Scatter efficiency was limited by range. Because of their accuracy, you couldn't hit smaller targets at more than 500meters besides battleships, crusiers or battlecrusiers.(and transports). I see this not so useful and only diminishes the usefulness of scatterguns greatly. Please reconsider this.
- The forward-firing, central heavy slot on the bottom of the ship has been moved to only fire rearward and to the sides.
The Tokugawa is very well-shaped, and with four forward firing heavies it was very adept at chasing down other capital ships and receiving little damage in return.
I dont think this was a wise change, taking away massive damage from a ship because it has a good profile does not make sense to me, might as well take the Osiris and remove one of the forward firing heavies and making it only fire to the rear because it has a good shape. The Tokugawa like all heavies are charging battleships that never run away from their opponents. The only other heavy cap that has 3 firing forward to my knowledge is the bismark and that does not make sense either. Removing a heavy (I know its not removed but taking away its ability to fire forward pretty much is) is not a good solution. Much like the Liberty Assault carrier the strafe speed of these ships should be adjusted. I would love to be apart of Cap Balance so people on this team can get another opinion from a member of this community who loves caps.
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
"VHF are very dificult to hit with SNAC, so lets make it that even when you ,by some miracle somehow hit them, they are not insta-killed,because they will have damage reduction.
SHF are big ,slow ,but well armored targets and much easier to hit with SNAC , so lets make it that they recive full damage of snac, so that even best protected CAU armored SHF are insta-killed."
Flawless logic and Good balance in action. Wernt wuld be better other way araund , but what the hell i know?
Move along boys,nothing to see here...
- The forward-firing, central heavy slot on the bottom of the ship has been moved to only fire rearward and to the sides.
The Tokugawa is very well-shaped, and with four forward firing heavies it was very adept at chasing down other capital ships and receiving little damage in return.
I dont think this was a wise change, taking away massive damage from a ship because it has a good profile does not make sense to me, might as well take the Osiris and remove one of the forward firing heavies and making it only fire to the rear because it has a good shape. The Tokugawa like all heavies are charging battleships that never run away from their opponents. The only other heavy cap that has 3 firing forward to my knowledge is the bismark and that does not make sense either. Removing a heavy (I know its not removed but taking away its ability to fire forward pretty much is) is not a good solution. Much like the Liberty Assault carrier the strafe speed of these ships should be adjusted. I would love to be apart of Cap Balance so people on this team can get another opinion from a member of this community who loves caps.
I mean lol... Bismarck is quite decent even with 3 heavies firing forward, you just have to turn around slightly. And yes I know what I am talking about as basically nobody could defeat me in Conn and I had just 3 heavies and CAU6. I am not even a cap player lol
- The forward-firing, central heavy slot on the bottom of the ship has been moved to only fire rearward and to the sides.
The Tokugawa is very well-shaped, and with four forward firing heavies it was very adept at chasing down other capital ships and receiving little damage in return.
I dont think this was a wise change, taking away massive damage from a ship because it has a good profile does not make sense to me, might as well take the Osiris and remove one of the forward firing heavies and making it only fire to the rear because it has a good shape. The Tokugawa like all heavies are charging battleships that never run away from their opponents. The only other heavy cap that has 3 firing forward to my knowledge is the bismark and that does not make sense either. Removing a heavy (I know its not removed but taking away its ability to fire forward pretty much is) is not a good solution. Much like the Liberty Assault carrier the strafe speed of these ships should be adjusted. I would love to be apart of Cap Balance so people on this team can get another opinion from a member of this community who loves caps.
I mean lol... Bismarck is quite decent even with 3 heavies firing forward, you just have to turn around slightly. And yes I know what I am talking about as basically nobody could defeat me in Conn and I had just 3 heavies and CAU6. I am not even a cap player lol
being good in pvp does not mean you know cap balance, come fight me since your so good.
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
I'm interested in the tokugawa nerf explaination aswell. Seems strange that toku was nerfed while valor, redemption are untouched. Those three are the best at chasing smaller caps.