(10-15-2019, 05:45 PM)Immortality23 Wrote: I honestly think someone just has a bit of an ego, and is just making themselves out to be bigger iRP than what they are.
Funny what happens when a faction leader becomes an OFL, and then suddenly thinks they have entitlements beyond what they are as a faction.
You're literally acting like Cardamine is the lifeblood of the game, and not just a small criminal underworld. Let's count the actual iRP users of Cardamine:
Lane Hackers, Rogues (Not all though, as per their RP), Chrysanthemums, Core (For research purposes, and this is very recent).
In reality, that doesn't leave a lot in the way of your monopoly profits. Even if all those were addicted, only really LH~ have the capital power to actually make you even a percentage of the money you claim iRP and ooRP to possess.
Also, difficulties with the birth rate, isn't strictly conception, it's the ability to hold onto the child during pregnancy. While I don't doubt that the population of Malta is large, the claims of 500 million still seem ambitious to me.
"It is not as powerful as a house, surely, but compared to zoners I can use the figure of speech "grand armada" for how many BS inRP do zoners have?"
Simple, look on our faction pages, and look at what we have as far as just our "Canis" fleet is. Should give you an indication. Given that we've kind of been fighting the nomads long enough and now have the capability through both Iridium, Azurite and general trading/business deals as well as private funding from benefactors.
In short, Cardamine isn't as much iRP profit as you would like to think it is. Now, Iridium on the other hand, which is what Velvet deals in, used pretty exclusively, even stated in the Armour Upgrade description. But hey, what do I know.
Either way, Garda, you're not as invincible as you want to make out the OCs to be. I can list all the ways in which factions are different, and will happily say my faction for example is not heavy on population or have a huge reach. The profits are reliant on buyers, which iRP, the OCs have very little.
1. Carrying the child. See artificial wombs. Or surrogate mothers that can be used for breeding purposes from the ranks of slaves. There are tons of options. Yet again, if the problem is not conception, then it simplifies the stuff even more as then the society attributes the sacred role of motherhood to women and cares about them trying to keep pregnant most of young years. The population of 480 million, btw, is not something we invent. It is something that is given on Malta's inforcard. Just do the math and you will see why I am addressing the steady growth - this is but a simple math of complex percentages.
2. Fleet. I am saying about fleet in the understanding of the devs. On our infopage we can claim however many ships, infopage is not the basis for inRP fleet as far as the NPC strength of a faction is concerned. We used approximately 18 caps during the siege of Sillosso, so on infopage we can claim to have those and even more. InRP fleets that I was referring to regard to NPC faction that determines its strength in Sirius. And, well, zoners have none. Regardless of how many you claim top be in "Canis", NPC zoner faction has none and it is what is used to determine zoners' strength, which is null and void. That is the comparison of fleet to you: 7-9 to 0.
Besides, even if you claim to have a fleet - zoners still have no economy or population to support a sizeable fleet similarly to how not all real countries can afford to have a sizeable navy - too expensive.
3. Cardamine according to existing lore is booming in Liberty and Kusari, our primary markets, not LH, LR, or the Core. That is given both in vanilla lore (rumours on Maltese bases and the very scope of OC problem) and in disco lore. Surely, we cannot rely solely on Cardamine and this is why we are concerned with diversifying economy.
Besides, I never claimed we are invincible. We are pretty aware of our position in the politics and of larger players that can smash us. We are totally aware of that. But zoners - c'mon, zoner resistance is a meme akin to zoner tears. Zoners inRP cannot do anything except for losing bases and planets to anyone of your liking. That is inherent in zoner lore - simple people who just want to "get away from all of this", not fight someone or engage in politics. This is why zoners fit well for the RP of some genius scientists (like IRG or now GRG who just did not find the place within houses with their approach), or explorers, or religious weirdos and basically any non-orthodox character who does not fit within general society. But militant? For what? What would trigger a regular person living or even scrambling in a House being relatively safe to go to the outskirts of known space to risk his or her life for no apparent reason? A lot of the population might not even know anything about nomads, and even if they do - most would prefer staying home knowing what aliens are capable of. There are professionals like the Order and the Core to deal with those. Surely, you can do the militant zoners similarly to [ZA] or those ones in Bering. And yo usurely can RP flipping the finger to some small nomad raid groups or small patrols of either faction. But you cannot stand the war, neither economically, nor militarily.
Five cents: solve such issues not in the forums, but in the game.
Or solve them not at the level of faction feedback, but at the level of discussion with the developers. I mean, your discussion about what Outcasts and Zoners can use.
Im only getting involved for the sake of this one point as i spoke with Story Devs about it
Quote: And, well, zoners have none. Regardless of how many you claim top be in "Canis", NPC zoner faction has none
I have had it confirmed that Zoners do in fact in lore have Capitol assets, they are just alot less organised then a full on fleet. So the whole "zoners have no caps" isnt a fact, Zoners do have some knocking about.
(10-15-2019, 06:03 PM)Reeves Wrote: Yes, I too enjoy seeing the Maltese being called by Bretonia for help. It certainly adds an element of ferocity, a bit like a screeching rat. This faction certainly represents something, but it's most assuredly not vanilla lore. I distinctly remember the Outcasts having more spine than this, but perhaps my memory is fuzzy at this point in my Discovery tenure.
