-CSV: acts as a low cost light fighter, handling and firepower is horrible though.
-Collector: VHF, not a bad ship but not great either. Has 3 class 10 guns and 3 class 5 turrets for average
firepower compared to other VHF's, handling isnt great but better than the CSV. Good cargo space.
-Repair Ship: Fits the junker design/theme, but isnt really a junker ship. Pretty much a useless craft for combat, as trading bats/bots while dodging fire is a difficult process at best. Should have repair 'guns' instead of ridiculously large numbers of bats/bots.
What we need:
-Junker Bomber: Jinx has put forth couple of designs for this but I dont know if any have been submitted. It should look like the CSV/Collector, with a cannon-like weapon slung underneath the body.
-New weapon available to junkers only "Scrapper" Junker Rail Cannon
The "scrapper", as it is fondly called by the junkers, uses electromagnets and superconductors to propel spikes of metal towards the target. It is generally used to tear apart larger peices of scrap so they can be returned to junker bases more easily without the use of large salvage ships, but can also be very effective against hostile ships.
Appearance: "missile"-like projectile model, if possible, but based as an energy weapon due to the ineffectiveness of explosives against capships. Stats:[/b]
Hull Damage: 18,000
Shield Damage: 9,000
Range: 1500 meters
Projectile Speed: 500 m/s
Refire Rate: 0.33
Energy Usage: 6200
Bomber stats:
-High agility, similar to the blood dragon / kusari bombers.
-Two class-10 gun hardpoints, three class 5 turret hardpoints (two turrets are forward-arc only, one is rear-arc only)
-Two Torpedo/CD slots
-Class 6 freighter shield hardpoint
-10,000 hull - putting it at less hull than any other bomber, and less than most VHF's.
-Power Core: enough energy regeneration to simultaneously and continuously fire two mini razors, infernos, or "scrapper" cannons, but not enough energy reserve to fire a supernova cannon or any equivalents that are added. This ship should be using dual scrapper cannons or razors over other options.
-Junker Freighter: A model for this has already been released but I dont think it's been submitted. Should be a fairly inexpensive freighter with cargo space around 400-450 (not enough to classify it as a transport). Should have higher armor than other freighters, but less firepower - Perhaps four class 5 turret hardpoints.
-Junker Transport: Jinx has released a junker 'salvager' model which would fit this perfectly, but stats on that ship arent really that of a transport. According to jinx, the ship is more of a repair ship (high bats/bots, low cargo/firepower) than a transport... unfortunate.
Regardless, the junker transport should be their version of a 'capship' - very large, with a good number of level 7 transport turret hardpoints. Similar in power and cargo capacity to the Container Transport - which affords plenty of defense via turrets against other transports, fighters, bombers, and even gunboats to a degree, but isnt powerful enough to take on larger capships. Should have good amounts of armor for a transport (simply copying the container transport's stats would be perfect).
The junker transport and bomber should only be sold in Puerto Rico, so they're restricted to junkers only. Tooltips should clarify that non-junkers should not use these vessels (with the exception of harvesters, whom the salvage transport would fit perfectly).
-Collector - good ship, sufficient for every NPC hostile. the problem is if you have to fight with e.g. xeno in eagle or similar vhf.
now collector is small, so this is the plus in the fight, but Doom wrote that will enlarge it. what means the larger target. some improvement would be nice.
-Repair Ship - I do not know what for it is. I did not see junkers in the group, fightings together. junkers do not make open war or battles.
- Bomber. Waran is not a junker bomber. it is only sold in Trafalgar. it is not junk style. junkers do not have got bomber. most of junkers don't need bomber, but if someone wants to pirate transports, it may be necessary.
maybe someone could build csv-style bomber.
- Freighter. I did one. it is ready.
- Transport. now many junkers use Firefly. it is not junker transport, but it looks more junkish than any other transport. something similar in size would be enough for junkers. as a very big transport - AoM's Slave Liner
would be good. I don't think many of junkers will use such big ship, but someone rich could.
- capships - as long as xeno and hogosha don't have those, junkers also don't need.
yes. Jinx makes very very good ships. what is status of this project? if I remember well Jinx wants to make it big repair/salvage ship not a transport.
' Wrote:yes. Jinx makes very very good ships. what is status of this project? if I remember well Jinx wants to make it big repair/salvage ship not a transport.
that's what he said, personally i think it's a horrible idea.
Trading bats/bots during combat is not easy, and that thing is as big as a destroyer... meaning huge target that gets shot easily, it's a supernova magnet.
He also wanted to give it only 3 turrets, which i think is ridiculous =/
That ship would be awesome with container transport stats, and would give junkers a good transport ship that still packs a punch if someone tries to pirate it.
Container Transport
Guns/Turrets: 0/12 (12 fire forward/backward, 8 fire in any direction to the sides - the junker version could have 12 forward/backward with six firing to each side)
Cargo space: 4200
Hull strength: 125,000
Bats/Bots: 500/500
Price: 69,500,000 credits
It has no cruise disruptor or mines, and can only equip level 7 turrets and shield (max of 100,000 capacity shield, and level 4 transport turrets).
Those stats are perfect for this thing, it'd give it a lot of offensive firepower and the armor/shield strength to stay alive - like a low-end capship - but retain enough cargo space to make it useful for salvaging/mining/smuggling/trading.