Location: UNKNOWN
Sender ID: Kyoko Akagawa |Lane Hacker Pilot
Signal Strenght: Marginal
Encryption: Enigmatical
Subject: Technology, armament
Konnichiwa, highly esteemed Golden Chrysanthemums.
The subject at hand is as simple as it gets. The aim of my transmission is to aquire certain armaments, and spacecraft(s) from your organisation. Namely, a C5-F "Blossom" class Heavy Fighter. The exquisite design has caught my interests, and so, I would wish to see if the combat capabilities match the grace of the vessel. Four "Suncannon C" Photon cannons would be the most suitable weapons to accompany the ship.
Of course, I'm not just looking for the said technology and ship to be at my doorstep, without any compensation. That, however, is up for you to name.
This could very well be the start of a fruitful relationship, or a one sided transmission. The choice is yours.
Even though the Lane Hackers are one of our closest allies and we don't wish to doubt to as one of them, we would like to get on an agreement prior to discussing a possible transfer of one of our "Blossom" class fightercrafts to your person.
The idea would be the following; A proof of your affiliation to the Lane Hackers and doing us a little favor. Keep an eye on the systems of Kepler and Galileo, observe the trader activity and deliver us detailed scans about atleast two transports who constantly participate in trade actions between Kusari and Liberty through the two named systems.
Once you are done with this little task we will decide on the price for the Blossom. Simple, right? You help us finding valuable targets and get the Blossom for a rather low sum of credits as reward.
We hope that little idea of ours is alright to you and that we hear from you soon. Take care out there, Akagawa-san!
Location: UNKNOWN
Sender ID: Kyoko Akagawa
Signal Strenght: Stable
Encryption: Restricted:396v.1
Subject: Koin ya no gotoshi.
While I'm sure this little contract we had is already void, I'd like to honour it still. I shouldn't ask for anything in return, take it as a... gesture of goodwill.
You shall find a few scans enclosed of transport vehicles, as well as two other crafts which I have passed by.
I will be honest right from the start. I never expected to hear from you again, a damn lot of time has passed and we figured you were caught or killed or whatever. But seeing you appear again and then remember the little deal you wished to get done with us? Quite surprising, isn't it? Almost suspicious if you ask me.
But we accept your apology, the data hopefully will help the raiding parties.
Though perhaps you still wish to work for us here and there? I see you also managed to run into a vessel belonging to Auxesia. Data on their movements could fetch a much higher price than this few transport vessels. How does this sound to you? Keep an eye on Auxesia and whoever deals and talks with them in proximity to Kusari and you might end up rewarded handsomely. If you do well, we could arrange leading you to the customers who are interested in such information too, think about it.
What's a little suspicion between friends? It is only healthy to expect a dagger behind one's back. As for your offer, it's quite amusing. I'll see what I can do in that regard, and if everything turns out as expected.... maybe you'll see me around a lot more.
My recent findings were rather lackluster. I'd say, appart from an occasional ship, there isn't much Auxesia activity in the systems bordering Kusari. Since I tend to fly around Liberty frequently however, I've managed to record one of their vessels appearing at the scene of a rather interesting brawl. Find the recorded footage enclosed below. I shall be on the lookout for their ships in the bordering systems of Kusari, but it seems highly unlikely that they have any notable presence in the area.
Additionally, I've managed to cross paths with another interesting ship, while making my way back towards the Coronado system. I've kept up a conversation, as the vessel made it's way up towards Tau-29. I figured this tidbit of information could also be of use. Recordings attached.
Now this was way faster than excepted indeed.
It is simply a measure to keep an eye on their activity, like some other parties they are generally not liked in Kusari. Atleast by the Kusari underworld, given their open hostility towards the Blood Dragons.
Anyway, a battle around Bering is not really that interesting, the vessels involved besides Auxesia are interesting on the other hand. From what I can recall, the Commune is far than welcomed here too, I suppose you figured out why this is the case during this brawl there, hai?
Far more interesting is the sighting of this Mako. It is a wanted ship, according to the little information we have, despite being seemingly on the lose, they still sympathize with the Core. Possibly with other groups going against the Order. Keeping an eye on its whereabouts could prove as quite useful to the Order, I am quite sure they are more than willing to compensate us for this and additional information.
Say, how much do you wish to see transfered for this job? And more importantly, where shall we send it to?
I figured these scans would pique your interests, glad I was right. As for the Commune vessel, I had witnessed similar brawls beforehand, so I know what to expect. Nothing new there.
Regarding the Mako, I'm glad those scans were useful. Have I known better, I'd have taken a few more guncam images in the other systems too. I'll be sure to gather more information while I'm at it, the more points of observation I have, the better.
Concerning the material compensation for these bits of information... Let's put that on hold. Just keep me in your mind, that should be enough. When the time comes to use a favour, I'll be sure to come around.
Hopefully, your organization continues to flourish.
I did not expect I'd send another message so soon, but my recent patrol in the Kepler system provided me with some interesting scans. First, which is less interesting, is this mercenary heading towards Kusari: ***
The following scan is about the location of a base, around 20 clicks downwards, at the edge the Kuryo cloud. No docking permissions were given to my ship. Perhaps you might know of this base already, but if not, that's all the better for me.: ***
Whatever kept you from replying two years ago must be really over, seeing how fast and often you act nowadays. I am glad to see this, no doubt. The results you can show are quite nice too, I will surely remember your name once the time is right.
Regarding your two encounters, the Forlorn Hope is a relatively small nuisance, irregularly appearing in Kusari, but it is not bad to keep an eye on them from time to time. Regarding the construction in Kepler, this one was not known to us yet. We usually do not go as far as the southern edge of the Kuryo Cloud. I suppose we will ask our local friends if they know more.