Never heard of this before, nor do I speak Japanese. Went to Flood to see memes and I caught this in my peripheral vision. By the way, why is my name suddenly yellow and since when?
(06-29-2019, 08:40 AM)Thunderer Wrote: Never heard of this before, nor do I speak Japanese. Went to Flood to see memes and I caught this in my peripheral vision. By the way, why is my name suddenly yellow and since when?
Someone needs to secretly buff all tea trade routes!
(06-29-2019, 08:40 AM)Thunderer Wrote: By the way, why is my name suddenly yellow and since when?
Congratulations,you have just been drafted without your aproval.
Now you know how Bugsy felt when he waked up after forcibly drafted,you have sufer same procedure, but you took harder hit in a head,so you dont remember lol.
Bretona tradition must be honored even in 30th century: