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Privyet. I'd like to inaugrate this communications line with the first successful cargo interdiction operation of the Crimean Privateers. I deployed our Percheron, the Kaffa, from Exeter and patrolled the deeper Omegas for potential targets. First thing we ran into was a Zoner with iridium in Five, bound for Bretonia, so I deemed them not worth the trouble and carried on. Moving into Forty-One, though, we ran into a Volgograd Industrial supertransporter carrying robotic components used in modular base systems. They weren't too happy to take orders from their former leader, so I made a mess of their cargo bay on the outskirts of the Hammen Hole, and took what spoils we could carry off. This wasn't much in the grand scheme, but it should send the Coalition a message that the Crimean Privateers are going to be an outfit of their word.
As you all know, those filthy Mollys and Coalitioners have started to siege a modular installation in Dublin, called Clew Bay - we cannot allow them to destroy it. A reminder of the objective to protect the base at all costs, with the assistance of the Armed Forces and all allied parties. But back to the report.
Our beacon array, left nearby the modular base to detect enemy movement, sent an alert that a sieging force was seen moving towards the base. The first to arrive on the scene were myself and Selim on our Warans, and support arrived in the shape of a third friendly bomber, callsign "Sparviero". Together, the three of us melted all enemy capital vessels: the first one fell to Sparviero, the second one fell to Selim and the last one fell to my Scorchers.
Later on, there was a small incident with a Molly captain - cleary intoxicated - which at first threatened to open fire on our allied forces, made up of the before-mentioned 2 [CP] Warans, a Bretonian gunboat and a Bretonian Battlecruiser. However, the Molly coward chose to dock his ship on Arranmore, so no shots were fired.
I booked passage to Exeter and hopped on my personal Jackdaw for a patrol when a contact popped on my scanners: it looked like a Nomad ship, but it was smaller than any I had seen in the past. As soon as it spotted me, though, he ran to the opposite side of the planet, where - as soon as I reached it, since it was way faster than me - I saw it enveloped in a white , bright light. A moment later, i got blinded and, when I recovered - he was gone. I managed to take some pics after all.
I landed on Exeter, got scanned as for procedures after Nomad encounters and booked passage back to Graves, filing the report in the meanwhile.