NEW CONTRACT PROPOSAL FROM: Wang Qi Shan, Jiang Xi, Omega-52 TO: Triple Hazard Pay, Inc ...encryption code authorized ...loading data
Greetings again. We have new and easy contract for THP (Request ID: 20092852). SOE Directors Board offer 20 millions of Sirius Credits for shipping listed goods to Planet Gran Canaria, and declaring of delivery.
Bio Neural Processors: 100
Industrial Materials: 50
Nanocapacitors: 30
Quantum Multiplexors: 25
Shape-Memory Alloy: 20
Superconductors: 30
Plastics: 50
Polymers: 50
As you can see it's easy job, but require somebody in grey zone. We wait your answer.
Incoming Transmission Sender: Marcus Galway - THP| Recipient: Wang Qi Shang - 'VEKTOR' Encryption:Moderate Subject:Inquiry of Shipping Services
Greetings once again esteemed representative Shang.
It is pleasing to the League that VEKTOR Enterprises continues to see the value in utilising our services for their logistical and commercial needs. I can say with the utmost assurance that Merchant Captain Tordai and his associates were greatly pleased with the outcome the previous supply contract. Mr Tordai has already reviewed your request and has authorised its go ahead. Even as a type this missive, League vessels are already scouting out the finest materials to deliver to your door. As in the past please forward payment to this account THP|Ayato's.Trust.Fund once evidence of contract completion has been delivered to you.
I hope this message finds you well.
Marcus Galway Chief Adjutant to Senior Staff
League of Einstenian Transitors
NEW CONTRACT PROPOSAL FROM: Wang Qi Shan, Jiang Xi, Omega-52 TO: Triple Hazard Pay, Inc ...encryption code authorized ...loading data
Greetings comrade Galway. We again call for your service for deliveries at our objects.
For now we need 20.000 of Nanomembrane Filters at Novosibirsk installation and we will pay 6000 SC per unit. Our dockmasters will process all papers, so dont worry about this.
Coordinates of installation and fresh data for hyperspace navigation you will find in encrypted files. After jump performed, move directly to destination point, this is for your safety.