[TBH], MAD|, and UN| vs. All Wild,K'Hara, Vagrants Date: Saturday 06/07/2019, 1900 UTC
Location: Hamburg, Sector 2F
Event Description:
After the events at Vierlande, the Unioners have extended an olive branch to the Corsair Brotherhood in hopes of normalizing ties. The meeting is set to take place around the inactive Bering Jumpgate in Hamburg. Weary of the Unioners the Corsairs have come heavenly armed, while the Unioners have done the same as to not appear weak. Such movements do not escape the notice of the Marine Abwehrdienst and they dispatch covert observers to gather intel.
Unknownest to the two parties, a Wild strike-force along with several nomad ships have been dispatched from Valhalla Shipyard with the goal of wiping out everyone with the goal of preventing peace and sowing chaos and mistrust and spreading fear.
Participants & Registration List:
// This is a registration only event, for any Wild ID'd ship and tagged ships of UN|, [TBH], MAd|, |Aoi, K'Hara, Vagrants. Slots are as follows, please post below for registration - I ask that you ensure that the name you post here is the one that you log with, to prevent any misunderstandings. Registrations without ship-name will not be accepted. Slots will be trimmed as needed. We do reserve the right to request people to leave the area if not registered.
*Note 1:In response to confusion last time about Camera ships being removed from area - Camera ships are welcome.
*Note 2: If the Wild are interested in bringing Cruisers then TBH/UN will match.
*Note 3: We would happily welcome Nomad indies with the Game Masters blessing that it is alright.
At request, I’m adding a reserve list of people willing and able to switch if any side has issues filling its slots, requires replacements or if the slots fill up with will open up more slots for players. Reserve List:
Event plan:
TBH and UN ships will gather in sector 2F and be met by the Wild/Nomad forces moving in from Thungaria.
Funs, No Ganks,
Some dank wanks
Certain amount of memes, Sombreros, and comments about Pepe eating Jelly.
All server rules are in effect. 1. Standard PvP rules apply.
If you're killed, you're out. No returning to the battle again. 2. No running away from the active battlezone.
Once you leave the fight you're forbidden from rejoining. That includes resupplying. This is a fun pew not a marathon. 3. All loadouts allowed.
Self explanatory. 4. Register to participate.
Non registered ships will be asked to leave. Registering helps us keep the fight fair and fun for everyone. 5. No NEMPs, I guess. 6. Sombreros must measure less than 22ft by 12ft. Violators won't fit in their cockpit. 6a. Due to complaints, Capital ships' officers may wear Somberors measuring up to 42ft! But only if they have the good tequila. 7. Camera ships are permitted, registration not necessary. 8. We also reserve the right to reject any players from registration if we feel that they will start unnecessary drama.