"No, no", Elizabeth could not stand the emotionality the whole affair had started exuding. "Trust is secondary." She lied to distance herself from the rising expression of feelings, but there was some truth in the lie. "All of this... this heat, I will have none of that here. It was my fault that I left the drink in plain sight", she dared look Redmond in the eyes. "We are gathered to discuss business. The reason why I prepared such a grandiose reception just for you, field marshal, is that I hope some Coalition military units are still loyal to you. This war will not end well for them and I'd rather have them defect than hurt them. We... well, I at least, I have no care whatsoever about what you are going to do after causing mass defection in the SCRA. Once that is done, you may have your citizenship and your Templar if you wish. But they aren't going to defect after you've joined the imperialists themselves, are they? That is why I need you in Selim's legitimate government. He's already managed to turn some ground units, but I believe some space assets... say, a capital ship, would be very useful for his fleet."
Keller was by no means the most popular man in the Coalition, but he did have a great deal of support among the Cretan constituency and on Jiang-Xi itself. It was the site of his former office, and the people enjoyed a great deal of protection from the commissariat during Keller's tenure as Field Marshal. It was therefore entirely likely that certain elements of the Military still looked to him for direction. "I'll do it." This time there was no hesitation, and though he was not exactly happy with his situation either, he still upheld a certain degree of stoicism and did not showcase that too openly. "The ship I came in is due for proper maintenance. And I think given all that's happened, it also requires a refit and a change of paint. Until that happens I'll fly whatever's provided." He felt reasonably certain that this was something Redmond would be keen to assist with, regardless he'd be able to do little with his craft without professional help.
"It seems we have an accord!" John exclaimed. "My instincts tell me to break open a bottle and celebrate, but I think we will save that for a less tense occasion. As for you Keller, you should report to Captain Anston of the Battlecruiser Repulse, he'll store your Red fighter thing onboard and take you to Sprague, and the aforementioned monument to Dagon a start on our deal. The McDuff is moored at Aland, and a considerable number of its fighter and bomber compliment is in the process of being replaced, in fact much of the Bretonian fleet is sending ships there for assessment or replacement. You'll have at your disposal a large variety of BAF fighter craft, mostly second hand but in fully working order. Aa well as civilian ships of various quantities. Elizabeth may be able to offer some more exotic ships found on Exeter. You can keep your old fighter on Sprague, from where you can source any repairs and refits you need." John, dismissing the chance of alcohol himself, went through the paces fairly briefly "We should have a long relationship, so we can go into more details later. For now, welcome to the Empire."