(04-04-2019, 04:51 PM)SnakThree Wrote: Epic Games Store exclusive...
Now I'm not sure anymore if I really wanna buy it...
Tell me about it? If you haven't noticed all the Borderlands games on Steam are being Down Vote Bombed currently. I hope they change the length of the exclusivity down to a month, 6 months is really steep.
(04-04-2019, 04:51 PM)SnakThree Wrote: Epic Games Store exclusive...
Now I'm not sure anymore if I really wanna buy it...
Tell me about it? If you haven't noticed all the Borderlands games on Steam are being Down Vote Bombed currently. I hope they change the length of the exclusivity down to a month, 6 months is really steep.
I highly doubt they will crumble and change anything at all. I am surprised it will not stay as a permanent exclusive for that garbage store.
I don't mind BL3 coming to Epic Games Store first. I don't support their practices (store exclusives), however store diversity means free games for us consumers as they try to promote their sites/clients.
Won't be able to wait a year to play BL3.
Also Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is coming exclusively to EGS in the near future, and I've been looking forward to it.
(bandit) only replying here to get my post count back to ,420 (smoke)