Mission Issued to Daumann Heavy Construction DHC
[08.03.2016 14:48:38] DHC-Puttgarden: Greetings, captain. We are looking for Geneva Shipping Platform, but can not find it at the given coordinates.
[08.03.2016 14:49:23] GSP|-Unfodetecop: i will gladly escort you to our instalations Sir
[08.03.2016 14:49:34] DHC-Puttgarden: Much appreciated.
[08.03.2016 14:49:53] GSP|-Unfodetecop: sector 8-c upper right corner
[08.03.2016 14:50:01] GSP|-Unfodetecop: 26 k below
[08.03.2016 14:50:34] /fi dhc
[08.03.2016 14:51:13] DHC-Puttgarden: This is DHC convoy Gold 1, we're heading downwards and scan for your station.
[08.03.2016 14:51:25] DHC-Puttgarden: Confirmed, our scanners reveal the station.
[08.03.2016 14:51:47] GSP|-Unfodetecop: much apreciated Sirs
[08.03.2016 14:51:53] DHC-Puttgarden: We can see two stations though.
[08.03.2016 14:51:58] DHC-Puttgarden: Which one needs the hull panels?
[08.03.2016 14:52:09] GSP|-Unfodetecop: Please deliver to our Defense Platform
[08.03.2016 14:52:10] DHC-Puttgarden: The shipping or defense platform?
[08.03.2016 14:52:15] DHC-Puttgarden: Defense platform, acknowledged.
[08.03.2016 14:53:24] DHC-Puttgarden: Captain, return to Briesen once you're done. We'll pick up some refined ore and return it to Alster.
[08.03.2016 14:53:44] DHC-Deschlberg: Becht: Roger that.
[08.03.2016 14:55:10] GSP|-Unfodetecop: i will continue with my work if you dont mind Gentlemans
[08.03.2016 14:55:26] DHC-Puttgarden: Acknowledged. Secretary Richter should respond to your communication soon. Good flight.
[08.03.2016 14:57:56] GSP|-Unfodetecop: Fly safe and good work
Mission Issued to Gateway Shipping
Mission Issued to Border Worlds Exports- Bowex
Missin Issued to Republican Shipping
Mission Issued to Samura Heavy Industries
To:Geneva Defense Platform administrators/owners From:Yokohama Shipyard - New Tokyo Subject:Optronic arrays contract
Konnichi wa,
A lucrative offer good sirs of the Geneva installation. No need to spend more words on the talks, you can consider this contract accepted. I will assemble the transports and send them your way with optronic arrays.
Expect them soon...
Sayōnara, Director of Marketing,Ren Kobayashi
To:Geneva Defense Platform administrators/owners From:Yokohama Shipyard - New Tokyo Subject:Optronic arrays contract
Konnichi wa,
As agreed in my prior message, the contract has been completed. The required Optronic Arrays visual documentation is as follows:
[align=center]Geneva News Broadcast Channel
Good morning, ladies and gents, my namer is Rebecka Valentine and i will be your host.
Folowing the recent Red Hessian Attacks on our instalatons, our Leader, Captain Dillan Hunt, has condecorated Rheinland Officers and Kruger employees as a showing of gratitude for theyr untiering eforts into saving so many precious lives.
Here is our internal news sheet wich i will bring and presentate to the general public.
This publication is a weekly edition but ofcourse we will issue extra news sheets with meaningfull events when justified.
Keep up with the news!
[align=center]Geneva News Broadcast Channel
Good morning, ladies and gents, my namer is Rebecka Valentine and i will be your host.
Folowing the recent strange events we can now assure everyone that WE ARE BACK IN SIRIUS!!!
Tho we dont know our precise location yet initial scanning shows that we are on Sirius and still around the Omegas as Cpt.Eulasbie Harpper explainbs:
Cpt.Eulasbie Harpper- "Well, its true that for us time stoped but not for the rest of the galaxy, time flew by as normal for everyone including the stars and planets, im still trying to figure out our exact coordinates but i can assure everyone we are roughly around the Omegas il inform Cpt. Dillan as i have more progress.
Rebecka Valentine-This is our internal news sheet wich i will bring more news as they develop. WHOOHOO were back baby!!!
Docking Module
Cargo Space 5
Hit-Points 80,000
• Hardpoint Mount: Normal Carrier and Heavy Carrier
The Docking Module provides a self contained small space craft service and maintenance bay. Complete with inertia restraint fields and pressurised access for passengers and crew, this module is the preferred way to upgrade existing ship classes to allow small space craft operation.
