P. Becker : [Comm-ID] The Order ~
Cdr. H. Freeman : [Receiver-ID] Liberty Navy ~
Occupation : [Subject]
Herr Freeman,
I am Patricia Becker of the Order's Legacy of Orillion cell.
It has come to my attention that your ship was located and taken into custody in the Omicron Delta system, then moved to our secure holdings in Omicron Mu. While I logically have a large allotment of questions, most pertaining to exactly how you got a Liberty warship out here, I'll start with one that will get the ball rolling.
Who are you?
Seeing our reserve fleet bringing in warships from the Delta theatre is a rare sight, moreso for House-built capital warships. While Liberty ships aren't uncommon out here, anything bigger than a gunship is grounds for inquiry, and very likely investigation. Before my marine detachments arrive to board your ship, I'd like to get as much clarification from your side.