PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Vizeadmiral Reinhold Kreuzer RECIPIENT:Inspekteurin Kara von Thielau, Polizeidirektor Earl Zorn, Rheinland Bundespolizei SOURCE:RWK Elbe, System Neu Berlin SUBJECT:Notfall: Belagerung
Sehr geehrte Frau von Thielau, Herr Zorn,
times are rough and now more than ever. As you most likely are aware of by now, the Rheinwehr has erected two stations for defensive means. Reports of one of our agencies reached my desk, stating that the Büro des Marinenachrichtendienstes intents to "deconstruct" said installations. This is inacceptable and a heavy erruption of the trust between the Büro des Marinenachrichtendienstes and the Rheinwehr as a whole. It appears that Direktor Enfield is no longer a trustworthy entity, and therefore must be taken care of. The deconstruction of our stations is inacceptable and must be prevented. The destruction of our installations would mean severe lacks in our defense system. Considering that this is an emergency situation, i do request the immediate support of the Bundespolizei and a fast answer of your side.
Hochachtungsvoll Reinhold Kreuzer, Vizeadmiral der Rheinwehr
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Guten Tag Vizeadmiral Kreuzer
Please note I will be handling this issue as it is a Military issue. I will send a communication to BDM Direktor Enfield, and instruct him to come and see me. I advise that you do the same. This matter needs to be discussed immediately and sorted. If no common ground can be found, this matter will be given to the highest authority in Rheinland.
Please make your way to my offices at New Berlin immediately. I know that you are busy with a war, but for this matter to be sorted, this should take priority.
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Vizeadmiral Reinhold Kreuzer RECIPIENT:Inspekteurin Kara von Thielau, Polizeidirektor Earl Zorn, Rheinland Bundespolizei SOURCE:RWK Elbe, System Neu Berlin SUBJECT:Notfall: Belagerung
Sehr geehrte Frau von Thielau, Herr Zorn,
I highly value your sense for diplomatic means, I really do. However things have changed now; the Büro under Direktor Enfields command has successfully destroyed two of our installations as you can see in the provided evidence. These installations were meant to protect Rheinland from the threat of the Valhalla Shipyard. The actions of the Büro are directly threatening the security of our State and beloved ones. Asking Direktor Enfield to your office is very dangerous, to you personally. He must be arrested immediately if he should actually move to your location. We have already deployed a Trupp of Soldaten to your location, however I highly suggest you to take security measures on your own as well. I do not look down on you for your attempt to not spill blood, but we must act now if the Republik is to prevail.
The Direktor walked over the Bundestag, his operation was not approved by the Government. He acted on his own.
The Büro des Marinenachrichtendienstes is guilty of treason. In addition to that as provided in the evidence as well, the Battleship Staufenberg assisted in the destruction of said installations. We must warn you that the Staufenberg is a renegade warship. Admiral Ronald Hetzer himself was present, who has manned the Fighter of the callsign Parabellum. Any man loyal to Direktor Enfield will be arrested. The Staufenberg is most likely to be destroyed at sight, however we suggest to attempt an arrest of the crew first.
We will launch an operation shortly whose goal is the termination of the AESIR Facility, allocated in System Frankfurt, Sector 7. The Bundespolizei will be granted permission to enter any restricted sector at own discretion. If any entity tries to stop you, including military forces, then you are obligated to use lethal force. If military vessels try to stop you, then be assured that you are facing renegade forces.
Can the Rheinwehr count on the Bundespolizei?
Hochachtungsvoll Reinhold Kreuzer, Vizeadmiral der Rheinwehr
Encrypted Video Transmission
Guten Tag Vizeadmiral Kreuzer
Direktor Enfield has informed me already of what has happened. I informed him to come to my office and provide evidence and reports.
Thank you for sending yours as well. I have reviewed your submission. The images are quite disturbing.
I will have my personal guard notified to arrest and detain Direktor Enfield. I would insist that he remains in my custody, seeing that the offence and cause of all of this was against you. I will personally hand him over to the Bundestag for judgement. Thereafter, he will be out of my custody.
You can count on us to bring peace and justice to Rheinland. If any vessels try to stop or shoot at us, we will reply with lethal force.
I will dispatch the SEK commander from Frankfurt to Sektor 7.