This docking module may be fitted to any ship with sufficient hold capacity.
Vessels equipped with a Docking Module can allow 1 fighter or 1 bomber to dock to their ship per Docking Module equipped. No other class of ship can currently dock to vessels equipped with a Docking Module.
To dock to a vessel with a Docking Module equipped you first must be within docking range (200-300m); when in range merely press dock. This will send a request to the vessel with the Docking Module notifying him/her that you wish to dock. They must target you and type /allowdock.
• You cannot sell anything to the equipment or commodity vendors on the vessel you dock to.
• When you undock you will appear near the vessel you are docked with, even if it has moved between systems. If vessel you are docked with docks to a player base or NPC base and you undock, you will appear outside whatever base the vessel docked to.
• If the vessel with the docking module is killed, you will spawn 100k below the center of the map.
• To remove docked ships from your bays, type /jettisonship <shipname>. Shipname is case sensitive.
Cloaking Devices allow players to cloak their vessels, rendering them invisible to the eye and removing them from the scanner. They require fuel to operate and are mounted on the Counter measure dropper hardpoint of a vessel. If a vessel does not have a hardpoint for a counter measure dropper it cannot equip a cloaking device.
• Typing /cloak will activate the cloak and begin its Time to Cloak delay; when this delay is over your vessel will cloak itself. Fuel is consumed during the Time to Cloak delay.
Cloaking Device Mk I (small)
• Cargo Requirements: 25
• Cargo Hold Limit: 120
• Time to Cloak when activated: 3 seconds
• Fuel Consumption Rate: 8 Light Batteries per second while the cloak is active
This device is suitable for mounting on small ships such as Fighters, Bombers, Freighters .
Cloaking Device Mk II (medium)
• Cargo Requirements: 200
• Cargo Hold Limit: 900
• Time to Cloak when activated: 20 seconds
• Fuel Consumption Rate: 4 Light Batteries per second while the cloak is active
This device is suitable for mounting on Gunboats, and Cruisers.
Cloaking Device Advanced Mk II (large)
• Cargo Requirements: 450
• Cargo Hold Limit: 900-2199
• Time to Cloak when activated: 60 seconds
• Fuel Consumption Rate: 1 Light Batteries per second while the cloak is active
This device is suitable for mounting on Battlecruiser, Battleship, Heavy Carrier, Dreadnoughts.
Cloaking Device Mk III (transport)
Cargo Requirements: 200
Cargo Hold Limit: 2200+
Time to Cloak when activated: 20 seconds
Fuel Consumption Rate: 1 Heavy Battery per second while the cloak is active
This device is suitable for mounting on transport ship.
Vessels equipped with a Cloak Disruptor will be able to uncloak nearby cloaked ships. The range of the Cloak Disruptor depends on the type.
• Usage: By typing /disruptor or by setting a key ( Options > Multiplayer .tab > Cloak Disruptor ON/OFF ).
|| 0 X Stock || Jump Drive Series II : ??? 000 000 S.C/UNI
|| 0 X Stock || Jump Drive Series III : ??? 000 000 S.C/UNIT
|| 0 X Stock || Jump Drive Series IV : ??? 000 000 S.C/UNIT
Jump drives are items that allow the vessel the are mounted on to jump to a pre-set destination or randomly. Jumping to a pre set destination requires the use of a Hyperspace Scanner. There is no range on how far a jump drive can move you, you're limited only by the coordinates that you have.
Typing /charge will begin charging the drive, fuel is consumed at this time. Once the charge reaches 100% it will hold there and continue to consume fuel until you type /jump at which point you will jump. If you entered hyperspace coords using the /setcoords <coords> you will jump to that location; otherwise you will perform a blind jump to a random location. When you use the /setcoord command, it will confirm the location (system) in which you will be jumping to, if you enter the coords incorrectly or they are out of date, you will get a parity error.
Jump Drive Module Series II
The Series II Hyperspace Jump Drive Module creates a wormhole to move a ship between any two points in Einsteinian space in an immeasurably small time. Care must be taken that the destination hyperspace coordinates have been adequately surveyed or the ship may jump randomly into a gravity point source.
This module has an integated multi-mode fusion power plant that can run on a variety of fuels although MOX is considered the most efficient. This module has the ability to jump a ship of moderate size and mass.
• Cargo Requirement: 0
• Jump Type: Single ship
• Powercore Requirement: 3,600,000
• Charge Time: 60 seconds
• Fuel Consumption Rate: 6 MOX or 7 Oil or 7 H-Fuel or 8 Deuterium or 8 Helium-3 per second.
