From: 522nd Nova Squad - Jimbo "Mad Dog" Cunningham
Location : Planet Houston
To: Liberty Forces
Subject: Nomand Tech
-----Message starts-----
After a patrol of the texas system i was forced to stop to ships for carrying 1) Nomad brains and 2) Nomad weapons, some strange radiation deleted some of the gun cam and the other was of nothing at all, very strange indeed.
Anyway first was =CR=Iblis carrying Nomad Brains and when asked if he had a licence he transfered to Daniel "Bulldog" Novacek a Kusari Dragon design ship that was carrying 2 x Nomad Weapons 1x Blaster 1 x Cannon.
After several insults from the IMG ship (IMG GB) he ran from the scene lucky we called LSF GB Tugboat for support and turned up just as the IMG ship opened fire on us, the ship was destroyed.
Next we followed Bulldog towards the Hudson system just as he was about to jump to the said system, we managed to stop him and ask him to drop the Nomad weapons/Cargo, he did not answer and ran, i gave him till the count of 5 then engaged and destroyed his ship.
What is with the the amount of ships coming from the Rhineland boarder systems with Nomads, this is the forth case today alone, i think LSF need to cheek it out.
incoming report
ID: ensign Mathew "Audacious" Alexandrej
patroll of june 29th.
today's patroll started in california, and i immediatly stubled acros a rouge, callsign onyx.wolff i believe, trying to down a trade lane ring. after a short and fierce fight the rouge was destroyed, some time later i was aghast to come across the same rouge again, this time in the new York system. his flying was no better then the last time, so he was quickly dispatched again. then to my suprise when i was taking a regular patroll path in colarado i stumbled across him again. how he manages to arm and launch ships so regularly is a mystery to me, yet for as long as his flying does not improve he will not pose much of a threat to the superiorly trained navy pilots. for he was destroyed in the manner that had become almost usual to me.
From: LSF Flint
Location : West Point Military Academy, Medical Bay
To: LSF Headquaters
Subject: Patrol Report, Long Range
Upon launching from Manhatten, I assisted some LN officers in subduing a (Zoner) type capital ship that had some sort of violation against it. After re arming at Manhatten and lifting to orbit, I came across two Xenos 14k away from docking ring and the first one had an LPI pilot in their hold. I requested that the pilot be handed over. I was 3k away when the Xeno jettisioned the pilot and shot him. The other Xeno (Prospector) in a rogue GB had 3 Civilian pilots in his hold. I asked him to turn them over and he did not reply. I gave two more notices, then a short count before engaging. Needles to say, He was able to cause my ship to disigenerate around me. I was picked up by a friendly pilot and delivered to Manhatten. I was in good condition so I got a spare ship and proceded to the Califorina system.
In the Califorina system I came across the ship Ratlover, ( I think it was a Large Train) full of Counterfit Software. I gave chase and when I caught up with him he appeared to have rendezvous with an Outcast Destroyer under the name of Werwolf. I backed off and called for assistance but none arrived. As I was working the comm they were able to get too far away from me to catch before they got beyond my scanner range. I proceded to patrol the Califorina System. Finding nothing I proceded to the Texas System. I encountred several Civilian Traders that were attempting to take goods and ore to Rhineland. I was able to inform them about the blockade and where to check to verify what I was saying. All was going good till while I was talking to Civilian, a pirate Transport full of slaves came out of the TL and was at the JG before I could get the ship name after doing a quick scan. I ordered him to halt. I gave chase but by the time I got to the Bering side, he was gone. Do those JG's work faster for them than us?
I did a quick patrol of the Bering system and found nothing. I recieved a long range com about a Keeper somewhere in New York. I proceded as fast as I could. I had a hard time getting position reports on his position. After many time delayed reports I cought him on my scanners just off Ithica Station heading into the Badlands. His name was Keeper.Kharybdis. He was in formation with a ship ID'ed as the Medivh, a Percheron. I was able to comm the LPI Rusty Donut for back up. I kept trying to engage the keeper in conversation in attemp to find out why he was in the system. This Medivh kept saying that we have to study it and be nice to it. After many failed attempts to communicate with the Keeper, I anounced my intention to engage and Medivh informed me that if I shot at the Keeper, he would shoot me. Using the Badlands to my advantage I engaged the Keeper. I was in turn, engaged by Medivh. I was attempting to push them out of the Badlands where I could possibly get help from the Rusty Donut and Stormcrow. After a short fight I was cought in their crossfire. As my ship came apart I ejected. As I ejected I turned off the retrival becon hoping they would think I was dead. I must have passed out. I was informed when I came to at WPMA medical that some Civilian had picked my pod up soon after ejecting. My Thanks to him or her.
It is my belief that the pilot and crew of the Medivh may be under Nomad influence and to be approached with caution. I am sorry for the loss of two craft in todays patrol Director. I hope to be discharged from medical soon and to return to duty.
