Incoming message... Sender ID:Akunna Okonkwo To: The Bretonian Police Authority
I speak to you on behalf of my associate and owner of Eldorado Station, Raymond Zimmerman, who sadly is somewhat... indisposed... at the moment.
It a,ppears as if the relations between Bretonia and IMG have soured due to the requisitioning of Aland Shipyard for the war effort. Personally I cannot say that I agree with IMG's refusal to comply, but there is little I can do about it. Very grievous indeed is that you've decided to treat our peaceful station as a threat to Bretonia simply because of our affiliation with IMG.
Under these extraordinary circumstances, Eldorado's administration would be willing to undertake extraordinary measures: Leave IMG and go Freelance. The hostility and grudges IMG held towards BMM were silly and unlucrative anyway. Unless you plan to abandon Dublin with a policy of scortched earth, we therefore offer to service BMM miners in future, and close our doors to IMG until they have stopped hostilites towards Bretonian forces.
I'm sure this option is mutually beneficial than than to waste Bretonhian resources dismantling a station that could inbstead be one of your assets.
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⇒ Recipient:Akunna Okonkwo ⇒ Priority:High ⇒ Encryption:High ⇒ Source: New Scotland Yard, Planet New London, New London ⇒ Case Number: N/A ⇒ Case Officer: Deputy Commissioner Jeffords
Good Evening,
By the sounds of your message, it would seem you are trying to suggest that this station is already under your control? While this would be favourable to us, it raises a few questions such as why your intelligence agency asked to take it over and also why it the change in ownership was not reported to us at the time of the takeover. To me this seems like an act of deception intended to allow Raymond Zimmerman to keep his assets even though they have chosen to affiliate themselves with an enemy of Bretonia.
However the commissioner has instructed me to allow the transfer to take place with the interest of sparing unnecessary conflict. Should you be able to provide proof that the Crayter Republic is now the sole administrators of Eldorado and that it will not be used to harbour members of the criminal organisation IMG. In addition to those documents a fine of 100,000,000SC is now payable to BPA)Gerald.King[CCD] or BPA)Rose.Eddings[CCD] for failing to inform us of the change of ownership.
I recommend you act quickly on this lifeline as demolition squads have already been dispatched to remove the installation. Once payment and the requested documents have been received orders will be issues for them to stand down until that point we will consider it a hostile entity.
Deputy Commissioner Terry Jeffords DC.T. Jeffords
Bretonian Police Authority
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Incoming message... Sender ID:Akunna Okonkwo To: The Bretonian Police Authority
I apologize, but there seems to be confusion about a number of things.
1: Eldorado Station still is, as it always was, owned by Raymond Zimmerman, on who's behalf I am speaking. The only reason he isn't speaking to you directly is because he's temporarily indisposed.
2: Neither of us are part of an Intelligence Agency. There was an offer to affiliate Eldorado with Bretonia's and our remaining mutual friend the Crayter Republic (I believe one of their Intelligence Agents contacted you) instead of IMG, which I was informed you vetoed against. Therefore we are still an independent Casino formally affiliated with IMG, which is looking for ways to leave the Guild because of... bluntly put... the recent lunacy of the Guild's leadership.
3: Raymond Zimmerman, or any other of Eldorado's personnel, have never "chosen to associate themselves with enemies of Bretonia". Instead, they have chosen to associate themselves with good friends of Bretonia, who after the fact Bretonia has chosen to forcefully requisition a shipyard from, who has then refused to comply triggering hostilities, neither of which Eldorado Station played any role in what so ever. Now that IMG and Bretonia are no longer friends, we declare our will to leave the Guild.
In the hope that this clarifies things, we re-iterate our will to leave IMG and go Freelancer, closing our doors for IMG and opening them for BMM. If you insist, a payment of 100 million credits for processing costs is acceptable, even though we played no role in creating this mess.
⇒ To: Akunna Okonkwo ⇒ Class: Textual ⇒ From: Police Commissioner John R. X. Steiner
Mister Okonkwo
You have my apologies for the confusion, allow me to clear a few things up on our end.
1: Mister Raymond Zimmerman will keep the station in his charge and ownership.
2: Crayterian Intelligence contacted us and we believed that they were looking to purchase the station.
3: Your request to leave the IMG and become independent is perfectly acceptable.
4: The 'fine' is not really a fine, it is a fee to transfer the ownership, however since you are retaining your ownership but doing away will your ties to IMG, 50 Million SC is the payment for the processing costs (if you have already paid 100 Million, half will be refunded)
I hope everyone understands each other now, please let us know when you have officially changed your affiliation and paid the fee so we may update our records.
Kind regards: John Steiner
Bretonia Police Authority
Incoming message... Sender ID:Akunna Okonkwo To: The Bretonian Police Authority
I'm glad that the matter could be brought to a good outcome.
The credits have been transfered (see attachment) and the transponders of Eldorado Station and all its service ships will be changed as soon as possible.