• Ships that can use: Battlecruisers and light carriers & Battleships, dreadnaughts, and heavy carriers.
Jump Drive Module Series III
The Series III Hyperspace Jump Drive Module creates a wormhole to move a ship between any two points in Einsteinian space in an immeasurably small time. Care must be taken that the destination hyperspace coordinates have been adequately surveyed or the ship may jump randomly into a gravity point source.
This module has an integated multi-mode fusion power plant that can run on a variety of fuels although MOX is considered the most efficient. This module has the ability to jump a ship of significant size and mass but uses massive quantities of fuel.
• Cargo Requirement: 0
• Jump Type: Single ship
• Powercore Requirement: 7,000,000
• Charge Time: 30 seconds
• Fuel Consumption Rate: 12 MOX or 14 Oil or 14 H-Fuel or 16 Deuterium or 16 Helium-3 per second.
• Ships that can use: Battleships, dreadnaughts, and heavy carriers.
Jump Drive Module Series IV
The Series IV Hyperspace Jump Drive Module creates a wormhole to move a ship between any two points in Einsteinian space in an immeasurable small time. Care must be taken that the destination hyperspace coordinates have been adequately surveyed or the ship may jump randomly into a gravity point source.
This module has an integated multi-mode fusion power plant that can run on a variety of fuels although MOX is considered the most efficient. This module has the ability to jump a ship of moderate size and mass and uses massive quantities of fuel. It also will force other ships near to the jumping ship into the wormhole and so can be used to move fleets of capital ships.
•Cargo Requirement: 0
• Jump Type: Multi Ship
• Powercore Requirement: 7,000,000
• Charge Time: 200 seconds
• Fuel Consumption Rate: 12 MOX or 14 Oil or 14 H-Fuel or 16 Deuterium or 16 Helium-3 per second.
• Ships that can use: Battleships, dreadnaughts, and heavy carriers.
Hyperspace Survey Modules are used to take hyperspace surveys. These surveys provide a coordinate that can then be used by a ship with a jump drive to jump to that location. Hyperspace Survey Modules mount on Equipment Type 1 (located under external equipment) hard points on vessels. While your vessel may have this hard point, your vessel may not be able to operate these devices due to power core requirements. Many players refer to Hyperspace Survey Modules as Hyperspace Scanners.
Hyperspace Survey Module Mk1
The Hyperspace Survey Module measures the hyperspace coordinates for a point in Einsteinian space. The Mk1 module is the smallest module available and takes the longest to complete a survey. The ship must not move during a survey or the survey must be restarted. Hyperspace coordinates surveyed by this module remain accurate for approximately 7 days.
Like the Hyperspace Jump Drive Module this module has an integated multi-mode fusion power plant that can run on a variety of fuels although MOX is considered the most efficient.
• Cargo Requirement: 800
• Powercore Requirement: 100,000
• Run Time: 100 seconds
• Fuel Consumption Rate: 6 MOX or 7 Oil or 7 H-Fuel or 8 Deuterium or 8 Helium-3 per second
• Survey Life: 30 days (Length of time before the survey's coordinates are good for)
• Survey Accuracy: 60k
Hyperspace Survey Module Mk2
The Hyperspace Survey Module measures the hyperspace coordinates for a point in Einsteinian space. The Mk2 module can only be mounted by large transport ships. The ship must not move during a survey or the survey must be restarted. Hyperspace coordinates surveyed by this module remain accurate for approximately 30 days.
Like the Hyperspace Jump Drive Module this module has an integated multi-mode fusion power plant that can run on a variety of fuels although MOX is considered the most efficient.
• Cargo Requirement: 600
• Powercore Requirement: 100,000
• Run Time: 100 seconds
• Fuel Consumption Rate: 6 MOX or 7 Oil or 7 H-Fuel or 8 Deuterium or 8 Helium-3 per second
• Survey Life: 30 days
• Survey Accuracy: 30k
Hyperspace Survey Module Mk3
The Hyperspace Survey Module measures the hyperspace coordinates for a point in Einsteinian space. The Mk3 module can only be mounted by large transport ships. The ship must not move during a survey or the survey must be restarted. Hyperspace coordinates surveyed by this module remain accurate for approximately 30 days.
Like the Hyperspace Jump Drive Module this module has an integated multi-mode fusion power plant that can run on a variety of fuels although MOX is considered the most efficient.
