La Maréchaussée de Gaule The Marshalcy of Gallia Destinataire: Maréchausée Personnel ONLY
From the office of Maréchal Laroux:
The Enclave has received an offer of support from a independent intelligence unit identifying as Voilé Squadron. Maréchausée personnel are not to interfere with the activities of this unit provided that they do not conflict with our own. However, forces are advised to avoid superfluous entanglement with these pilots and maintain cautious distance, as their background and intent are currently unknown.
La Maréchausée de Gaule The Marshalcy of Gallia Identité: Minori Shikizumi, Cavalier
I've spent another evening in Tau-37 as part of the raiding group. It's been a few days of relentless Outcast assault on the IMG positions. The pattern often repeats, so I will save command's time and only report the most recent fight. In that region, Outcasts are taking a fashion of flying massive ships. Many of them could be even classed as battleships. Those usually receive heavy damage and use the jump drives to return for docks and repair.
Along with those, there are more traditional gunship and mixed fighter/bomber squadrons. From their allies were spotted a GC, as I come from Kusari I can tell that it's Kusarian terrorist cell. But I believe that command would not consider them as a threat. Neither do I. Some SIS agent was spamming the frequency with its usual useless chatter. I did try to ignore it.
Apart from the royalist forces, we also had Rheinland corporation of ALG assisting their business partners in combat. Random mercenaries, bounty hunters and another more known Sirian terrorist organization are known as the Order. None of the two have demonstrated any hostile intentions. One of them, callsign "Handsome Mikhail" have actually proven to be a good wingman, to my honest surprise.
IMG defenses heavily rely on bombers wings, weapon platform network and capital ships that they have acquired from CR back in the day. They still look as ugly, but at least IMG capital crews seem to be more capable than their CR counterpart. Overall this last fight was a good antimatter target practice. Sadly, the system has registered one of my hits on the Outcast bomber as something weird, so I cannot apply that into this report.
La Maréchaussée de Gaule The Marshalcy of Gallia
Cavaliers Minori Shikizumi & Samuel Deschamps - You have both displayed a strong will to fight against those who would oppose the Enclave no matter the odds. You are both promoted to the rank of Brigadier. Bon travail, continuez!
Sous-lieutenant Julien d'Aboville - Due to your outstanding performance both on and off the field of battle, you have both been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Please report to Issoudun Drydock, you may now make use of the Éclipse as a mobile base of operations.
Battle has commenced against Hamilton station. We were met by a defensive flight of Bretonian fighters, headed by a battlecruiser. Their allies trickled in as the fight ramped up. I suffered heavy damage and was forced out of action. The battle is still ongoing, and the siege proper has not yet begun. When Bretonia's forces are routed, the base will be destroyed.
Casualty report:
One siege-equipped Cougar bomber. Heavily damaged. Weapons inoperable. Engines firing in limp mode. Awaiting repair at maintenance facilities in Aquitaine.
Pièces jointes: <empty>
A way a lone a last a loved a long the riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay,
brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.
Following the orders of Marshal Laroux I took command of the Eclipse in preparation of the attack on a rogue installation that was under construction in Azincourt. This installation, Leeds Central Station, was positioned near the remains of Stokes Mining Station but was still in its infancy. With forces from the Marteau des Hebrides joining me we proceeded to Azincourt. Once we arrived, we positioned ourselves around the station and started on bombardment on 29.9.742 AGS.
During the siege we faced little opposition from the defenders of the installation and so our siege continued. The station quickly started to crumble under our combined firepower and eventually was destroyed. With our mission accomplished we set a course back to Aquitaine with no losses sustained during the attack.
La Maréchausée de Gaule The Marshalcy of Gallia Identité: Minori Shikizumi, Brigadier
Maréchal Laroux, your excellency. Due to my shameful performances during the recent operations, I appeal to demote me in ranks back to Cavalier. For I am not currently in shape to match with high personal and professional qualities that Brigadier is suppose to have.
Battleship Dax, Aquitaine System
5. Octobre, 742 AGS
Sender:Cavalier Achille Voclain, La Maréchausée de Gaule. Recipient:Centre de communication, La Maréchausée de Gaule. Topic:Aquitaine Interdiction report..
Wednesday Octobre 3rd agent Lancier, Brigadier Shikizumi, and Lieutenant D'Aboville were chased into the Aquitaine system edge from Dublin by a Bretonian fighter squadron of no less than eight fighters. The fighters, while armed in numbers, were ill-equipped to handle superior Gallic training as most Bretonians are. With only the challenge of numerical superiority the numbers were swept away with ease.
The following are images taken from the blackbox of Lt. D'Aboville's Lynx.
Battleship Dax, Aquitaine System
5. Octobre, 742 AGS
Sender:Cavalier Achille Voclain, La Maréchausée de Gaule. Recipient:Centre de communication, La Maréchausée de Gaule. Topic:Leeds Interdiction report.
Today nearing 2100 hours during a round of the Leeds system approached an ongoing battle between two Gaian fighters and two Bretonian Armed forces fighters. Upon my arrival they both ceased hostilities with one another and decided to focus their attention on me. Moving defensively, Cavalier Josselyne arrived on scene to my aid while I destroyed one of the two Gaian fighters. Unfortunately Josselyne fell victim to the Bretonians, however Brigadier Deschamps soon took his place and aided me in destroying the remaining vessels. All blackbox images can be found below.
From: Cavalier Adrian Gustin To: Marshalcy Message Dump Source: Battleship Dax, Aquitaine
Sortie report.
Chasseur and I were performing interdiction duties in Leeds, we encountered two patrol-craft under Bretonian Police Authority Identification. We committed to an engagement soon after their arrival and quickly eliminated one Nyx-class fighter(Chasseur gun-cam) and then a Templar-class fighter(Chasseur gun-cam). A Bretonia Armed Forces Templar arrived on scene to provide the Police with assistance, but I saw to its elimination(Personal gun-cam) given the damaged nature of Chasseur's Cougar by the end of the skirmish.