4x STORMBREAKER Codename weaponry replacing the Destroyers mounted on the current character/400 Cruise engine (previously requested on Lich, but was removed when I was banned). Files will for both are completed and will be linked (engines are already in the game and working, images from @Ramke can be provided.)
I think a dev request is necessary, but looking back at the VENOM request for reference since I haven't done this in a while, it shows that the dev request took place after. I can submit the dev request at any time along with a document going over the infocard.
The weapon stats can be found in the roleplay, I have tweaked them so they require more energy than any other 4.00 in the game to fire, but come in at a bit more damage above the highest damaging 4.00. The efficiency comes in lower than all other 4.00s due to the energy requirements. Efficiency trumps damage as I preach, unless you have the experience behind you.
I will always be available for more elaboration on balance, the energy value in the files should be set to 170 energy consumption, the damage 700. 25+ damage from BWs, +15 energy consumption as well.
Please note and extract the values from the TOP OF EACH FILE EXCLUDING THE ALE. Please do not overwrite the server's files with these, these come from and outdated version of discovery.
3. Exact name, identification and affiliation of the character:
[RHA]Anna.Heinrich [RHA] Officail ID, Red Hessian IFF
4. Why is this request necessary for the continuation of this character's roleplay?
This is (im trying, 95% certain) my last SRP. This has been a fun project that I've invested in for several years since I've started leading RHA. The SRP of these guns and the engine are necessary to make use. Since the codenames/engine would not be publicized.
5. What short-term and long-term goals are you planing to achieve on this character?
Heinrich (I didn't see the second nuke today that doesn't count) is hopefully on the way after this SRP to being more recognized as a skilled pilot than the leader of the RHA. While the latter will always be what the majority knows her for, a huge chunk of this character's backstory is how she made an impact as the Hessian's Ace pilot. In the long term, I'm hoping to do some RP where this character is captured, or forced into temporary exile for reasons that will be uncovered. (this will go in sync with the Army potentially losing territory on the Rheinland front if that ever happens).
@Reeves For roleplay with the character over the years.
@Char Aznable Roleplay with character over the years
@"Auzari" and A/) for roleplay regarding weapons for caps and transfering weapons.
@Durandal For helping me design the weapons. Ale editing sucks.
RHA HC and [RHA]
Everyone else not listed who's interacted with this character over the years in the making. This character went from being just a name before my first raid as RHA leader back in 2015, I never imagined then that the character would come to be as Iconic as it is now. Thanks to all!
-Spec ops ID for Anna.Heinrich and Anna,Heinrich (I slapped 250mill on the thor incase you want that for w/e reason)
Reputation Changes: 0.6+ rep to Red Hessians/Coalition / 0.3+ Reputation to Orbital Spa and Cruise / -0.9 to Nomads, Wild, Rheinland Lawfuls (Imp and fed Corps included), Bretonian (corps included)Lawfuls, Unioners, and Corsairs.
0.0 Rep with everything else.
ID Lines:
-Can only attack vessels in self defense, excluding nomads/wild.
-Cannot participate in lawful or unlawful actions.
4. Why are these changes necessary?
As stated in the original SRP request, the character is moving on. These changes are necessary to create a foundation for the future of this character (having a bomber/fighter neutral to a particular faction to kick things off.) The OS&C changes are necessary because the character will be hiding out on an OS&C planet (Curacao). This will become apparent as the story continues, I didn't see it as something absolutely necessary to include for such a basic change to the character.
The ID is extremely broad, and it might be surprising coming from someone like me. The reason I am making it this broad and under-powered is because the character has no assigned role among another group, or a reason to attack people or instigate hostility. Currently, the character is living a peaceful life having just been re-united with her husband. There's no reason for this character to behave like a mercenary/Freelancer/pirate/lawful/supersekritnomadinfiltratorexinfectedtungstensteelskeletonsupersoldierofdeathnaniiiiiiiiiiii ID - you catch my drift basically.
I want roleplay with other people to be the influence that changes the ID lines, and in turn - the character overall. Me forcing the narrative for this just makes it boring, if others get involved and make something of it - it becomes more fun in my personal opinion. (The character is basically up for grabs be quick he_he_he)
5. Provide possible links to the relevant forum roleplay.
Distortion - This encompasses a lot. Bits of the story from everyone in the Heinrich family. It is still in progress and will continue to be long after this request is made. I may dial back on this thread for a future request, this is going to get more interesting the more people get involved.
Comm to Stalhbrecher - Confirms disappearance/death of the Generalmajor to the public.
Comm to Golanski - Lucien talks to Golanski about his wife's identity, following this meeting which is written in Distortion; Lucien is sent to Vogtland.
Admiral Steiner to Isaak Heinrich - The suspicion behind Isaak's lineage is the start of the domino effect that contributes to the former Generalmajor going insane.
First meeting. - Isaak and the Steiners meet to confirm or deny their suspicions, the revelation eventually comes down on Anna indirectly. The Admiral's knowledge of her "dead" son is the start of a lengthy process that drives the villain out of her character temporarily.
Overall, if this appears dry, I strongly advise following Distortion. This story explains quite a bit, with enough important details and not too many irrelevant ones.
3. What exactly do you want changed? Odin MkII and Thor MkII to Odin MkI and Thor MkI
4. Why are these changes necessary? These (MkIs) are the ships designed to be on the widespread market and the ones that are easy to maintain on their own. The character not being with the Red Hessians anymore sorta takes away the permit for the MkII. The MkIIs are explicitly Red Hessian anyways, so converting seems more fair.
5. Provide possible links to the relevant forum roleplay. I was hoping I could just swap over, the ships come from the same maker, and have the same labels. The functions of them are just a tad bit different.
-Anna.Heinrich (ships) renamed to Lipstick.Reaver (ships) (There are only 2 1 Odin and 1 Thor at the moment.)
-Spec ops ID name changed to Lipstick.Reaver for both.
Reputation Changes: (Allow rep to be changed as needed for bounty hunting. This will change as contracts do and will NOT be abused.)
ID Lines:
- Can attack any ship in pursuit of a contract.
- Can fulfill lawful and unlawful contracts.
- Cannot engage in any other lawful or unlawful actions except as described above.
- Can attack nomads/wild anywhere.
4. Why are these changes necessary?
Anna Heinrich has been contracted by the Reaver Mercenary company to pay off an outstanding bounty on the character of three billion credits in exchange for her livelihood and keeping her notoriety as low as it is currently.
5. Provide possible links to the relevant forum roleplay.
Distortion - This encompasses a lot. Bits of the story from everyone in the Heinrich family. It is still in progress and will continue to be long after this request is made. This encompasses roleplay from the character's breakaway from the RHA as well as memories during the character's time in the RHA.
Islands and Chains Story between a breakaway MND group and Silver Reaver, the contract for 3 billion is put out here.
Reaver comm Silver/Titanium notifies the rest of the Reavers, at this point eventually word breaks out to Heinrich ingame.
Anna -> Reavers Knowing she won't be able to run from the Reavers or anyone else forever, Anna attempts to compromise in return for her livelihood.
Retirement plans. Heinrich is visited by one of the Reavers and is given the chance to make her case.
Anna ->Hemlocke Requesting new weapons to help throw off the pilot's origin once she begins to take on contracts.
This transition might appear dry, it's been difficult to get in touch with relevant players since a lot of them have left. This didn't play out exactly as I had planned for it to sorta go for the same reason. If it seems too much on my part, then so be it. Hopefully, it doesn't come off as too dry, this character is obviously my most popular one, and I think this is a great alternative to letting the character simply exist doing nothing.