• Cargo Requirement: 400
• Powercore Requirement: 100,000
• Run Time: 1000 seconds
• Fuel Consumption Rate: 6 MOX or 7 Oil or 7 H-Fuel or 8 Deuterium or 8 Helium-3 per second
• Survey Life: 30 days
• Survey Accuracy: 10-15k
Hyperspace Survey Module Mechanics In order to get a set of hyperspace coordinates you fly out to the location you want to be able to jump to and then use the following command.
Code: /survey
Any movement will cause the survey to fail. If you run out of fuel for the module the survey will fail. Will the survey completes it will produce a Hook message like this:
In order to jump to this location, you must set your jump drive's coordinates to this location. You do so using this command:
Code: /setcoords <coords>
Where <coords> is the coords produced from the survey. You must use this command in space; using it on a base and then undocking will cause the coords you set on the jump drive to be reset to default: none. If you attempt to jump with no coords set it will display this warning:
If you jump with no coords set, you will perform a Blind/Random Jump. This means you could potentially jump to any system in the game and any location in said system. Be aware, this means you could jump to Bastille, New Cambria, or New Angelina. If you jump to any of those three systems your will immediately die. There is a risk of jumping directly into a planet or sun when performing Blind/Random Jumps. If you entered your coords successfully this Hook message will appear:
The matrix is a calculation device for hyperspace beacons. Once you have acquired this item and have beacons in your cargo hold, when you deploy a beacon in space, the matrix will calculate a hyperspace vector as precisely as possible and give it to the beacon. While the beacon is active (30 seconds), all jumpdrives within the 4 system range will be able to jump to this ship. Due to these time constraints, teamwork and coordination will be essential.
Usage example:
- [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood is a LABC equipped with a Hyperspace Matrix and has beacons in its cargo hold. The vessel is in Leeds and is about to be attacked by Gallic vessels.
- [LN]-LNS-Glendale is a carrier equipped with a MK3 Jumpdrive. The vessel is in New York and in group with the Mount Hood, but will never make it there in time. Leeds is four systems away though.
- Glendale starts charging his jumpdrive. He tells Mount Hood to prepare to activate a beacon when the JD is fully charged. Seconds later, the JD is at 95% charge, Glendale tells Mount Hood to activate the beacon. Mount Hood activates his beacon by typing the "/beacon" command.
- Now at 100% charge, Glendale had the command "/jumpbeacon [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood" ready to go and press enter. The game confirms the beacon is active and begins the 8 seconds jumping process.
- 8 seconds later, Glendale exits Hyperspace right next to the Mount Hood and proceeds to attack the Gallic forces.
► X || Cloaking Device Mk1 (small)
► X || Cloaking Device Mk2 (medium)
► X || Cloaking Device Mk2 Advanced (large)
► X || Cloaking Device Mk3 (Transport)
► X || Cloak Disruptor Type-1
► X || Cloak Disruptor Type-2
► X || Cloak Disruptor Type-3
► X || Jump Drive Series II
► X || Jump Drive Series III
► X || Jump Drive Series IV
► X nos || Hyperspace Survey Module Mk1
► X nos ||Hyperspace Survey Module Mk2
► X nos ||Hyperspace Survey Module Mk3
► X nos ||Hyperspace Matrix Module Mk1
ID: Cap. Barba Negra Base: Isle of Skye Location: Bretonia Recipient: Geneva Shipping Platform Topic: Operation Re-opens Date of Send: 15/03/825 A.S.
Dear representative of the Geneva Shipping Platform:
I delivered a nice two cargo to your base10.000 of Industrial Hardware;
You can see the logs: Here.
ID: Dr. Jack Frakes Base: Secret Valley Workshop Location: Bretonia / New London / 3E map Recipient: GSP Commander Date of Send: 07/April/825 A.S.
Good Morning.
Secret Valley Wokshop, in legal terms, notifies that, in gratitude for the cooperation of the Geneva Shipping Platform, it has deposited 4 cargoes in Geneva as described in the table below. This came about because of the recent expansion in our facilities, as well as new crew's, that is, another 200 of them and so we were able to offer our idle time to execute this way of giving back the commitment of your employees when in the recent expansion of our installations.
We leave here our protestations of esteem and consideration.
No further:
----Recipient: Geneva Shipping Platform; Barba Negra, BMF| ----
----Sender: Lead Engineer Alex Martin----
Hello there!
We were contact by BMF to help deliver some materials to your station, and now the dockworkers on Geneva say they have received the required amount of Industrial Hardware, so I don't think there's much point on filling up your storage with unnecessary cargo. You can check the delivery logs for all my deliveries here- that should account for about 90k of the Hardware, and I'll ask my partners to make sure their logs are submitted to.