Lately we have discovered some new routes for some commodities to be shipped around Sirius. There is one in particular we feel could be beneficial in another part of Sirius so we are trying to ship it. The Item in question is Kemwar Munitions. Normally you could find these on Planet Akabat, but they are out of our way for our desired convoy, but we figured since we will be passing through Chugoku, we could buy it off from your base.
I believe their price is at $1,500 credits, but could we buy it from your Osihi Ronin Station at $3,000?
Encryption: High
Location: Unknowen
Recipient: Volgograd Inderstrial
Sender: Nakai Shun
Subject: Request of supplies
Konbanwa honoured allies, Volgograd Inderstrial
Chi no ryū kara no aisatsu.
Greetings Volgogard Inderstrial, we have looked into this poposal of yours and have agreed to have Kemwar Munitions deliverd to our base for you to buy. The price sounds good for us that we both will be making a bit of money out of it. Will be looking forward for this trade we will have going between us, this can only make us stronger. Good day for now and may Kusari Fall into our hands.