Hello to you.
This is a message to Mercenaries and Freelancers Alike.
I am looking for ships willing to do some work to aid the Zoners of Gran Canaria.
There are Credits to be earned if you want the work.
Contact me if interested Lokria
==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Jay Wilcott, Former Lieutenant of the Liberty Navy.
Date: March 6th, 826 A.S.
Location: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
Encryption: ***Low***
Subject: RE: Call for Sellswords and Hired Guns
Damn, Loco, seems things have gone down since the years I was out in the Omega systems. Seems the Brets have really decided to pull a fast one, eh?
Spill some beans, and I'll get my ass in a pilot seat again. Seems if things are gonna go south, might as well make something out of it before the whole sector dissolves into one big cluster bomb of hell.
Why, how, who, what, were, when.... You know, the sort of things you can expect from a mission.
Ill be frank, The job is to support anyone who wishs to see the Blind Queens Pawns return control of Gran Canaria to its rightful inhabitants.
Wether this is fighting alongside Zoners and Corsairs in Omega 49 or hit and runs against the Pawns in Sovereign space, whatever you decide to do, there will be credits at the end of it.
Let me know what your willing to do and for what price and we will go from there Lokria
»»» Vergil Uplink Status: Active
»»» Location: Unknown
»»» Recipient ID: Lokria
»»» Subject: A contract
I am not surprised to see Zoners not willing to hand over their homes to the despicable oppressors.
Forlorn have declared it's stance on the occupation of Gran Canaria.
For condemning the agression of the Bretonia – we have been outlawed, our ships – marked for destruction.
Despite numerous times we fought alongside them against any odds.
The realisation of their mistakes is long delayed.
How much are you willing to pay for Bretonian soldiers shot down out there?
Im aware of Forlorn's position and activity when it comes to Gran Canaria, and it is very welcome.
Lets Say 3 Million per pilot shot down, and we can negotiate the price of anything bigger then a Fighter. Lokria