Fixed a part of that.
I dont pay much attention to outcast politics since mine only involves shooting. But the idea that zoners have a chance makes me laugh.
(10-15-2019, 06:29 PM)Aazalot Wrote: Im only getting involved for the sake of this one point as i spoke with Story Devs about it
Quote: And, well, zoners have none. Regardless of how many you claim top be in "Canis", NPC zoner faction has none
I have had it confirmed that Zoners do in fact in lore have Capitol assets, they are just alot less organised then a full on fleet. So the whole "zoners have no caps" isnt a fact, Zoners do have some knocking about.
Good to know, thanks for the heads up! Given the lack of zoner NPC caps as bases it is difficult to keep track of them inRP. The comparison still stands, imho, zoners are militarily represented weaker, especially in terms of manpower. And, as you said, they are dispersed.
Indeed, the way it was explained to me is that Zoners more have their own little militias which in theory could band together should they choose. But in general each Zoner group/station would have their own small Fleet which may or may not comprise of a cap or 2 as a defense. Freeport 11 and Zoner bases in the Omicrons would may have more due to the hostility of the system but ya they do exist. And maybe getting a couple Cap ship bases up might be a plan for the future
I must say, with my gaze temporarily set back on the scene, and with people stirring up feedback threads worse than Chio. I have been pleasantly surprised with how simply and directly you answered all the accusations and questioning. Amidst all this drama over... whatever it is. I have also been lead to superb roleplay on behalf of this faction. Your roleplay is solid, my few encounters with you in game have been enjoyable, and your feedback is solid. Kudos. It's hard to be impressed with anything in Discovery anymore.
It goes without saying that pretty much everyone has a big stick complex in regards to pixel power, but I see you referencing vanilla lore and in game assets (Which NPC assets are canon) instead of referencing some page that is not considered actual canon. You also admit when you don't know something, and take criticism well as seen above. For that you have my respect.
(10-15-2019, 08:09 PM)Hemlocke Wrote: I must say, with my gaze temporarily set back on the scene, and with people stirring up feedback threads worse than Chio. I have been pleasantly surprised with how simply and directly you answered all the accusations and questioning. Amidst all this drama over... whatever it is. I have also been lead to superb roleplay on behalf of this faction. Your roleplay is solid, my few encounters with you in game have been enjoyable, and your feedback is solid. Kudos. It's hard to be impressed with anything in Discovery anymore.
It goes without saying that pretty much everyone has a big stick complex in regards to pixel power, but I see you referencing vanilla lore and in game assets (Which NPC assets are canon) instead of referencing some page that is not considered actual canon. You also admit when you don't know something, and take criticism well as seen above. For that you have my respect.
Quality faction, Keep it up.
+1 on this.
The only question I have would be: Why do you make an Outcast faction if you dislike the Lore of the faction itself? That kind of makes it seem like you just want to be a special snowflake amongst the Outcasts, which should not be what one is going for when creating a faction under the banner of a certain NPC Group
(10-15-2019, 08:11 PM)Lucas Wrote: The only question I have would be: Why do you make an Outcast faction if you dislike the Lore of the faction itself? That kind of makes it seem like you just want to be a special snowflake amongst the Outcasts, which should not be what one is going for when creating a faction under the banner of a certain NPC Group
Well, my reply is not related to QC specifically, but just open and read the Outcast ID to understand. Battleships, BCs, Cruisers, 5k transports, and ZOI in 3 Houses and 3 macro-regions (Tau, Sigma, Omicrons). I tried to limit the usage of those within my factions, but you know, those lines seem attractive to people who are not in much sympathy with OC lore itself.
OC faction must play massive outlaw lore with such conditions, called by lore and gameplay. I talked to Garda about QC's soft-core diplomacy with CR and Bretonia, but we did not find much common ground, despite my attempts to highlight Outcast lore and role in game design specifically.
Unlawful part actually, still important one. This is just consequence of sirius stellar politic, that neutral relations with Bretonia become possible, and this is inRP reaction on story events. I personally do believe that some part of Malta dream about being considered on House level, since...they should've been house from start, but failed, and not really by their fault. I guess that should add some motivations for moves like that. This is side which QC plays.
On another side - i also think the part of Outcasts proud by fact that they alived and adapted, and dont want their freedom hindered in any relation, will it be freedom of raiding, raping hostages, swimming in bathes of blood and another funny things. And because freedom to do it will be reduced more and mroe as Malta will become deeper involved in stellar diplomacy, they will obviously dont like it.
This is essential part of OC rp, and guess nobody in QC dont want kill it. Actually, we do have some ideas to help by requests in encouraging opposition in this question, since it will only make lore and gameplay richer. Changes in politics always create consequences among population, and any schism probably should be played as far its organical, not forced and have sides to play. Than more activity and stories - then merrier.
I also dont sure, when Malta Goverment called Bretonia for help in other things than buying industrial equipment and setting trade for civilian/industrial sector development. Other was afaik, or about proper organisation of areas of influence in Taus after war, or political movements to create deeper embargoes.
Where indeed Malta Goverment called big brother as screeching rat? What i'm missed? Any links? Or its just we should be like "Cool guys dont ask anything and dont use any help" by somebody headcanon? I heard, graveyards full of those ones.