--Sender: [LN]-Valence.Harper--
--To: Liberty Navy Office--
--Opening Message--
Greetings. On June 30, 0500 hours Sirius Sector time, I was patrolling California, and came across a smuggler by the name of xDRAGONx. I scanned his hold, and guess what, full of Artifacts. I told him to halt, which, surprisingly, he did. He then asked what's the problem, and I ordered him to drop them all.
Then, his escort, Maaazius, in his Eagle, came along and told me to leave the smuggler alone.
I then warned them that they have 10 seconds to drop the Artifacts, then that's when Maaazius attacked. I was easily beating him up to a pulp when a Gunboat, I think, by the name of Black(!)Moth, came along, and destroyed me in a second, since I was heading straight to Maaazius, who was a kilometer away. All of this happened on the orbit of Los Angeles, and, the Gunboat just came out of the tradelane, and it took a while to register it, by that time, I was destroyed.
I propose that xDRAGONx, Maaazius, and Black(!)Moth, be all intensely monitored when they are in the Liberty systems, or, add them to the KoS list.
Incoming Transmission:
Comm ID: Larry Morrison, Detective, LPI
Source: Fort Bush Detective Office
Today was quite a day. Upon entering space, the LPI-Greedy.Donut informed me of a pirate presence in California, and having no other assignment I moved to take care of it. Upon arriving in California, I swiftly found the perpetrator, a certain Onyx.Wolfe, and engaged. The subject flew a "Barghest" bomber, flying full Rogue colors, and was no match for the agility of my Eagle. One item of note is that another ship, Arriele.Miller, had arrived at the fight for unknown reason, but before entering the fray was blasted by a stray supernova bolt and destroyed. Shortly after, I finished off Onyx and continued to Riverside Station. Upon arriving there, I saw an Outcast Destroyer by the callsign of [BRA]Grulla. Before I could see more, the ship hacked the tradelane and proceeded to California Minor. I recruited the help of a Jupiter Guild bomber there, and we followed the ship to the Magellan Jumpgate.
The rest of the story shall be saved for the Autonomous Department for Managing Interstellar Navigation (A.D.M.I.N.), but there is one finer detail to point out. While the Jupiter Guild member, [/JG\]Reminas, proved helpful, I noticed on a chance scan something disturbing.
The first loaded weapon appears to be of similar make to recorded Corsair debilitator equivalents, although of a more serious variety than the more common "Tizona del Cid". If no other authority takes up the matter, I will do what I can to inquire as to the nature of a "friend of Liberty" using such weaponry.
COMM ID- Formerly Captain Mathew Anobi of the LN
To- Liberty Forces
It was said long ago... by our forefathers and their fathers before them to never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return. For their decisions required courage beyond measure... sacrifice and unshakeable conviction...
That their fight was for truth and for Liberty and all that it stood for. That they would risk everything; every last man, woman, and child. In order to preserve Liberty and the foundations of democracy.
Today we stand as a mockery to the once mighty and free civilization that we originally built... I long to see a new dawn, to go home...
Today I officially announce my resignation from Liberty's Naval Forces; I leave now to walk the same path my forefathers tread long ago. You all have a nice day in hell.
============Transmission inbound tracks engaged ..displaying===
COMM ID: Lt Jimmy Patterson 106th Army battlegroup
TO: Capt Anobi
mathew..i know we havent had much time side by side but i hope you stay intouch surte libertys a bit erm discombobulated right now but as one of your brothers in arms i musat say it was truely an honor you may move on but you still will have my respect and if needed any help i can offer godspeed sir, and good luck out there*salutes as holorecord fades*
COMM ID: Lt. Patterson liberty 106th battlegroup
sorce: civilian transport "lucky "seven"
command.. im transmitting this from my transport as in a recent battle with 4 hacker gunships my gunboat was rendered disabled she managed to pilot herself and drift to norfolk shipards as per my order after we abandoned ship thankfully nobody of my crew died i know its tehcnically agenst protocol but well theres a few other things that are too..things i wont mentionbut still anyway to my report ..the harvestors had a corsair cruiser a few talacre s i asked why they entered our space they said there diplomat VOTM was attacked i being a gunboat commandewr was in no way able to force them out so we jointly attacked the hackers..and we all were rendered combat ineffective/destroyed i know its not a time to gripe but we need more patrols and not to bring up old stones the 552 often patroled alongside the 106th when no naval personal or LSF were on duty i hope you navyboys can re work your patrols both fighter/bomber and capitol the LNS milwaukee was rended dead from them aswell she was damaged in a prior engagement weve got to do something about these pirates with a possable war with rhineland and now the 552 due to certin events were in a bad situation...this concludes my report but command i may not be navy but im smart i urge you to do something either recruiting wise or diplomaticly we need more ships ..also expect a requestion soon for the possablity of myself getting a cruiser command Lt. patterson closeing comunacations
*audio ends*
//roleplay pending when xing gets back,sorry for wal lof text//