is still an RP server, i made posts about everything and no one posted inRP a word.
Now the CoF is dead and you whant to claim stuff? lmao
Some moderator/dev/admin needs to give me theyr input on this situation, like please.
Best regards
Francisco Couto, hence Sombra doesnt like Dilan Hunt
Yeah, this is another instance of me wanting to beat Aazalot for not making it clear: CoF, as government over Zoners, has ceased to exist. The network still exists, since it is that network that allows the Zoner Officials and their designates to manage the freeports. We didn't post about your stuff since we didn't take it serious, and we won't take it serious since it contradicted the established RP and even the lore (Freeport 1 at no point was abandoned in any way). You can either live in your own little world and pretend stuff have been accomplished by you going lone wolf,
or you interact with the community the way anyone else does. You were told these things already, so excuse me for not being more diplomatic on my wording.
Diplomatic would be to RP about what you claim to Administrate, diplomatic would be actualy having game activity or any other for that matter around the Freeport,
CoF administrated the Station, CoF died, Geneva started RP around it and my friends, inRP you done Zero contesting it,
inRP you included the station in zero RP since CoF died,
so, the mere fact you "telling me" doesnt make it yours, you suposed to have to work for it my friend (like everyone else)
not claiming it just for the sake of claiming, but actualy do something and put actual hard work on it,
the Freeport isnt even mentioned by you inRP.
And if i use the communication channel, and you say Zero, im "living " in my own world? Really?
Thats your way of trying to manipulate a debate?
Trying to diminish your oponent ISNT the best way, cause smart peapole will see it imediately.
Wich brings us to the awefull truth, you have Zero arguments, Zero facts, Zero RP around the instalation, Zero interaction with the instalation,
and its probably thanks to that atitude that you had a Freeport 2 and a Freeport 11,
but dont take me rong, i couldnt care less about the station, i have trilions of other stuff i can RP around,
but, do you?
Link here your RP around Freeport 1, AFTER the CoF extiinction for everyone to see how hard your working on it, simple.
isnt Disco an RP server?
so, the way i see it, you managed to bring it back to the begining, is it worth to RP?
And again you try to lower Disco to a state of "if me and my buddys like what you do, your ok if not you cant."
I seriously doubt you represent the majority of the comunity, so, before you acuse someone of falling out of line make sure you are entitled to do so.
You can try to bend the reality, but you tried to powergame the administration of Freeport 1 [1] a month before CoF disbanded [2] while the disbandment message clearly stated how things are treated with the new status.
Again, you either play along with the people who play the game along the rules and regulations or continue with your bullcrap. You can either work with IRG, OSI, TAZ and their elected people (@Shinju, @Doc Holliday, @"Captain_Nemo", @"The Flame Touched", me and @Caconym) or against organized structures that are not breaking the lore, player RP and the rules - because that is what you do. Point and case.
According to your words, señor Hunt, I can just walk in, post some RP threads about any station in Sirius and Gallia and claim it as mine, just because I did some RP even if it was against already established lore or already RP'ed situation.
I guess that's not how things are working. InRP you could get in touch with remaining Administrators or CoF BACK then and try to apply for role of administrator. You did not and instead you just "walked in" and claimed it as yours.
Brb gonna post some RP about New Paris and become Queen of Gallia.
Wow you really, again with badwords and crap, first of all your the bull dude,
Secondly, you show me my post were you GAVE ZERO RESPONSE TO as evidence of what exactly?
That you abandoned your toy and now you see other kid with it and you whant it back?
Now, regarding the lore of Zoners, you said for me to JOIN ORGANIZED GROUPS? and their ELECTED???
Do you know how to read? That goes against the Zoner RP as i see it they whant to be free of that kind of crap, if anything you can acuse me of folowing they RP too hard,
Geneva has no group afiliated with it, though it uses the tag GSP for our players to feel more united but thats all
but the geneva operatives themselfs, you may call it a group if you like but we shall not join ANY oficial or unoficial factions.
So you admit you done Zero RP and are holding to it because???
You show no evidence of nothing dude, all you showed till now is your disregard for a post that someone made about freeport you didnt even bother to anser
and the directives that a dead Faction left behind??? Isnt that power RP?, What rule did i break?
If you can claim the Freeport based on what you did before your faction died i can claim the bombing of cambridge by the [phantoms], or the conquests made by the Reapers of Sirius.
Your not well in your speech, stop cursing others please, that would be polite.
PS. If i did enter , like you said, i entered an empty station, i used the comunication channel saying i found it empty NO ONE responded, do you respect you RP or not , you kidding me? If you go to make some RP about New Paris being taken over by you i bet a world of peapole will input into that thread and let you know how retarded that is, this wasnt the case
i made the bae page, you said ZERO inRP, i made tons of comunications on the proper channel you again responded to ZERO.
So, were do we start talking about real abandoning you Freeport?
YOU DID ZERO, ALL OF YOU DID ZERO ansered to ZERO comunications open encrypted or otherwise.
No one abandons a base like you bunch did, when peapole care for something this doesnt happen.
Best regards
CoF wasn't even a faction. Zoners are still independant, that's why CoF is gone but these Freeports are still being administered by Zoner Official factions, I can translate it for you - Independent Zoners with same goals who got together and made a small group. My Freeport has definitely different goals than those of Taus or Liberty, yet we ALL just make sure nobody who messes up with Zoners all around Sirius, won't dock anymore.
That's what Zoners are but there also goes away your argument about Zoners as totally free people without any chance of being in group. My point still stands tho.
So in fact you just took a Freeport administered by Three (3) Official factions. And there wasn't any RP because nothing was happening around. Or have you seen any faction RPing around every single of their bases? Like GRN posting 30 threads because they've got 30 bases? Same for Outcasts? Corsairs? The Order? More likely every single faction beside those with one base?