Sender: Chevalier. Recipient: Golden Chrysanthemum - GC|, GC-.
I bid you good day, sisters.
I represent The Loyola Group - private military contractor offering security and logistical services to the groups and individuals willing to make a deal. The only major difference would be us, as a contractor - our main focus is on providing our services to the unlawful side groups, on the contrary to the notorius Bounty Hunters Guild and other, less successfull start-ups.
Are you interested?
Transmission Terminée
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war. Heroes never die! @Vitoniz30 @Connor
⧫ Loyola Group
Loyola is a name I have not heard for a long while. Is your group related to the infamous Enma Loyola? If that is the case, I suppose your group is heavily sponsored by Malta. That would mean that you have sufficient resources at your hand which enable you not to disappear again within a matter of a few months. At least we hope so, as having a reliable bunch of Bounty Hunters and other types of service providers at our side can prove to be very useful.
Consider us interested, any service assisting our goal to create a truly free Kusari are most welcome. There is no special contract I could think of for now but if you are interested, I can approach the Advisor Circle regarding a general payout for vessels belonging to Kusari's authorities for your group. How does this sound?
ID: Ikeda Yume
Recipient: Loyola Group
CC: None
Subject: Hajimemashita
I am Ikeda and represent the Matriarch of the Gen'an Chrysanthemums.
"Chevalier". We had contact with Loyola earlier about some weird request about escorting a Gallic ship, which we subsequently heard nothing about anymore afterwards, when we asked why the Sisterhood should aid a remnant of a hostile entity. This does not provide us with a good first impression.
It also comes as no suprise that we are sceptical when Gauls are sent to initiate contact with us when they are one of the main problems for us in the Tau region.
Sender: Chevalier. Recipient: Golden Chrysanthemum - GC|, GC-.
I bid you good day, sisters.
Aimi Amaia-san.
I would very much appreciate if there would be a kind of a more concrete offer. Despite being quite an assorted collective - we are still a private contractor led by a strict and responsible person. We are not against the engagement with the Naval Forces, but we need something to work with.
I believe you do understand.
Ikeda Yume-san.
We are a private contractor. Your personal unpleasant experience with the person behind us is not of the essence here, neither my origin is. We are looking to expand our operations into Kusari in the foreseeable future and would you benefit from it or not depends solely on you. You may decide to be picky or professional and have the assistance of the most sophisticated unlawful private military contractor to date.
Business is business, and time is money. Choose wisely.
Transmission Terminée
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war. Heroes never die! @Vitoniz30 @Connor
⧫ Loyola Group
Before I will make a concrete offer, I would like to have confirmation. Is your group affiliated to Enma Loyola or not?
This individual is well-known for many reasons. Maybe we can contact herself and make a deal with her personally? That would be appreciated.
If she needs a reason to 'find time' for us, tell her that we will indeed pay your little group for some targets. Details to be provided to her personally again.
Sender: Chevalier. Recipient: Golden Chrysanthemum - GC|, Aimi Amaia.
I bid you good day, miss Aimi.
Indeed, Loyola Tactical Solutions group, as the name suggests, led by Enma Loyola.
I will let her know of your conditions, and i believe she will find a window in her tight schedule to discuss further business between our groups. Expect the next reply coming from her.
Transmission Terminée
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war. Heroes never die! @Vitoniz30 @Connor
Sender: Dona Enma de Loyola. Recipient:GC Topic:Assistence request
Dear friends,
I am at the moment almost visiting Kusari and as of now, we are having an unexpected and complicated operation in Tau-53. I and my people have not been to Kusari for a long time, and Imperial, as well as the Gallic traffic, is quite concerning. I will have to move a person that is very important for me personally and I would not like to take high risks on that.
New Gallic government maybe after us since our position was spotted due to a number of events. We will either have to maneuver in Tau-53 and then either dive into deeper Taus or move to Hokkaido and then make our way to Sigmas. The operation currently at the stage of planning and it would be great if I knew if I can count on you.
Any help would be appreciated, be it logistics, intel or firepower. I will be in debt for any of it and I am making a promise of that debt being paid if you shall call for it in the future. I have many ways to pay back really. Hoping to hear from you soon.
Dona Enma de Loyola
Loyola Tactical Solutions Group Ltd Amor Vincit Omnia
We could lend our support if you tell us what it is your require.
Right now the information you are providing is too scarse for us to commit to this. We have no idea who you are attempting to smuggle and what groups might try twart your plans.